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Ukrainian Language & Culture (6-Year Program) Grade 7 - 12 (2005)

© Alberta Education, Canada 
 Table of Contents   Program of Studies
Rationale & Philosophy 

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There is 1 Student Resource related to the entire Program of Studies
This program of studies is intended for students who are beginning their study of Ukrainian language and culture in Grade 7. The Ukrainian Language and Culture Six-year (6Y) Program, Grades 7-8-9, constitutes the first three years of the six-year program while 10-6Y, 20-6Y, 30-6Y constitute the last three years.


The study of Ukrainian develops awareness of and sensitivity to cultural and linguistic diversity. Learning Ukrainian helps to preserve the cultural identity of those who have a family connection to Ukraine, including one million Canadians and 286 000 Albertans. At the same time, learning a second language enriches the identity of all Canadians. It is the best means of fostering understanding and solidarity among peoples and countries. Finally, it provides the opportunity to identify, question and challenge one’s own cultural assumptions, values and perspectives and to contribute positively to society.

A Means of Communication

Ukrainian is spoken by more than 50 million people living in Ukraine, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Western Europe. As well, Ukrainian is closely related to other Slavic languages. Since there are almost 300 million people in the world who speak a Slavic language, Ukrainian can enable communication in many parts of the world. Speakers of Ukrainian can make themselves understood in many countries in Europe and can understand the languages of many Eastern European countries, in particular, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. Students should, therefore, be given the opportunity and encouragement to acquire Ukrainian as an additional language.

Personal and Cognitive Benefits

There is significant evidence to suggest that learning another language contributes to the development of first language skills and enhances cognitive functioning. Learning a second language increases the ability to conceptualize, to think abstractly, and it fosters more cognitive flexibility, greater divergent thinking, creativity and metalinguistic competence.

First Language Skills and Cultural Connections

For those students who already have some knowledge of the Ukrainian language or a family connection to the culture, the study of Ukrainian offers an opportunity to renew contact with their language, culture and heritage. Some students may have acquired Ukrainian as their first language, but live in a community where few other people speak it. For these students, the study of Ukrainian helps them to maintain and further develop literacy in their first language.

Economic Benefits

In today’s world, the knowledge of a second language and culture in general, and Ukrainian in particular, provides individuals with an economic advantage. Learning another language enables them to communicate and interact effectively in the global marketplace and workplace.


The following statements are assumptions that have guided the development of this program of studies.

  • Language is communication.
  • All students can be successful learners of language and culture, although they will learn in a variety of ways and acquire proficiency at varied rates.
  • All languages can be taught and learned.
  • Learning Ukrainian as a second or additional language leads to enhanced learning in both the student’s primary language and in related areas of cognitive development and knowledge acquisition. This is true for students who come to the class with some background knowledge of Ukrainian and further develop literacy skills in the language. It is also true for students who have no cultural or linguistic background in Ukrainian and are studying Ukrainian as a second or additional language.
The Conceptual Model

The aim of this program of studies is the development of communicative competence in Ukrainian.

Four Components

For the purposes of this program of studies, communicative competence is represented by four interrelated and interdependent components.

Applications deal with what the students will be able to do with the language, the functions they will be able to perform and the contexts in which they will be able to operate.

Language Competence addresses the students’ knowledge of the language and their ability to use that knowledge to interpret and produce meaningful texts appropriate to the situations in which they are used.

Global Citizenship aims to develop intercultural competence, with a particular focus on cultures associated with Ukrainian.

Strategies help students learn and communicate more effectively and more efficiently.

Each of these components is described more fully in the corresponding section of this program of studies.

Modes of Communication

Because of the focus on using language to communicate in specific contexts, with a particular purpose or task in mind, three modes of communication are used to organize some of the specific outcomes.

Interaction is most often direct, face-to-face oral communication, but it can take the form of written communication between individuals, using such a medium as e-mail where the exchange of information is fairly immediate. It is characterized principally by the opportunity to negotiate meaning actively; that is, helping others understand and working to understand others. Interactive communication generally requires quicker processing but less accuracy than the other two modes.

Interpretation is receptive communication of oral and written messages in contexts where the listener or reader is not in direct contact with the creator of the message. While there is no opportunity to ask for clarification, there is sometimes the possibility of rereading or listening again, consulting references, or making the meaning clearer in other ways. Reading and listening will sometimes involve viewing and interpreting visual elements, such as illustrations in books or moving images in television and film. Interpretation goes beyond a literal comprehension to include an understanding of some of the unspoken or unwritten meaning intended by the speaker or author.

Production is communication of oral and written messages in contexts where the audience is not in personal contact with the speaker or writer, or in situations of one-to-many communication; e.g., a lecture or a performance where there is no opportunity for the listener to interact with the speaker. Oral and written presentations will sometimes be enhanced by representing the meaning visually, using pictures, diagrams, models, drama techniques or other nonverbal forms of communication. Greater knowledge of the language and culture is required to ensure that communication is successful, since the participants cannot directly negotiate meaning.

Lexical Fields

Students’ language learning should focus on meaningful, functional learning activities that are structured around topics based on students’ experiences and interests.

The following lexical fields are included in this program of studies. The linguistic elements that are needed to allow learners to communicate about these topics are specified in the Language Competence component under the cluster heading “attend to form.”

Grades 7–8–9
(Six-year Program)
Ukrainian Language & Culture
10-6Y, 20-6Y, 30-6Y
  • school
  • family and friends
  • weather
  • home
  • community
  • clothing and fashions
  • food
  • holidays/celebrations/traditions
  • leisure activities and entertainment
  • shopping and consumerism
  • vacation
  • occupations
  • body/health
  • geography
  • any other lexical fields that meet the needs and interests of the students
  • entertainment
  • social life
  • media
  • travel
  • consumerism
  • literature
  • environment
  • historical elements
  • current issues, events and political situations
  • any other lexical fields that meet the needs and interests of the students

A Spiral Progression

Language learning is integrative, not merely cumulative. Each new element that is added must be integrated into the whole of what has gone before. The model that best represents the students’ language learning progress is an expanding spiral. Their progression is not only vertical (e.g., increased proficiency), but also horizontal (e.g., broader range of applications and experience with more vocabulary, text forms, contexts and so on). The spiral also represents how language learning activities are best structured. Particular lexical fields, learning strategies or language functions, for example, are revisited at different points in the program, but from a different perspective, in broader contexts or at a slightly higher level of proficiency each time. Learning is reinforced, extended and broadened with each successive pass.

