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Science Grades 1 - 6 (1996)

© Alberta Education, Canada 
 Table of Contents   Program of Studies

This program of studies may contain references to the previous Grade 1 to Grade 3 curriculum. For the new Kindergarten to Grade 3 curriculum, please visit


Children have a natural curiosity about their surroundings-a desire to explore and investigate, see inside things, find out how things work and find answers to their questions. Learning about science provides a framework for students to understand and interpret the world around them.

An elementary science program engages students in a process of inquiry and problem solving in which they develop both knowledge and skills. The purpose of the program is to encourage and stimulate children's learning by nurturing their sense of wonderment, by developing skill and confidence in investigating their surroundings and by building a foundation of experience and understanding upon which later learning can be based.

Elementary and secondary science programs help prepare students for life in a rapidly changing world-a world of expanding knowledge and technology in which new challenges and opportunities continually arise. Tomorrow's citizens will live in a changing environment in which increasingly complex questions and issues will need to be addressed. The decisions and actions of future citizens need to be based on an awareness and understanding of their world and on the ability to ask relevant questions, seek answers, define problems and find solutions.


The science program of studies is built on the following principles.

Children's curiosity provides a natural starting point for learning.

Young children are natural inquirers and problem solvers. They have a keen interest in the materials around them and love naturally into activities that involve manipulation of materials, exploration and discovery. Science in the elementary school years should nurture and extend this curiosity, so that students continue to question, explore and investigate, with increasing levels of insight and skill.

Children's learning builds on what they currently know and can do.

Children's initial concepts of the world influence what they observe and how they interpret the events they experience. They enter school having learned a great deal about their world through play and exploration. They show extensive practical knowledge about materials in their environment, as well as the ability to observe, question, test, construct and create. Science experiences in the elementary years are designed to build on the knowledge that students already have and to extend and sharpen their investigative skills.

As children progress in learning, they add to their knowledge and modify their ideas and ways of viewing the world. Where, in the early years, children view their experiences as personal and immediate; in later years, they become aware of order and continuity in the world extending beyond their personal experience. As they grow in this awareness, they discover new patterns in things-patterns of structure, patterns in the order of events and patterns in the way that materials interact. The science program is designed to assist students in discovering and interpreting these patterns and to help them connect new ideas with their existing knowledge.

Communication is essential for science learning.

Language provides a means for students to develop and explore their ideas and to express what they have learned. By communicating their questions, observations, discoveries, predictions and conclusions, they can refine and consolidate their learning and identify new connections and avenues to explore. As children relate their experiences and ideas to one another, they naturally make new connections that are not fully realized until they are put into words.

Language also plays a role in developing the skills of inquiry and problem solving. The actions of identifying problems, asking questions and proposing ideas requires the use of a particular kind of language. The ability to define problems and ask clear questions is a keystone to growth in this area.

Students learn best when they are challenged and actively involved.

Students learn best when they become personally involved in their learning-not just when they mechanically follow a set of steps or read and hear about things learned and done by others. Active inquiry and problem solving can be stimulated by providing an initial focus and challenge for learning, by engaging students in developing or adapting a plan of action and by involving students in evaluating results. By participating in activities and reflecting on the meaning of what they do, students develop the skills of learning how to learn and achieve depth in their understanding.

Confidence and self-reliance are important outcomes of learning.

Children develop confidence when their ideas and contributions are valued and when there is a supportive climate for learning. By providing opportunities for students to explore ideas and materials, engage in open-ended activities and evaluate their own progress, they can be encouraged to take initiative in learning. When questions and problems are referred back to students and their ideas and decisions are supported, they learn to become more self-reliant. Confidence is achieved as students recognize that the knowledge and skills they have gained enable a measure of independent action.

The personal skills that students develop in school-the ability to make decisions, to plan and to evaluate their own progress-are skills that apply throughout life.

Program Emphasis

Children learn to inquire and solve problems in a variety of contexts. Each subject area within the elementary program provides a rich source of topics for developing questions, problems and issues, that provide starting points for inquiry and problem solving. By engaging in the search for answers, solutions and decisions, students have a purpose for learning and an opportunity to develop concepts and skills within a meaningful context.

The learner expectations for the elementary science program are linked to two main areas of skill emphasis: science inquiry and problem solving through technology. The skills developed in these two areas are related, but have a somewhat different focus. In science inquiry, the focus is on asking questions and finding answers based on evidence. The outcome of inquiry is knowledge. In problem solving through technology, the focus is on practical tasks - finding ways of making and doing things to meet a given need, using available materials. The outcome of problem solving is a product or process that a person can use.

Science Inquiry

Inquiry is the process of finding answers to questions. The skills of science inquiry include asking questions, proposing ideas, observing, experimenting, and interpreting the evidence that is gathered. Observation and evidence are key elements.

An inquiry may be initiated in a variety of ways. It may be based on a question brought to the classroom by a teacher or student; or it may arise out of an activity, an interesting observation, an unexplained event or a pattern that appears worth pursuing. Engagement in inquiry is not a linear process; it can have a variety of starting points, and the steps followed may vary from one inquiry activity to another. When an unexpected observation is made or a procedure does not work, there is opportunity for new ideas to emerge and a new set of procedures to be followed.

Problem Solving through Technology Problem solving refers to a variety of processes used to obtain a desired result. The skills of problem solving include identifying what is needed, proposing ways of solving the problem, trying out ideas and evaluating how things work.