Organization of the Program of Studies
General Outcomes

General outcomes are broad statements identifying the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students are expected to achieve in the course of their language learning experience. The four general outcomes serve as the foundation for this program of studies and are based on the conceptual model outlined above.

Applications [A]

  • Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

Language Competence [LC]

  • Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

Global Citizenship [GC]

  • Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

Strategies [S]

  • Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

The order in which the general outcomes are presented in the program of studies does not represent a sequential order, nor does it indicate the relative importance of each component. The general outcomes are to be implemented in an integrated manner.


Specific Outcomes

Each general outcome is further broken down into specific outcomes that students are to achieve by the end of each grade/course.

The specific outcomes are categorized under cluster headings, which show the scope of each of the four general outcomes. These headings are shown in the Overview section above.

The specific outcomes within each cluster are further categorized by strands, which show the developmental flow of learning from the beginning to the end of the program. However, an outcome for a particular grade/course will not be dealt with only in that particular year of the program. The spiral progression that is part of the conceptual model means that activities in the years preceding will prepare the ground for acquisition and in the years following will broaden applications.

The specific outcomes are interrelated and interdependent. In most classroom activities, a number of learning outcomes will be dealt with in an integrated manner.

Applications Overview

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.
A-1 to receive and impart informationA-1.1 share factual information
A-2 to express emotions and personal perspectivesA-2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
A-2.2 share emotions, feelings
A-3 to get things doneA-3.1 guide actions of others
A-3.2 state personal actions
A-3.3 manage group actions
A-4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationshipsA-4.1 manage personal relationships
A-5 to extend their knowledge of the worldA-5.1 discover and explore
A-5.2 gather and organize information
A-5.3 solve problems
A-5.4 explore opinions and values
A-6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoymentA-6.1 humour/fun
A-6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
A-6.3 personal enjoyment

The specific outcomes under the heading Applications deal with what the students will be able to do with with the Ukrainian language; that is, the functions they will be able to perform and the contexts in which they will be able to operate.

The functions are grouped under six cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are one or more strands that show the developmental flow of learning from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a specific language function; e.g., share factual information. Students at any grade/course level will be able to share factual information. Beginning learners will do this in very simple ways. As students gain more knowledge and experience, they will broaden the range of subjects they can deal with, they will learn to share information in writing as well as orally, and they will be able to handle formal and informal situations.

Different models of communicative competence have organized language functions in a variety of ways. The organizational structure chosen here reflects the needs and interests of students in a classroom where activities are focused on meaning and are interactive. For example, the strand entitled “manage group actions” has been included to ensure that students acquire the Ukrainian language skills necessary to function independently in small groups, since this is an effective way of organizing second language classrooms. The strands under the cluster heading “to extend their knowledge of the world” will accommodate a content-based approach to language learning where students learn content from another subject area as they learn the Ukrainian language.

The level of linguistic, sociolinguistic and discourse competence that students will exhibit when carrying out the functions is defined in the specific outcomes for Language Competence for each course. To know how well students will be able to perform the specific function, the Applications outcomes must be read in conjunction with the Language Competence outcomes.

Language Competence Overview

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.
LC-1 attend to formLC-1.1 phonology
LC-1.2 orthography
LC-1.3 lexicon
LC-1.4 grammatical elements
LC-2 interpret and produce textsLC-2.1 aural interpretation
LC-2.2 written interpretation
LC-2.3 visual interpretation
LC-2.4 oral production
LC-2.5 interactive fluency
LC-2.6 written production
LC-2.7 representation
LC-3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural contextLC-3.1 register
LC-3.2 idiomatic expressions
LC-3.3 variations in language
LC-3.4 social conventions
LC-3.5 nonverbal communication
LC-4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequencedLC-4.1 cohesion/coherence
LC-4.2 text forms
LC-4.3 patterns of social interaction

Language competence is a broad term that includes linguistic or grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic or sociocultural competence, and what might be called textual competence. The specific outcomes under Language Competence deal with knowledge of the Ukrainian language and the ability to use that knowledge to interpret and produce meaningful texts appropriate to the situations in which they are used. Language competence is best developed in the context of activities or tasks where the language is used for real purposes; in other words, in practical applications.

The various components of language competence are grouped under four cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are several strands which show the developmental flow of learning from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a single aspect of language competence. For example, under the cluster heading “attend to form,” there is a strand for phonology (pronunciation, stress, intonation), orthography (spelling, mechanical features), lexicon (vocabulary words and phrases) and grammatical elements (syntax and morphology).

Although the outcomes isolate these individual aspects, language competence should be developed through classroom activities that focus on meaningful uses of the Ukrainian language and on language in context. Tasks will be chosen based on the needs, interests and experiences of students. The vocabulary, grammar structures, text forms and social conventions necessary to carry out a task will be taught, practised and assessed as students are involved in various aspects of the task itself, not in isolation.

Strategic competence is often closely associated with language competence, since students need to learn ways to compensate for low proficiency in the early stages of learning if they are to engage in authentic language use from the beginning. This component is included in the language use strategies in the Strategies section.

Global Citizenship Overview

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.
GC-1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian cultureGC-1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
GC-1.2 applying cultural knowledge
GC-1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
GC-1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
GC-2 affirming and valuing diversityGC-2.1 awareness of first language
GC-2.2 general language knowledge
GC-2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
GC-2.4 general cultural knowledge
GC-2.5 intercultural skills
GC-3 personal and career opportunitiesGC-3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
GC-3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment

The learning outcomes for Global Citizenship deal with the development of intercultural competence, encompassing some of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students need to be effective global citizens. The concept of global citizenship encompasses citizenship at all levels, from the local school and community to Canada and the world.

The various components of global citizenship are grouped under three cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are several strands which show the developmental flow of learning from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a single aspect of intercultural competence. For example, under the cluster heading “historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture,” there are strands for accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture, applying cultural knowledge, diversity within Ukrainian culture and valuing Ukrainian culture. Elements of the culture may include a variety of topics; e.g., great figures, periods of history, immigration, historical events, current events, celebrations, fine arts, pop culture, lifestyles.

Developing cultural knowledge and skills is a lifelong process. Knowledge of one’s own culture is acquired over a lifetime. Cultures change over time. Within any national group, there may be a dominant culture or cultures and a number of additional cultures. Rather than simply developing a bank of knowledge about the culture, it is more important for students to develop skills in accessing and understanding information about culture and in applying that knowledge for the purposes of interaction and communication. Students will gain cultural knowledge in the process of developing these skills. In this way, if they encounter elements of the culture they have not learned about in class, they will have the skills and abilities to deal with them effectively and appropriately.

The “affirming and valuing diversity” heading covers knowledge, skills and attitudes that are developed as a result of bringing other languages and cultures into relationship with one’s own. There is a natural tendency, when learning a new language and culture, to compare it with what is familiar. Many students leave a second language learning experience with a heightened awareness and knowledge of their own language and culture. They will also be able to make some generalizations about languages and cultures based on their experiences and those of their classmates, who may have a variety of cultural backgrounds. This will provide students with an understanding of diversity within both a global and a Canadian context.

Strategies Overview

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.
S-1 language learningS-1.1 cognitive
S-1.2 metacognitive
S-1.3 social/affective
S-2 language useS-2.1 interactive
S-2.2 interpretive
S-2.3 productive
S-3 general learningS-3.1 cognitive
S-3.2 metacognitive
S-3.3 social/affective

Under the Strategies heading are specific outcomes that will help students learn and communicate more effectively. Strategic competence has long been recognized as an important component of communicative competence. The learning outcomes that follow deal not only with compensation and repair strategies important in the early stages of language learning when proficiency is low, but with strategies for language learning, language use in a broader sense, as well as general learning strategies that help students acquire content. Although people may use strategies unconsciously, the learning outcomes deal only with the conscious use of strategies.

The strategies are grouped under three cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are several strands that show the development of awareness and skill in using strategies from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a specific category of strategies. Language learning and general learning strategies are categorized as cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective. The language use strategies are organized by communicative mode: interactive, interpretive, productive.

The strategies that students choose depend on the task they are engaged in as well as on other factors, such as their preferred learning style, personality, age, attitude and cultural background. Strategies that work well for one person may not be effective for another person, or may not be suitable in a different situation. For this reason it is not particularly useful to say that students should be aware of, or be able to use, a specific strategy in a particular course. Consequently, the specific outcomes describe the students’ knowledge of and ability to use general types of strategies. More specific strategies for each general category or type are included in the sample list of strategies below. The specific strategies provided in the sample list are not prescriptive but are provided as an illustration of how the general strategies in the specific outcomes might be developed.

Teachers need to know and be able to demonstrate a broad range of strategies from which students are then able to choose in order to communicate effectively. Strategies of all kinds are best taught in the context of learning activities where students can apply them immediately and then reflect on their use.

Language Learning Strategies


  • listen attentively
  • perform actions to match the words of a song, story or rhyme
  • learn short rhymes or songs, incorporating new vocabulary or sentence patterns
  • imitate sounds and intonation patterns
  • memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud
  • seek the precise term to express meaning
  • repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • make personal dictionaries
  • experiment with various elements of the language
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • group together sets of things—vocabulary, structures—with similar characteristics
  • identify similarities and differences between aspects of Ukrainian and own language
  • look for patterns and relationships
  • use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • associate new words or expressions with familiar ones, either in Ukrainian or in own language
  • find information, using reference materials such as dictionaries, textbooks and grammars
  • use available technological aids to support language learning; e.g., cassette recorders, computers
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • place new words or expressions in a context to make them easier to remember
  • use induction to generate rules governing language use
  • seek opportunities outside of class to practise and observe
  • perceive and note down unknown words and expressions, noting also their context and function


  • check copied writing for accuracy
  • make choices about how to learn
  • rehearse or role-play language
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • reflect on the listening, speaking, reading and writing process
  • decide in advance to attend to specific aspects of input
  • listen or read for key words
  • evaluate own performance or comprehension at the end of a task
  • keep a learning log
  • experience various methods of language acquisition, and identify one or more considered to be particularly useful personally
  • be aware of the potential of learning through direct exposure to the language
  • know how strategies may enable coping with texts containing unknown elements
  • identify problems that might hinder successful completion of a task, and seek solutions
  • monitor own speech and writing to check for persistent errors
  • be aware of own strengths and weaknesses, identify own needs and goals, and organize strategies and procedures accordingly


  • initiate or maintain interaction with others
  • participate in shared reading experiences
  • seek the assistance of a friend to interpret a text
  • reread familiar self-chosen texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • work cooperatively with peers in small groups
  • understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning
  • experiment with various forms of expression, and note their acceptance or nonacceptance by more experienced speakers
  • participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • repeat new words and expressions occurring in own conversations, and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate
  • reduce anxiety by using mental techniques, such as positive self-talk or humour
  • work with others to solve problems and get feedback on tasks
  • provide personal motivation by arranging own rewards when successful
Language Use Strategies