In problem solving, as in inquiry, the process is usually not a linear one. Often, processes that will be needed to solve a problem are not foreseen in advance; and there may be repeated cycles of reflection, developing new ideas and trying new approaches, all within the larger pattern of the activity.

Challenging problems require persistence. An idea may not work at first; but with careful observation, adjustment, reflection and refinement, a solution that is close to the original idea may be found. Student success in inquiry and problem solving is enhanced when students have the opportunity to explore materials in an unstructured way, before starting formal investigations. Progress frequently involves trial and error, in which initial ideas are discarded and new ideas and processes are developed. A supportive climate for trying new ideas can be critically important to the development of student confidence and competence in their investigative skills.

Program Structure

The elementary science program has been designed as a series of five topics for each grade. Each topic may be developed as a separate unit of study or linked to other topics and other subject areas.

The order of topics within a grade may be varied as part of the instructional plan. Some topics lend themselves to development throughout the school year; for example, Seasonal Changes. Others may be developed as discrete units. Each grade includes one topic emphasizing problem solving through technology; and, except for Grade 1, there is a corresponding topic emphasizing science inquiry.

1A. Creating ColourScience Inquiry
B. Seasonal ChangesScience Inquiry
C. Building ThingsProblem Solving through Technology
D. SensesScience Inquiry
E. Needs of Animals and PlantsScience Inquiry
2A. Exploring LiquidsScience Inquiry
B. Buoyancy and BoatsProblem Solving through Technology
C. MagnetismScience Inquiry
D. Hot and Cold TemperatureScience Inquiry
E. Small Crawling and Flying AnimalsScience Inquiry
3A. Rocks and MineralsScience Inquiry
B. Building with a Variety of MaterialsProblem Solving through Technology
C. Testing Materials and DesignsScience Inquiry
D. Hearing and SoundScience Inquiry
E. Animal Life CyclesScience Inquiry
4A. Waste and Our WorldScience Inquiry
B. Wheels and LeversScience Inquiry
C. Building Devices and Vehicles that MoveProblem Solving through Technology
D. Light and ShadowsScience Inquiry
E. Plant Growth and ChangesScience Inquiry
5A. Electricity and MagnetismScience Inquiry
B. Mechanisms Using ElectricityProblem Solving through Technology
C. Classroom ChemistryScience Inquiry
D. Weather WatchScience Inquiry
E. Wetland EcosystemsScience Inquiry
6A. Air and AerodynamicsScience Inquiry
B. FlightProblem Solving through Technology
C. Sky ScienceScience Inquiry
D. Evidence and InvestigationScience Inquiry
E. Trees and ForestsScience Inquiry

For each grade, a set of skill and attitude expectations is identified. Skill expectations are arranged under three headings: Focus, Explore and Investigate, and Reflect and Interpret. This organization of skill expectations reflects a general pattern of skill use within science activities, but is not intended as a fixed instructional sequence. As students proceed through their explorations and investigations, there likely will be many points where they reflect on the progress of the activity and set a new focus.

Grade 4  

These skills apply to the five topics of study identified for Grade 4. The organization of these skills reflects a general pattern of science activity, not a fixed instructional sequence. At Grade 4, students normally will show independence and the ability to work with others in exploratory activities and, with guidance, a beginning level of independence in investigating questions and problems. At this level, students should be able to recognize the purpose of most steps followed in investigating questions and problems.

Science Inquiry: General Learner Expectations

Students will:

4-1 Investigate the nature of things, demonstrating purposeful action that leads to inferences supported by observations.

4-2 Identify patterns and order in objects and events studied; and record observations, using pictures, words and charts, with guidance in the construction of charts; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.

Science Inquiry: Specific Learner Expectations

Students will:


  • ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
  • identify one or more possible answers to questions by stating a prediction or a hypothesis

Explore and Investigate

  • identify, with guidance, ways of finding answers to given questions
  • carry out, with guidance, procedures that comprise a fair test
  • identify materials and how they are used
  • work independently or with others to carry out the identified procedures
  • identify, with guidance, sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-based resources

Reflect and Interpret

  • communicate with group members, showing ability to contribute and receive ideas
  • record observations and measurements accurately, using captioned pictures and charts, with guidance in the construction of charts. Computer resources may be used for record keeping and for display and interpretation of data
  • state an inference, based on observations
  • identify possible applications of what was learned
  • identify new questions that arise from what was learned.
Problem Solving Through Technology: General Learner Expectations

Students will:

4-3 Investigate a practical problem, and develop a possible solution.

Note:The problem will involve building a structure with moving parts, using available materials.

Problem Solving Through Technology: Specific Learner Expectations

Students will:


  • identify the purpose of problem-solving and construction activities: What problem do we need to solve? What needs must be met?
  • Explore and Investigate

    • identify steps followed in completing the task and in testing the product
    • identify materials and how they are used
    • attempt a variety of strategies and modify procedures, as needed (troubleshoot problems)
    • engage in all parts of the task and support the efforts of others
    • identify, with guidance, sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-based resources

    Reflect and Interpret

    • communicate with group members, showing ability to contribute and receive ideas
    • evaluate a product, based on a given set of questions or criteria. The criteria/questions may be provided by the teacher or developed by the students. Example criteria include:
      • effectiveness--Does it work?
      • reliability--Does it work every time?
      • durability--Does it stand up to repeated use?
      • effort--Is it easy to construct? Is it easy to use?
      • safety--Are there any risks of hurting oneself in making it or using it?
      • use of materials--Can it be made cheaply with available materials? Does it use recycled materials, and can the materials be used again?
    • identify possible improvements to the product
    • identify new applications for the design or method of construction.

    These attitudes apply across the five topics of study identified for Grade 4.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    4-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:

    • curiosity
    • confidence in personal ability to explore materials and learn by direct study
    • inventiveness and willingness to consider new ideas
    • perseverance in the search for understandings and for solutions to problems
    • a willingness to base their conclusions and actions on the evidence of their own experiences
    • a willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences
    • appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation
    • a sense of responsibility for personal and group actions
    • respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care.
    Understandings - Topic A: Waste & Our World

    Students learn about wastes produced through natural processes and human technology. In studying natural systems, students learn that all plants, animals and other living things are made up of materials that are recycled through the environment again and again. In studying human consumption and wastes, students identify wastes produced within their community and learn the methods used for disposal. They learn that some waste materials are biodegradable, that some are reusable, and that others are toxic. They learn that personal action in reducing, reusing and recycling materials can help decrease the waste we accumulate.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    4-5 Recognize that human activity can lead to the production of wastes, and identify alternatives for the responsible use and disposal of materials.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Identify plant and animal wastes, and describe how they are recycled in nature. For example, plant leaves serve as a source of food for soil insects, worms and other creatures. The wastes of these animals may then be further broken down by molds, fungi and bacteria.
    2. Identify and classify wastes that result from human activity.
    3. Describe alternative methods of disposal, and identify possible advantages and disadvantages of each.
    4. Distinguish between wastes that are readily biodegradable and those that are not.
    5. Compare different kinds of packaging, and infer the relative advantages and disadvantages of that packaging. In evaluating different forms of packaging, students should demonstrate the ability to consider a consumer perspective as well as an environmental perspective.
    6. Identify methods of waste disposal currently used within the local community.
    7. Identify kinds of wastes that may be toxic to people and to the environment.
    8. Identify alternative materials and processes that may decrease the amount of waste produced; e.g., reducing wastage of food, using both sides of a sheet of paper.
    9. Identify ways in which materials can be reused or recycled, including examples of things that the student has done.
    10. Develop a flow chart for a consumer product that indicates the source materials, final product, its use and method of disposal.
    11. Identify actions that individuals and groups can take to minimize the production of wastes, to recycle or reuse wastes and to ensure the safe handling and disposal of wastes.
    12. Develop and implement a plan to reduce waste, and monitor what happens over a period of time.
    Understandings - Topic B: Wheels & Levers

    Students learn about basic components of simple machines: how they are assembled, how they operate, how they are used. Students explore different techniques that can be used to transfer motion from one component to another, using simple connectors and various levers, gears, pulleys and band driven systems. As they work with these components, they learn the functions that each can perform, including sample applications and ways that they can be used in a larger system. As part of their studies, they examine how these simple machines are used to change the speed or force of movement.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    4-6 Demonstrate a practical understanding of wheels, gears and levers by constructing devices in which energy is transferred to produce motion.
    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Explain how rollers can be used to move an object, and demonstrate the use of rollers in a practical situation.
    2. Compare the wheel and the roller, and identify examples where each are used.
    3. Construct devices that use wheels and axles, and demonstrate and describe their use in:
      • model vehicles
      • pulley systems
      • gear systems.
    4. Construct and explain the operation of a drive system that uses one or more of the following:
      • wheel-to-wheel contact
      • a belt or elastic
      • a chain
      • cogs or gears.
    5. Construct and explain the operation of a drive system that transfers motion from one shaft to a second shaft, where the second shaft is:
      • parallel to the first
      • at a 90° angle to the first.
    6. Students who have achieved this expectation will be aware of changes in speed and direction that result from different ways of linking components. Introduction of gear ratios, however, is not recommended at this grade level. Students will have an opportunity to develop the concept of ratio as part of their junior high mathematics program.

    7. Demonstrate ways to use a lever that:
      • applies a small force to create a large force
      • applies a small movement to create a large movement.
    8. Predict how changes in the size of a lever or the position of the fulcrum will affect the forces and movements involved.
    9. Construct models of levers; and explain how levers are involved in such devices as: teetertotters, scissors, pliers, pry bars, tongs, nutcrackers, fishing rods, wheelbarrows.
    Understandings - Topic C: Building Devices & Vehicles that Move

    Students apply simple techniques and tools in building devices and vehicles that move. In constructing these objects, students apply previous learnings about structures and explore new applications for wheels, rollers, gears, pulleys and a variety of levers and connectors. They learn that different forms of energy can be used to propel their model devices: in some cases, a direct push; in other cases, the stored energy from a compressed spring or falling weight. On completing their projects, students learn to evaluate their work, by describing the effectiveness of the device and the appropriateness of materials used.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    4-7 Construct a mechanical device for a designated purpose, using materials and design suggestions provided. Note: One or more components of the task will be open-ended and require students to determine the specific procedure to be followed.

    4-8 Explore and evaluate variations to the design of a mechanical device, demonstrating that control is an important element in the design and construction of that device.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Design and construct devices and vehicles that move or have moving parts-linkages, wheels and axles.
    2. Use simple forces to power or propel a device; e.g., direct pushes, pulls, cranking mechanisms, moving air, moving water and downhill motion.
    3. Design and construct devices and vehicles that employ energy-storing or energy-consuming components that will cause motion; e.g., elastic bands, springs, gravity, wind, moving water.
    4. Recognize the need for control in mechanical devices, and apply control mechanisms where necessary.
    5. Compare two designs, identifying the relative strengths and weaknesses of each.
    6. Identify steps to be used in constructing a device or vehicle, and work cooperatively with other students to construct the device or vehicle.
    7. Design and construct several different models of a device and evaluate each model, working cooperatively with other students. Suggested evaluation criteria are identified under the Specific Learner Expectations, Reflect and Interpret.
    Understandings - Topic D: Light & Shadows

    Students learn about light by studying the effects of light on things within their environment. They learn about light sources, about materials that light can pass through and about what happens when a material blocks or changes the path of light. By observing shadows and their motions relative to a light source, students discover that light and shadows fall along a predictable path. They discover that mirrors, prisms and a variety of other materials can affect that path by reflecting and refracting light and by splitting light into colours.