  • use words from own first language to get meaning across; e.g., use a literal translation of a phrase in the first language, use a first language word but pronounce it as in Ukrainian
  • acknowledge being spoken to
  • interpret and use a variety of nonverbal clues to communicate; e.g., mime, pointing, gestures, drawing pictures
  • indicate lack of understanding verbally (e.g., Вибaчтe., Пepeпpoшyю., Я нe зpoзyмів.) or nonverbally (e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look)
  • ask for clarification or repetition when something is not understood; e.g., Пpoшy пoвтopiть., Щo ви скaзaли?
  • use other speakers' words in subsequent conversations
  • assess feedback from a conversation partner to recognize when a message has not been understood; e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look
  • start again, using a different tactic, when communication breaks down; e.g., Я хoтiв cкaзaти, щo…
  • use a known generic word in place of an unknown specific one, and invite correction; e.g., pибa for лococь
  • invite others into the discussion
  • ask for confirmation of correct language usage; e.g., Чи тaк мoжнa cкaзaти?, Чи цe пpaвильнo?, Чи тaк гoвopять?
  • use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations; e.g., скaжiм, отжe, і тaк, от, знaчить
  • use circumlocution and definition to compensate for lack of vocabulary; e.g., нa тe, щo вiшaють oдяг for вiшaк
  • repeat part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding; e.g., Тaк щo, нa вaшy дyмкy…, I тaк, на вaш погляд…, Ви кaжeтe, щo…, Тaк, як я poзyмiю…
  • summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk; e.g., отже, одним словом
  • ask follow-up questions to check for understanding; e.g., Чи цe зpoзyмiлo?
  • use suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion; e.g., Гoвopячи пpo…, Щoдo (чoгo), тo…, Нa paxyнoк (чoгo),…
  • self-correct if errors lead to misunderstandings; e.g., Я хoтiлa cкaзaти, щo…, Я нaмaгaлacя cкaзaти, щo…, Я мaлa нa yвaзi тe, щo…


  • use gestures, intonation and visual supports to aid comprehension
  • make connections between texts on the one hand, and prior knowledge and personal experience on the other
  • use illustrations to aid reading comprehension
  • determine the purpose of listening
  • listen or look for key words
  • listen selectively based on purpose
  • make predictions about what will be heard or read based on prior knowledge and personal experience
  • use knowledge of the sound–symbol system to aid reading comprehension
  • infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • prepare questions or a guide to note down information found in a text
  • use key content words or discourse markers to follow an extended text
  • reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • summarize information gathered
  • assess own information needs before listening, viewing or reading
  • use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts


  • mimic what the speaker says
  • use nonverbal means to communicate
  • copy what others say or write
  • use words visible in the immediate environment
  • use resources to increase vocabulary
  • use familiar repetitive patterns from stories, songs, rhymes or media
  • use illustrations to provide detail when producing own texts
  • use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming or keeping a notebook or log of ideas
  • use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences
  • be aware of and use the steps of the writing process: prewriting (gathering ideas, planning the text, research, organizing the text), writing, revision (rereading, moving pieces of text, rewriting pieces of text), correction (grammar, spelling, punctuation), publication (reprinting, adding illustrations, binding)
  • use a variety of resources to correct texts; e.g., personal and commercial dictionaries, checklists, grammars
  • take notes when reading or listening to assist in producing own text
  • revise and correct final version of text
  • use circumlocution and definition to compensate for gaps in vocabulary
  • apply grammar rules to improve accuracy at the correction stage
  • compensate for avoiding difficult structures by rephrasing
General Learning Strategies


  • classify objects and ideas according to their attributes; e.g., red objects and blue objects, or animals that eat meat and animals that eat plants
  • use models
  • connect what is already known with what is being learned
  • experiment with and concentrate on one thing at a time
  • focus on and complete learning tasks
  • record key words and concepts in abbreviated form—verbal, graphic or numerical—to assist with performance of a learning task
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • distinguish between fact and opinion when using a variety of sources of information
  • formulate key questions to guide research
  • make inferences, and identify and justify the evidence on which these inferences are based
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • seek information through a network of sources, including libraries, the Internet, individuals and agencies
  • use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task


  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • choose from among learning options
  • discover how own efforts can affect learning
  • reflect upon own thinking processes and individual learning style
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • divide an overall learning task into a number of subtasks
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • identify own needs and interests
  • manage own physical working environment
  • keep a learning journal, such as a diary or a log
  • develop criteria for evaluating own work
  • work with others to monitor own learning
  • take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating own learning experiences


  • watch others’ actions and copy them
  • seek help from others
  • follow own natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn
  • participate in cooperative group learning tasks
  • choose learning activities that enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • be encouraged to try, even though mistakes might be made
  • take part in group decision-making processes
  • use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks; e.g., offer encouragement, praise, ideas
  • take part in group problem-solving processes
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • monitor own level of anxiety about learning tasks, and take measures to lower it if necessary; e.g., deep breathing, laughter
  • use social interaction skills to enhance group learning activities
Grade 7
Applications (Gr. 7)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. understand and respond to simple structured questions
  • b. identify people, places and things
  • c. ask for and provide basic information; e.g., own name
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. express simple preferences; e.g., мені подобається, я люблю
  • b. express a personal response; e.g., respond to a song or story
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. express emotions and feelings; e.g., мені весело, я щаслива
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. indicate basic needs and wants
  • b. give and respond to simple instructions
  • c. make simple requests
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. state simple personal actions
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. manage turn taking
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. exchange greetings and farewells
  • b. address a new acquaintance, and introduce themselves
  • c. exchange some basic personal information
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. ask simple questions
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. gather simple information
  • b. organize items in different ways
  • A–5.3 solve problems
  • a. experience problem-solving situations in the classroom; e.g., in stories
  • A–5.4 explore opinions and values
  • a. listen attentively to expressed opinions
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use Ukrainian for fun; e.g., learn simple riddles, jingles, humorous songs
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. engage in creative language activities; e.g., concrete poetry, tongue twisters
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. identify language activities for personal enjoyment
Language Competence (Gr. 7)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

LC–1 attend to form
  • LC–1.1 phonology
  • a. distinguish particular sounds of Ukrainian
  • b. pronounce some common words and phrases comprehensibly
  • LC–1.2 orthography
  • a. recognize and name the letters of the alphabet
  • b. recognize basic capitalization and punctuation rules
  • c. reproduce short text in cursive writing
  • LC–1.3 lexicon
  • a. understand and use a repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in familiar contexts within a variety of lexical fields, including: school; family and friends; weather; home; community; clothing and fashions; food; holidays/celebrations/traditions; leisure activities and entertainment; shopping and consumerism; vacation; occupations; body/health; geography; any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–1.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • vocative; e.g., мамо, Лесю, Степане, тату
      • accusative singular; e.g., зошит, мітлу, авто
      • genitive following negation; e.g., зошита, мітли, авта
      • locative singular; e.g., на зошиті, мітлі, авті
    • Pronouns
      • possessive; e.g., мій, твій
      • demonstrative; e.g., той, цей, та, ця
      • interrogative nominative singular; e.g., який?, яка?, хто?, що?, чий?, чия?
    • Adjectives
      • accusative singular inanimate; e.g., новий зошит, нову мітлу, нове авто
    • Verbs
      • present of regular verbs; e.g., я читаю, ти пишеш
      • imperative; e.g., читай, читаймо, читайте
    • Adverbs
      • of quality; e.g., добре, погано, цікаво, швидко, весело
    • Expressions
      • calendar; e.g., сьогодні понеділок, третє березня дві тисячі першого року
      • appeal; e.g., мені подобається, мені смакує, я люблю
      • interrogative; e.g., де, коли, чому

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • nominative singular and plural of all genders; e.g., зошит/-и, мітла/-и, авто/-а
    • Pronouns
      • personal nominative; e.g., я, ти, вони
    • Adjectives
      • noun/adjective agreement; e.g., новий зошит, нова мітла, нове авто
    • Verbs
      • infinitive; e.g., читати, писати
    • Adverbs
      • expressions of weather; e.g., холодно, тепло
    • Conjunctions
      • coordinate; e.g., і, але, а, бо, та

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Numerals
      • cardinals 1–20

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–2 interpret and produce texts
  • LC–2.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand simple spoken sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.2 written interpretation
  • a. understand simple written sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 visual interpretation
  • a. derive meaning from visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 oral production
  • a. produce meaningful words, phrases and short, simple sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.5 interactive fluency
  • a. interact using simple words and phrases in modelled situations
  • LC–2.6 written production
  • a. produce written words and phrases in guided situations
  • LC–2.7 representation
  • a. use a variety of visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication to express meaning in guided situations
LC–3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–3.1 register
  • a. distinguish between formal and informal situations; e.g., expressing respect for elders
  • LC–3.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. understand some simple idiomatic expressions; e.g., швидкий як вiтeр, ллє як з вiдpa
  • LC–3.3 variations in language
  • a. experience a variety of voices
  • LC–3.4 social conventions
  • a. use basic social expressions appropriate to the classroom; e.g., прoшу, дякую
  • LC–3.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. understand the meaning of and imitate some common nonverbal behaviours; e.g., greeting with a kiss
LC–4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–4.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. link words or groups of words with simple connectors such as conjunctions; e.g., бo, алe
  • LC–4.2 text forms
  • a. experience a variety of oral and written text forms in guided situations
  • LC–4.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. recognize and respond to simple interpersonal communication patterns; e.g., greeting patterns, leave-taking patterns
Global Citizenship (Gr. 7)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
  • a. ask questions, using their first language, about elements of Ukrainian culture experienced in class; e.g., maps, pictures, posters
  • GC–1.2 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. observe and imitate practices that are common among Ukrainian people
  • GC–1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
  • a. experience diverse elements of Ukrainian culture; e.g., music, clothing, food
  • GC–1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
  • a. participate in cultural activities and experiences
GC–2 affirming and valuing diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. recognize similarities between their first language and Ukrainian; e.g., cognates
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. identify differences and similarities among writing systems from different languages
  • GC–2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
  • a. recognize similarities between Canadian culture and other cultures
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that culture is expressed through a variety of forms; e.g., behaviours, stories, food, clothes
  • GC–2.5 intercultural skills
  • a. adapt to new situations; e.g., the Ukrainian classroom
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
  • a. identify personal reasons for learning Ukrainian
  • b. identify some places that they can visit where Ukrainian is spoken
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment
  • a. suggest some reasons for learning additional languages and for learning about world cultures
Strategies (Gr. 7) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud, make personal dictionaries
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., decide in advance to attend to specific aspects of input, listen or read for key words
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., participate in shared reading experiences

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. use simple interactive strategies, with guidance; e.g., interpret and use a variety of nonverbal clues to communicate
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. use simple interpretive strategies, with guidance; e.g., use gestures, intonation and visual supports to aid comprehension, use illustrations to aid reading comprehension
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. use simple productive strategies, with guidance; e.g., copy what others say or write, use resources to increase vocabulary

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning; e.g., use models, classify objects and ideas according to their attributes
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning; e.g., discover how own efforts can affect learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning; e.g., be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches, seek help from others

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

Grade 8
Applications (Gr. 8)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. describe people, places, things, events and actions
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. identify favourite people, places and things
  • b. express a personal response to a variety of situations
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. respond to and express emotions and feelings; e.g., мені страшно, мені жаль, я задoвoлена
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. suggest a course of action, and respond to a suggestion
  • b. make and respond to a variety of simple requests
  • c. seek, grant or withhold permission
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. state and describe personal actions
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. ask for help or clarification
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. make and respond to requests for personal information
  • b. give and respond to compliments
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. ask basic questions to gain knowledge and clarify understanding
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. record, organize, categorize and sequence elements
  • A–5.3 solve problems
  • a. gather and examine opinions
  • A–5.4 explore opinions and values
  • a. recognize differences of opinion
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. manipulate words or phrases to express humour
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. engage in creative language activities; e.g., experiment with the sounds and rhythms of Ukrainian
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. participate in language activities for personal enjoyment; e.g., community activities
Language Competence (Gr. 8)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