    General Learner Expectations
    Students will:

    4-9 Identify sources of light, describe the interaction of light with different materials, and infer the pathway of a light beam.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Recognize that eyes can be damaged by bright lights and that one should not look at the Sun-either directly or with binoculars or telescopes.
    2. Identify a wide range of sources of light, including the Sun, various forms of electric lights, flames, and materials that glow (luminescent materials).
    3. Distinguish objects that emit their own light from those that require an external source of light in order to be seen.
    4. Demonstrate that light travels outward from a source and continues unless blocked by an opaque material.
    5. Describe changes in the size and location of Sun shadows during the day-early morning, to midday, to late afternoon.
    6. Recognize that opaque materials cast shadows, and predict changes in the size and location of shadows resulting from the movement of a light source or from the movement of a shade-casting object.
    7. Distinguish transparent materials from opaque materials by determining if light passes through them and by examining their shadows.
    8. Classify materials as transparent, partly transparent (translucent) or opaque.
    9. Recognize that light can be reflected and that shiny surfaces, such as polished metals and mirrors, are good reflectors. 
    10. Recognize that light can be bent (refracted) and that such objects as aquaria, prisms and lenses can be used to show that light beams can be bent.
    11. Recognize that light can be broken into colours and that different colours of light can be combined to form a new colour.
    12. Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of optical devices, describe how they are used, and describe their general structure. Suggested examples include: hand lens, telescope, microscope, pinhole camera, lightsensitive paper, camera, kaleidoscope. Students meeting this expectation will be able to provide practical descriptions of the operation of such devices, but are not required to provide theoretical explanations of how the devices work. 
    Understandings - Topic E: Plant Growth & Changes

    Students learn about the structure and growth of plants by raising plants in the classroom and by observing plant growth within the community. They learn to recognize and describe different forms of leaves, stems, roots and flowers and learn their functions in supporting the growth and reproduction of the plant. They learn various ways of starting new plants and the plants' requirements for growth. Through hands-on activities, students learn that different plants have different needs, and they gain skills and attitudes for their care.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    4-10 Demonstrate knowledge and skills for the study, interpretation, propagation and enhancement of plant growth.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Describe the importance of plants to humans and their importance to the natural environment. Students who meet this expectation should be able to give examples of plants being used as a source of food or shelter, and be aware of the role plants play in the environment; e.g., preventing erosion, maintaining oxygen.
    2. Identify and describe the general purpose of plant roots, stems, leaves and flowers.
    3. Describe common plants, and classify them on the basis of their characteristics and uses.
    4. Recognize that plant requirements for growth; i.e., air, light energy, water, nutrients and space; vary from plant to plant and that other conditions; e.g., temperature and humidity; may also be important to the growth of particular plants.
    5. Identify examples of plants that have special needs.
    6. Recognize that a variety of plant communities can be found within the local area and that differences in plant communities are related to variations in the amount of light, water and other conditions.
    7. Recognize that plants of the same kind have a common life cycle and produce new plants that are similar, but not identical, to the parent plants.
    8. Describe ways that various flowering plants can be propagated, including from seed, from cuttings, from bulbs and by runners.
    9. Nurture a plant through one complete life cycle-from seed to seed.
    10. Describe the care and growth of a plant that students have nurtured, in particular:
      • identify the light, temperature, water and growing medium requirements of the plant
      • identify the life stages of the plant
      • identify the reproductive structures of the plant.
    11. Describe different ways that seeds are distributed; e.g., by wind, by animals; and recognize seed adaptations for different methods of distribution.

    Grade 5

    These skills apply to the five topics of study identified for Grade 5. The organization of these skills reflects a general pattern of science activity, not a fixed instructional sequence. At Grade 5, students normally will show independence and the ability to work cooperatively in exploratory activities and, with some guidance, the ability to work independently or cooperatively in investigative activities. At this level, students should be able to describe the purpose of most steps followed in investigative activities.

    Science Inquiry: General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-1 Design and carry out an investigation, using procedures that provide a fair test of the question being investigated.

    5-2 Recognize the importance of accuracy in observation and measurement; and, with guidance, apply suitable methods to record, compile, interpret and evaluate observations and measurements.

    Science Inquiry: Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:


    • ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
    • identify one or more possible answers to questions by stating a prediction or a hypothesis

    Explore and Investigate

    • identify one or more ways of finding answers to given questions
    • plan, with guidance, and carry out procedures that comprise a fair test
    • identify variables that need to be held constant to ensure a fair test
    • select appropriate materials and identify how they will be used
    • work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures
    • identify sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-based resources

    Reflect and Interpret

    • communicate with group members to share and evaluate ideas, and assess progress
    • record observations and measurements accurately, using a chart format where appropriate. Computer resources may be used for record keeping and for display and interpretation of data
    • state an inference, based on results. The inference will identify a cause and effect relationship that is supported by observations
    • evaluate how well the procedures worked and identify possible improvements
    • identify possible applications of what was learned
    • identify new questions that arise from what was learned.
    Problem Solving Through Technology: General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-3 Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and develop a possible solution.