LC–1 attend to form
  • LC–1.1 phonology
  • a. use comprehensible pronunciation, stress and intonation when producing familiar words or phrases
  • LC–1.2 orthography
  • a. write familiar words, phrases and sentences in cursive form
  • b. use basic writing conventions; e.g., punctuation, capitalization
  • LC–1.3 lexicon
  • a. understand and use a repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in familiar contexts within a variety of lexical fields, including: school; family and friends; weather; home; community; clothing and fashions; food; holidays/celebrations/traditions; leisure activities and entertainment; shopping and consumerism; vacation; occupations; body/health; geography; any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–1.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • genitive singular
      • accusative singular animate
    • Pronouns
      • personal
        • - accusative singular; e.g., мене, тебе, його, її
        • - genitive singular; e.g., мене, тебе, його, її
      • possessive, demonstrative, interrogative:
        • - nominative plural; e.g., мої, твої, ті, ці, які?
        • - genitive singular; e.g., мого, твого, того, цього, кого, чого, якої?
        • - accusative singular; e.g., мій, твого, цей, кого, що, яку?
    • Adjectives
      • genitive singular; e.g., нового, нової, нового
      • accusative singular; e.g., новий/нового, нову, нове
      • noun–adjective agreement; e.g., приємний Микола, довга ніч, щасливе життя
    • Verbs
      • modal verbs; e.g., хотіти, мусити, могти
    • Expressions
      • at what time; e.g., о першій годині
    • Numerals
      • 1–4 plus noun agreement; e.g., два зошити, дві книжки, два крісла

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • vocative
      • genitive singular
      • locative singular
    • Pronouns
      • possessive, demonstrative, interrogative nominative
    • Adjectives
      • nominative plural; e.g., нові
    • Verbs
      • present; e.g., я слухаю, ти любиш
      • future imperfect; e.g., я буду говорити, ти будеш говорити
      • past; e.g., я читав, ти читала
      • infinitive
      • imperative
    • Adverbs
      • location; e.g., тут, там
      • direction; e.g., сюди, туди
    • Expressions
      • time; e.g., перша тридцять
      • calendar
      • interrogative
    • Numerals
      • cardinals 1–100
      • ordinals 1–12

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • nominative singular and plural of all genders
      • accusative singular of all genders
    • Pronouns
      • personal nominative
    • Adjectives
      • accusative singular inanimate
    • Verbs
      • infinitive
    • Adverbs
      • expressions of weather
    • Conjunctions
      • coordinate

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–2 interpret and produce texts
  • LC–2.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short, simple oral texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.2 written interpretation
  • a. understand short, simple written texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 visual interpretation
  • a. derive meaning from a variety of visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 oral production
  • a. produce meaningful simple sentences using familiar structures in guided situations
  • LC–2.5 interactive fluency
  • a. interact using a sequence of simple sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.6 written production
  • a. produce simple written sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.7 representation
  • a. express meaning through a variety of visual elements in guided situations
LC–3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–3.1 register
  • a. use simple forms of formal and informal language, with guidance; e.g., пaн, пaнi + first name пaн, пaнi + surname
  • LC–3.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. understand and use simple idiomatic expressions as set phrases
  • LC–3.3 variations in language
  • a. experience some variations in language
  • LC–3.4 social conventions
  • a. identify conventions in various social interactions
  • LC–3.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. experiment with using some simple nonverbal means of communication
LC–4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–4.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. link sentences using sequencing words; e.g., пepшe, тoдi, пoтiм
  • LC–4.2 text forms
  • a. recognize and use some simple oral and written text forms in guided situations; e.g., lists, letters, stories, songs
  • LC–4.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. recognize and respond to simple social interactions in guided situations; e.g., request–acceptance/nonacceptance
Global Citizenship (Gr. 8)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
  • a. explore and identify elements that reflect traditional and contemporary Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.2 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. identify some things they have in common with Ukrainian people their own age; e.g., music, clothing
  • GC–1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
  • a. identify some elements that reflect diversity within the culture; e.g., food, costumes, dialects
  • GC–1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
  • a. identify opportunities to participate in cultural activities and experiences
GC–2 affirming and valuing diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. recognize similarities and differences between their first language and Ukrainian; e.g., basic word order
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize that languages can be grouped into families based on common origins
  • GC–2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
  • a. recognize differences between Canadian culture and other cultures
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that speakers of the same language may come from different cultural backgrounds
  • GC–2.5 intercultural skills
  • a. recognize factors that contribute to intercultural communication; e.g., language, body language, perspectives
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
  • a. identify a variety of reasons for learning Ukrainian
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment
  • a. explore some reasons for learning additional languages and for learning about world cultures
Strategies (Gr. 8) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. use a variety of simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., use mental images to remember new information, repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. use a variety of simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., rehearse or role-play language
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. use a variety of simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., work cooperatively with peers in small groups, understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. use a variety of simple interactive strategies, with guidance; e.g., use other speakers’ words in subsequent conversations; indicate lack of understanding verbally or nonverbally
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. use a variety of simple interpretive strategies, with guidance; e.g., determine the purpose of listening, listen or look for key words
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. use a variety of simple productive strategies, with guidance; e.g., use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming or keeping a notebook or log of ideas

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. use a variety of simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning; e.g., experiment with and concentrate on one thing at a time
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. use a variety of simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning; e.g., decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning; e.g., participate in cooperative group learning tasks

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

Grade 9
Applications (Gr. 9)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. ask for and provide information on several aspects of familiar topics
  • b. describe a series and sequence of events
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. inquire about and give simple reasons for thoughts and preferences
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. inquire about, express and respond to emotions and feelings
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. relay simple messages
  • b. encourage or discourage others from a course of action
  • c. give and follow a simple sequence of instructions in a variety of situations
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. make an offer or an invitation, and respond to offers and invitations made by others
  • b. inquire about and express ability and inability to do something
  • c. make choices
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. encourage other group members to participate appropriately
  • b. assume a variety of roles and responsibilities in a group
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. initiate and participate in casual exchanges with peers
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. ask questions to gain knowledge, clarify understanding and gather information
  • b. investigate the immediate environment
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. record, organize, categorize and sequence elements using a variety of resources; e.g., print, audio, visual, multimedia, human
  • A–5.3 solve problems
  • a. describe a problem, then propose solutions
  • A–5.4 explore opinions and values
  • a. gather opinions on a variety of familiar topics
  • b. express personal views on a variety of topics from direct experience
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use Ukrainian for fun and humour; e.g., explore humorous cartoons, songs and poems
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. engage in creative language activities; e.g., write poems based on simple language, using a model such as acrostic poems
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. participate in language activities that reflect personal preferences and interests
Language Competence (Gr. 9)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