    Note:The problem will involve construction of a mechanical device with electrical components.

    Problem Solving Through Technology: Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:


    • identify problems to be solved and the purpose(s) of the problem-solving activity: What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What conditions must be met? What controls are required? How will we know that we have done what we set out to do?

    Explore and Investigate

    • identify one or more possible approaches to solving the problem and plan, with guidance, a set of steps to follow
    • select appropriate materials and identify how they will be used
    • attempt a variety of strategies and modify procedures, as needed (troubleshoot problems)
    • work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures
    • identify sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-based resources

    Reflect and Interpret

    • communicate with group members to share and evaluate ideas, and assess progress
    • evaluate the procedures used to solve the problem and identify possible improvements
    • evaluate a design or product, based on a given set of questions or criteria. The criteria/questions may be provided by the teacher or developed by the students. Example criteria include:
      • effectiveness--Does it work?
      • reliability--Does it work every time?
      • durability--Does it stand up to repeated use?
      • effort--Is it easy to construct? Is it easy to use?
      • safety--Are there any risks of hurting oneself in making it or using it?
      • use of materials--Can it be made cheaply with available materials? Does it use recycled materials, and can the materials be used again?
      • effect on environments
      • benefit to society
    • identify new applications for the design or problem solution.

    These attitudes apply across the five topics of study identified for Grade 5.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:

    • curiosity
    • confidence in personal ability to learn and develop problem-solving skills
    • inventiveness and open-mindedness
    • perseverance in the search for understandings and for solutions to problems
    • flexibility in considering new ideas
    • critical-mindedness in examining evidence and determining what the evidence means
    • a willingness to use evidence as the basis for their conclusions and actions
    • a willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences
    • appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation
    • a sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken
    • respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care.
    Understandings - Topic A: Electricity & Magnetism

    Students learn about electricity by building and testing circuits. Using batteries, bulbs and wires, students construct simple circuits and test the effects of various modifications. Through such tests, they discover that a circuit requires a closed pathway for electricity and that some materials conduct electricity and others do not. They learn that an electric current can affect a nearby magnet and that this property of electricity is used in making electromagnets and motors. Potential dangers are examined, as students learn about the safe use of electricity.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-5 Demonstrate safe methods for the study of magnetism and electricity, identify methods for measurement and control, and apply techniques for evaluating magnetic and electrical properties of materials.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Recognize and appreciate the potential dangers involved in using sources of electrical currents:
      • understand that household electrical currents are potentially dangerous and not a suitable source for experimentation
      • understand that small batteries are a relatively safe source of electricity, for experimentation and study, but that care should be taken to avoid short circuits
      • understand that short circuits may cause wires to heat up, as well as waste the limited amount of energy in batteries.
    2. Describe and demonstrate example activities that show that electricity and magnetism are related:
      • demonstrate that electricity can be used to create magnetism
      • demonstrate that a moving magnet can be used to generate electricity.
    3. Demonstrate and interpret evidence of magnetic fields around magnets and around current-carrying wires, by use of iron filings or by use of one or more compasses.
    4. Demonstrate that a continuous loop of conducting material is needed for an uninterrupted flow of current in a circuit.
    5. Distinguish electrical conductors-materials that allow electricity to flow through them- from insulators-materials that do not allow electricity to flow through them.
    6. Recognize and demonstrate that some materials, including resistors, are partial conductors of electricity.
    7. Predict the effect of placing an electrical resistance in a simple circuit; e.g., in a circuit with a light bulb or electric motor.
    8. Recognize that the amount of electricity we use in our homes is measured in kilowatt hours.
    9. Interpret and explain:
      • the reading on a household electrical meter
      • efficiency labels on electrical appliances.
    10. Draw and interpret, with guidance, circuit diagrams that include symbols for switches, power sources, resistors, lights and motors.
    Understandings - Topic B: Mechanisms Using Electricity

    Students build electrical devices for a variety of purposes, using knowledge gained in the previous topic. Tasks that students are assigned may include such things as making a switch from scrap materials, making a device to control the speed of a motor, making a burglar alarm and lighting three bulbs from one source. Through work on these tasks, students learn the role of various components and control devices that are part of an electrical system. At the same time, they develop skills of problem solving and teamwork.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-6 Construct simple circuits, and apply an understanding of circuits to the construction and control of motorized devices.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Identify example applications of electrical devices in the school and home environment, and classify the kinds of uses. Categories of electrical use may include such things as: heating, lighting, communicating, moving, computing.
    2. Design and construct circuits that operate lights and other electrical devices.
    3. Recognize the importance of switches and other control mechanisms to the design and operation of electrical devices, and identify purposes of switches in particular applications.
    4. Construct and use a variety of switches.
    5. Design and construct vehicles or other devices that use a battery-powered electric motor to produce motion; e.g., model cars, hoists, fans.
    6. Design and construct a burglar alarm.
    7. Demonstrate different ways of lighting two lights from a single power source, and compare the results. Students should recognize that wiring two bulbs in series makes both bulbs glow less brightly than if the bulbs are wired in parallel. Students may demonstrate this knowledge operationally and do not need to use the terms series and parallel.
    8. Demonstrate different ways of using two batteries to light a bulb, and compare the results. Students should recognize that wiring the batteries in series causes the bulb to glow brighter than it would if parallel wiring were used.
    9. Given a design task and appropriate materials, invent and construct an electrical device that meets the task requirements.
    Understandings - Topic C: Classroom Chemistry