LC–1 attend to form
  • LC–1.1 phonology
  • a. recognize some of the effects that intonation and stress have in different situations
  • LC–1.2 orthography
  • a. write (spell) familiar words correctly
  • b. recognize and use some basic writing conventions; e.g., capitalization and punctuation
  • c. use cursive writing consistently
  • LC–1.3 lexicon
  • a. understand and use a repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in familiar contexts within a variety of lexical fields, including: school; family and friends; weather; home; community; clothing and fashions; food; holidays/celebrations/traditions; leisure activities and entertainment; shopping and consumerism; vacation; occupations; body/health; geography; any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–1.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • instrumental singular of hard, soft, mixed stem; e.g., пишу пером, читаю з Вірою
      • dative singular of hard, soft, mixed stem; e.g., Степанові, Вірі
      • genitive plural of hard, soft, mixed stem; e.g., хлопців, дівчат
      • accusative plural of hard, soft, mixed stem; e.g., зошити, хлопців
    • Pronouns
      • personal instrumental singular; e.g., мною, тобою
      • dative singular; e.g., мені, тобі
      • definite and indefinite; e.g., сам, інший, хтось, хтонебудь/хто-небудь, щонебудь/що-небудь
      • instrumental singular of possessive, demonstrative, interrogative; e.g., моїм, твоїм, тим,цим, якою, ким, чим
      • locative singular; e.g., на моїм, твоєму, тому, цьому, якій, кому, чому
    • Adjectives
      • comparative and superlative; e.g., новіший, найновіший
      • instrumental singular; e.g., новим
      • dative singular; e.g., новому
    • Verbs
      • past perfective/imperfective and future perfective; e.g., я прочитала/я читала, я прочитаю/я буду читати
    • Adverbs
      • definite/indefinite; e.g., десь, кудись, колись, денебудь/де-небудь, кудинебудь/куди-небудь, колинебудь/коли-небудь
    • Conjunctions
      • comparative; e.g., як, ніж, ніби
    • Numerals
      • 5 and higher plus noun agreement; e.g., 5 хлопців, 6 дівчат, 7 авт

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • accusative singular animate
      • genitive following negation
    • Pronouns
      • nominative plural, genitive singular and accusative singular of personal, possessive, demonstrative and interrogative
    • Adjectives
      • genitive singular
      • accusative singular
    • Verbs
      • reflexive verbs; e.g., одягатися
      • present
      • modal verbs
      • past
    • Adverbs
      • of time; e.g., часом, часто
      • of quantity; e.g., багато, мало, трохи
    • Expressions
      • at what time
    • Numerals
      • 1–4 plus noun agreement

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • genitive singular, locative singular and vocative of all genders
    • Pronouns
      • nominative singular of personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative
    • Adjectives
      • nominative plural
    • Verbs
      • present
      • future imperfective
      • past
    • Adverbs
      • of location
      • of direction
    • Expressions
      • calendar
      • time
      • interrogative
    • Numerals
      • cardinals 1–100
      • ordinals 1–12

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–2 interpret and produce texts
  • LC–2.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand simple oral texts on familiar topics in guided situations
  • LC–2.2 written interpretation
  • a. understand simple written texts on familiar topics in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 visual interpretation
  • a. derive meaning from a variety of visual elements in familiar situations
  • LC–2.4 oral production
  • a. produce short, simple oral texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.5 interactive fluency
  • a. interact using a sequence of simple sentences in familiar situations
  • LC–2.6 written production
  • a. produce short, simple written texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.7 representation
  • a. express meaning through a variety of visual elements in guided and unguided situations
LC–3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–3.1 register
  • a. use formal and informal language in a variety of guided situations
  • LC–3.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. use idiomatic expressions in a variety of contexts in guided situations
  • LC–3.3 variations in language
  • a. recognize variations in language
  • LC–3.4 social conventions
  • a. recognize expressions that are appropriate in a specific social situation
  • LC–3.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. recognize and use appropriate nonverbal behaviours in familiar contexts
LC–4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–4.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use common conventions to link sentences in short texts using some connective devices; e.g., тaкoж, тo, oтжe
  • LC–4.2 text forms
  • a. recognize a variety of oral and written text forms; e.g., recipes, invitations, messages
  • b. produce some simple oral and written text forms in guided situations; e.g., maps, interviews, simple surveys
  • LC–4.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. initiate interactions and respond using a variety of social interaction patterns in guided situations; e.g., statement–agreement/disagreement–reaction
Global Citizenship (Gr. 9)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
  • a. compare and contrast elements that reflect traditional and contemporary Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.2 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize how practices may vary from region to region; e.g., clothing, activities, food, festivals
  • GC–1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
  • a. identify commonalities and differences between diverse groups within Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
  • a. express an interest in finding out about people their own age who speak Ukrainian
GC–2 affirming and valuing diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. identify similarities and differences between their first language and Ukrainian; e.g., sentence structure
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize that within any linguistic group, people from different regions and/or social contexts may use the language differently; e.g., pronunciation, vocabulary, structure
  • GC–2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
  • a. identify similarities and differences between Canadian culture and other cultures
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize some of the factors that affect the culture of a particular region; e.g., geography, climate
  • GC–2.5 intercultural skills
  • a. recognize that there are various ways of dealing with linguistically and culturally unfamiliar situations
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
  • a. identify some careers in which knowledge of Ukrainian is useful
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment
  • a. identify some reasons for learning additional languages and for learning about world cultures
  • b. recognize that knowledge of an additional language is an asset to any career
Strategies (Gr. 9) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., look for patterns and relationships, use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., reflect on learning tasks with guidance of the teacher
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises, use self-talk to feel competent to do the task

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. identify and use a variety of productive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., record key words and concepts in abbreviated form—verbal, graphic or numerical—to assist with performance of a learning task
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., be encouraged to try, even though mistakes might be made

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

Applications (10-6Y)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. share information on a topic; e.g., report, biography
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. inquire about and express agreement/disagreement, approval/disapproval, satisfaction/dissatisfaction, interest/lack of interest; e.g., можливо, іноді, напевно, часом
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. inquire about, express and respond to emotions and feelings in formal and informal situations, with guidance
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. make and respond to requests in informal situations, with guidance; e.g., simple commercial transactions
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. narrate personal actions in the past, present and future
  • b. express and respond to offers, invitations and promises
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. express and check for agreement and disagreement in an appropriate way
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. initiate and participate in social exchanges in a variety of situations; e.g., telephone calls, personal notes
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore and express meaning in a variety of ways; e.g., drawing a diagram, making a model, rephrasing
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. gather information from a variety of resources; e.g., print, multimedia
  • b. organize and manipulate information; e.g., transform information from texts into other forms, such as tables, diagrams, story maps
  • A–5.3 solve problems
  • a. describe and analyze a problem, then propose solutions
  • A–5.4 explore opinions and values
  • a. compare personal views and opinions with those of others
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use Ukrainian for fun and to interpret humour; e.g., interpret humorous cartoons, songs and poems
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use Ukrainian creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., create a picture story with captions, create and perform a skit
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use Ukrainian for personal enjoyment; e.g., find a pen pal and exchange letters
Language Competence (10-6Y)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

LC–1 attend to form
  • LC–1.1 phonology
  • a. produce essential sounds, stress and intonation patterns of Ukrainian
  • LC–1.2 orthography
  • a. apply basic spelling rules
  • b. use writing conventions to write familiar words; e.g., capitalization, punctuation
  • LC–1.3 lexicon
  • a. understand and use a repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in familiar contexts within a variety of lexical fields, including: entertainment; social life; media; travel; consumerism; literature; environment; historical elements; current issues, events and political situations; any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–1.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • locative plural; e.g., на зошитах
      • instrumental plural; e.g., читаю з хлопцями, робити руками
      • dative singular and plural; e.g., хлопцеві, дівчині, хлопцям
      • genitive plural; e.g., хлопців, дівчат, авт
    • Pronouns
      • instrumental, dative, locative singular of possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, reflexive; e.g., моїм, тим, моєму, цьому, на кoму?, на чому?, собі
    • Adjectives
      • instrumental, dative, locative singular
      • comparative/superlative
    • Verbs
      • perfective/imperfective
    • Conjunctions
      • causal; e.g., …, тому що… . Через те, що… .
    • Numerals
      • 5 and higher plus noun agreement
    • Sentence Structure
      • simple subordinate and relative clauses; e.g., Книжка, яка лежить на столі, ….

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • instrumental singular of hard, soft, mixed stem
      • accusative plural of hard, soft, mixed stem
    • Pronouns
      • personal singular, all cases
      • possessive, demonstrative, interrogative nominative plural, genitive singular, accusative singular
      • definite and indefinite
    • Adjectives
      • genitive singular
      • accusative singular
      • comparative/superlative
    • Adverbs
      • definite and indefinite
    • Numerals
      • ordinals 12 and higher
      • 1–4 plus noun agreement

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • singular of all cases
    • Pronouns
      • personal accusative singular and genitive singular
    • Verbs
      • future reflexive
      • modal verbs
      • imperative mood
    • Adverbs
      • of time
      • of distance; e.g., далеко, близько
      • of emotion; e.g., мені весело, тобі нудно
    • Expressions
      • at what time

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–2 interpret and produce texts
  • LC–2.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short oral texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.2 written interpretation
  • a. understand the main point and some supporting details of texts on familiar topics in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 visual interpretation
  • a. derive meaning from a variety of visual elements in a variety of media
  • LC–2.4 oral production
  • a. produce oral texts on familiar topics, providing some detail, in guided situations
  • LC–2.5 interactive fluency
  • a. engage in short interactions on familiar topics
  • LC–2.6 written production
  • a. produce short, simple written texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.7 representation
  • a. express meaning through the use of a variety of visual elements in guided situations
LC–3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–3.1 register
  • a. explore formal and informal uses of language in a variety of contexts
  • LC–3.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. use some idiomatic expressions as set phrases to enhance communication
  • LC–3.3 variations in language
  • a. identify some variations in language
  • LC–3.4 social conventions
  • a. explore and use learned social conventions
  • LC–3.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. use appropriate nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts
LC–4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–4.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use a variety of connecting devices in simple texts in guided situations; e.g., oднaк, cпoчaткy, нapeштi
  • LC–4.2 text forms
  • a. explore, understand and use various text forms delivered through a variety of media in guided situations
  • LC–4.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. initiate and respond to interpersonal communication patterns in guided situations; e.g., invitation–accept/decline–explanation
Global Citizenship (10-6Y)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
  • a. formulate questions about elements of the culture; e.g., patterns of behaviour or interaction typical of people their own age; use basic research skills to find out about Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.2 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. explore and identify some social aspects of Ukrainian life; e.g., festivals, sports, communities
  • b. understand Ukrainian behaviours that are different from their own; e.g., use of public transportation, involvement in part-time jobs
  • GC–1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
  • a. apply knowledge of the culture to interpret similarities and differences between diverse groups within Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
  • a. identify contributions of Ukrainian culture to their own society and to global society
GC–2 affirming and valuing diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. recognize the existence of cognates whose meanings vary in their first language and Ukrainian (false friends)
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize that languages evolve over time
  • GC–2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
  • a. identify some influences on the development of their personal identity
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that cultures evolve over time
  • GC–2.5 intercultural skills
  • a. explore various strategies for interpersonal communication with people from different cultures
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
  • a. identify careers in which knowledge of the Ukrainian language and culture is an asset
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment
  • a. explore careers in which knowledge of additional languages and intercultural skills can be applied
Strategies (10-6Y) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., look for patterns and relationships, use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., evaluate own performance or comprehension at the end of a task, keep a learning log
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., use self-talk to feel competent to do the task, work with others to solve problems and get feedback on tasks

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. use a variety of interactive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., invite others into the discussion, ask for confirmation of correct language usage
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. use a variety of interpretive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., prepare questions or a guide to note down information found in a text
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. use a variety of productive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., use