    Students learn about the properties and interactions of some safe to handle household liquids and solids. They test a variety of materials to see what happens when things are mixed together: what dissolves, what reacts and what remains unaffected. They discover that when a solid material dissolves, it can be recovered as a crystal by evaporating the liquid. They also learn that when two materials react to form a new material, the original materials cannot be recovered. As an example of a chemical reaction, students learn to produce carbon dioxide gas and show that this gas differs from ordinary air.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-7 Describe the properties and interactions of various household liquids and solids, and interpret their interactions.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Recognize and identify examples of the following kinds of mixtures:
      • two or more solids; e.g., sand and sugar
      • a solid and a liquid; e.g., sugar and water
      • two or more liquids; e.g., milk and tea.
    2. Apply and evaluate a variety of techniques for separating different materials.
    3. Distinguish substances that will dissolve in a liquid from those that will not, and demonstrate a way of recovering a material from solution.
    4. Demonstrate a procedure for making a crystal.
    5. Recognize that the surface of water has distinctive properties, and describe the interaction of water with other liquids and solids.
    6. Produce carbon dioxide gas through the interaction of solids and liquids, and demonstrate that it is different from air.
    7. Distinguish reversible from irreversible changes of materials, and give examples of each.
    8. Recognize and describe evidence of a chemical reaction. Explain how the products of a reaction differ from the original substances.
    9. Use an indicator to identify a solution as being acidic or basic.
    Understandings - Topic D: Weather Watch

    Students learn about weather phenomena and the methods used for weather study. They learn to measure temperatures, wind speed and direction, the amounts of rain and snow, and the amount of cloud cover. In studying causes and patterns of air movements, students learn about the effects of uneven heating and cooling and discover the same patterns of air movement in indoor environments as are found outdoors. They also learn about human actions that can affect weather and climate and study the design and testing of clothing used as protection against the weather.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-8 Observe, describe and interpret weather phenomena; and relate weather to the heating and cooling of Earth's surface.

    5-9 Investigate relationships between weather phenomena and human activity.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Predict where, within a given indoor or outdoor environment, one is likely to find the warmest and coolest temperatures.
    2. Describe patterns of air movement, in indoor and outdoor environments, that result when one area is warm and another area is cool.
    3. Describe and demonstrate methods for measuring wind speed and for finding wind direction.
    4. Describe evidence that air contains moisture and that dew and other forms of precipitation come from moisture in the air.
    5. Describe and measure different forms of precipitation, in particular, rain, hail, sleet, snow.
    6. Measure at least four different kinds of weather phenomena. Either student-constructed or standard instruments may be used.
    7. Record weather over a period of time.
    8. Identify some common types of clouds, and relate them to weather patterns.
    9. Describe the effects of the Sun's energy on daily and seasonal changes in temperature- 24-hour and yearly cycles of change.
    10. Recognize that weather systems are generated because different surfaces on the face of Earth retain and release heat at different rates.
    11. Understand that climate refers to long term weather trends in a particular region and that climate varies throughout the world.
    12. Recognize that human actions can affect climate, and identify human actions that have been linked to the greenhouse effect.
    13. Appreciate how important it is to be able to forecast weather and to have suitable clothing or shelter to endure various types of weather.
    14. Test fabrics and clothing designs to choose those with characteristics that most effectively meet the challenges of particular weather conditions; e.g., water resistance, wind resistance, protection from cold.
    Understandings - Topic E: Wetland Ecosystems

    Students learn about wetland ecosystems by studying life in a local pond, slough, marsh, fen or bog. Through classroom studies, and studies in the field, students learn about organisms that live in, on and around wetlands and about adaptations that suit pond organisms to their environment. Through observation and research, students learn about the interactions among wetland organisms and about the role of each organism as part of a food web. The role of human action in affecting wetland habitats and populations is also studied.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    5-10 Describe the living and nonliving components of a wetland ecosystem and the interactions within and among them.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Recognize and describe one or more examples of wetland ecosystems found in the local area; e.g., pond, slough, marsh, bog, fen.
    2. Understand that a wetland ecosystem involves interactions between living and nonliving things, both in and around the water.
    3. Identify some plants and animals found at a wetland site, both in and around the water; and describe the life cycles of these plants and animals.
    4. Identify and describe adaptations that make certain plants and animals suited for life in a wetland.
    5. Understand and appreciate that all animals and plants, not just the large ones, have an important role in a wetland community.
    6. Identify the roles of different organisms in the food web of a pond:
      • producers-green plants that make their own food, using sunlight
      • consumers-animals that eat living plants and/or animals
      • decomposers-organisms, such as molds, fungi, insects and worms, that reuse and recycle materials that were formerly living.
    7. Draw diagrams of food chains and food webs, and interpret such diagrams.
    8. Recognize that some aquatic animals use oxygen from air and others from water, and identify examples and adaptations of each.
    9. Identify human actions that can threaten the abundance or survival of living things in wetland ecosystems; e.g., adding pollutants, changing the flow of water, trapping or hunting pond wildlife.
    10. Identify individual and group actions that can be taken to preserve and enhance wetland habitats.
    11. Recognize that changes in part of an environment have effects on the whole environment.

    Grade 6

    These skills apply to the five topics of study identified for Grade 6. The organization of these skills reflects a general pattern of science activity, not a fixed instructional sequence. At Grade 6, students normally will show independence and the ability to work cooperatively in exploratory and investigative activities. Limited guidance may be required in defining problems and selecting appropriate variables. At this level, students should be able to describe the purpose of each step followed in investigative activities.

    Science Inquiry: General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-1 Design and carry out an investigation in which variables are identified and controlled, and that provides a fair test of the question being investigated.

    6-2 Recognize the importance of accuracy in observation and measurement; and apply suitable methods to record, compile, interpret and evaluate observations and measurements.

    Science Inquiry: Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:


    • ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
    • identify one or more possible answers to questions by stating a prediction or a hypothesis

    Explore and Investigate

    • identify one or more ways of finding answers to given questions
    • plan and carry out procedures that comprise a fair test
    • identify variables:
      • identify the variable to be manipulated
      • identify variables to be held constant
      • identify the variable that will be observed (responding variable)
    • select appropriate materials and identify how they will be used
    • modify the procedures as needed
    • work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures
    • identify sources of information and ideas and demonstrate skill in accessing them. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computerbased resources

    Reflect and Interpret

    • communicate effectively with group members in sharing and evaluating ideas, and assessing progress
    • record observations and measurements accurately, using a chart format where appropriate. Computer resources may be used for record keeping and for display and interpretation of data
    • evaluate procedures used and identify possible improvements
    • state an inference, based on results. The inference will identify a cause and effect relationship that is supported by observations
    • identify possible applications of what was learned
    • identify new questions that arise from what was learned.
    Problem Solving Through Technology: General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-3 Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and develop a possible solution.

    Note: The problem will involve construction or modification of a device that moves through air.

    Problem Solving Through Technology: Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:


    • identify problems to be solved and the purpose(s) of problem-solving activities: What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What resources can we use? How will we know that we have done what we set out to do? What possible impacts do we need to consider?

    Explore and Investigate

    • identify one or more possible approaches and plan a set of steps for solving the problem
    • select appropriate materials and identify how they will be used
    • attempt a variety of strategies and modify procedures, as needed (troubleshoot problems)
    • work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures
    • identify sources of information and ideas and demonstrate skill in accessing them. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-based resources

    Reflect and Interpret

    • communicate effectively with group members in sharing and evaluating ideas, and assessing progress
    • evaluate procedures used and identify possible improvements
    • evaluate a design or product, based on a given set of questions or criteria. The criteria/questions may be provided by the teacher or developed by the students. Example criteria include:
      • effectiveness--Does it work?
      • reliability--Does it work every time?
      • durability--Does it stand up to repeated use?
      • effort--Is it easy to construct? Is it easy to use?
      • safety--Are there any risks of hurting oneself in making it or using it?
      • use of materials--Can it be made cheaply with available materials? Does it use recycled materials, and can the materials be used again?
      • effect on environments
      • benefit to society
    • identify positive and negative impacts that may arise and potential risks that need to be monitored: What good effects and what bad effects could this solution have? What would we need to look for to be sure that it is working as intended?
    • identify new applications for the design or problem solution.

    These attitudes apply across the five topics of study identified for Grade 6.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:

    • curiosity
    • confidence in personal ability to learn and develop problem-solving skills
    • inventiveness and open-mindedness
    • perseverance in the search for understandings and for solutions to problems
    • flexibility in considering new ideas
    • critical-mindedness in examining evidence and determining what the evidence means
    • a willingness to use evidence as the basis for their conclusions and actions
    • a willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences
    • appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation
    • a sense of personal and shared responsibility for actions taken
    • respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care.
    Understandings - Topic A: Air & Aerodynamics

    Students explore the characteristics of air and the interaction between moving air and solids. They learn that air is a compressible fluid, that it is composed of many gases, and that moving air can support solid materials in sustained flight. By studying birds and airplanes, they learn a variety of adaptations and designs that make flight possible and that provide for propulsion and control.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-5 Describe properties of air and the interactions of air with objects in flight.  

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Provide evidence that air takes up space and exerts pressure, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications. 
    2. Provide evidence that air is a fluid and is capable of being compressed, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications.
    3. Describe and demonstrate instances in which air movement across a surface results in lift- Bernoulli's principle. 
    4. Recognize that in order for devices or living things to fly, they must have sufficient lift to overcome the downward force of gravity. 
    5. Identify adaptations that enable birds and insects to fly. 
    6. Describe the means of propulsion for flying animals and for aircraft. 
    7. Recognize that streamlining reduces drag, and predict the effects of specific design changes on the drag of a model aircraft or aircraft components. 
    8. Recognize that air is composed of different gases, and identify evidence for different gases. Example evidence might include: effects on flames, the "using up" of a particular gas by burning or rusting, animal needs for air exchange.  
    Understandings - Topic B: Flight

    Students apply their knowledge of aerodynamics to design, build and test a variety of flying devices. In constructing models, students develop a basic design, then build it, test it, and solve the problems that inevitably arise. Through teamwork they learn that planning, communication, cooperation and flexibility are important to the overall result, even though parts of a task can be worked on individually. In the process, students learn about the parts of an aircraft, their role in controlled flight and the differences between aircraft and spacecraft.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-6 Construct devices that move through air, and identify adaptations for controlling flight.  

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Conduct tests of a model parachute design, and identify design changes to improve the effectiveness of the design.
    2. Describe the design of a hot-air balloon and the principles by which its rising and falling are controlled. 
    3. Conduct tests of glider designs; and modify a design so that a glider will go further, stay up longer or fly in a desired way; e.g., fly in a loop, turn to the right. 
    4. Recognize the importance of stability and control to aircraft flight; and design, construct and test control surfaces. 
    5. Apply appropriate vocabulary in referring to control surfaces and major components of an aircraft. This vocabulary should include: wing, fuselage, vertical and horizontal stabilizers, elevators, ailerons, rudder. 
    6. Construct and test propellers and other devices for propelling a model aircraft.
    7. Describe differences in design between aircraft and spacecraft, and identify reasons for the design differences.

    Note: Model aircraft or rockets may be constructed and used as part of this topic. It is recommended that these models be simple devices of the student's construction, not prefabricated models. Propulsion of rockets by chemical fuels is neither required nor recommended, due to safety considerations.

    Understandings - Topic C: Sky Science

    Students learn about objects in the day and night sky. Through direct observation and research, students learn about the motions and characteristics of stars, moons and planets. Using simple materials, such as balls and beads, students create models and diagrams which they use to explore the relative position and motion of objects in space. As a result of these studies, students move from a simple view of land and sky, to one that recognizes Earth as a sphere in motion within a larger universe. With new understanding, students revisit the topics of seasonal cycles, phases of the Moon and the apparent motion of stars.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-7 Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and order in these movements.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they are seen and that most other bodies in space, including Earth's Moon, planets and their moons, comets, and asteroids, are seen by reflected light.
    2. Describe the location and movement of individual stars and groups of stars (constellations) as they move through the night sky.
    3. Recognize that the apparent movement of objects in the night sky is regular and predictable, and explain how this apparent movement is related to Earth's rotation.
    4. Understand that the Sun should never be viewed directly, nor by use of simple telescopes or filters, and that safe viewing requires appropriate methods and safety precautions.
    5. Construct and use a device for plotting the apparent movement of the Sun over the course of a day; e.g., construct and use a sundial or shadow stick.
    6. Describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and in the angle of the Sun above the horizon.
    7. Recognize that the Moon's phases are regular and predictable, and describe the cycle of its phases.
    8. Illustrate the phases of the Moon in drawings and by using improvised models. An improvised model might involve such things as a table lamp and a sponge ball.
    9. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences.
    10. Recognize that not only Earth, but other planets, have moons; and identify examples of similarities and differences in the characteristics of those moons.
    11. Identify technologies and procedures by which knowledge, about planets and other objects in the night sky, has been gathered.
    12. Understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that occupies only a tiny part of the known universe.
    Understandings - Topic D: Evidence & Investigation

    Students sharpen their skills in observing and interpreting what they see by investigating evidence of human and animal activity. They explore and analyze indoor and outdoor environments as they look for footprints, markings, evidence of disturbance and things that are left behind. Through these studies, students learn to pose questions, devise investigations, recognize patterns and discrepancies, and think logically about what they have observed.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-8 Apply observation and inference skills to recognize and interpret patterns and to distinguish a specific pattern from a group of similar patterns.  

    6-9 Apply knowledge of the properties and interactions of materials to the investigation and identification of a material sample.  

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Recognize evidence of recent human activity, and recognize evidence of animal activity in a natural outdoor setting.
    2. Observe a set of footprints, and infer the direction and speed of travel.
    3. Recognize that evidence found at the scene of an activity may have unique characteristics that allow an investigator to make inferences about the participants and the nature of the activity, and give examples of how specific evidence may be used.
    4. Investigate evidence and link it to a possible source; e.g., by:
      • classifying footprints, tire prints and soil samples from a variety of locations
      • analyzing the ink from different pens, using paper chromatography
      • analyzing handwriting samples to identify the handwriting of a specific person
      • comparing samples of fabric
      • classifying fingerprints collected from a variety of surfaces.
    Understandings - Topic E: Trees & Forests

    Students learn about trees as individual plants and as part of a forest ecosystem. By examining local species, they learn to recognize the characteristics of different trees and develop skill in describing and interpreting the structural features of trees. As part of their studies, students learn about a broad range of living things found on, under and around trees and study the complex interaction between trees and the larger environment. In examining human use of forests, they become aware of a broad range of environmental issues and develop an awareness of the need for responsible use.

    General Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    6-10 Describe characteristics of trees and the interaction of trees with other living things in the local environment.

    Specific Learner Expectations

    Students will:

    1. Identify reasons why trees and forests are valued. Students meeting this expectation should be aware that forests serve as habitat for a variety of living things and are important to human needs for recreation, for raw materials and for a life-supporting environment.
    2. Describe kinds of plants and animals found living on, under and among trees; and identify how trees affect and are affected by those living things.
    3. Describe the role of trees in nutrient cycles and in the production of oxygen.
    4. Identify general characteristics that distinguish trees from other plants, and characteristics that distinguish deciduous from coniferous trees.
    5. Identify characteristics of at least four trees found in the local environment. Students should be familiar with at least two deciduous trees and two coniferous trees. Examples should include native species, such as spruce, birch, poplar, and pine and cultivated species, such as elm and crab apple.
    6. Describe and classify leaf shapes, leaf arrangements, branching patterns and the overall form of a tree.
    7. Interpret the growth pattern of a young tree, distinguishing this year's growth from that of the previous year and from the year before that. Students meeting this expectation should recognize differences in colouration and texture of new growth and old growth, and locate scars that separate old and new growth.
    8. Identify human uses of forests, and compare modern and historical patterns of use.
    9. Identify human actions that enhance or threaten the existence of forests.
    10. Identify an issue regarding forest use, identify different perspectives on that issue, and identify actions that might be taken.

    Resources to support: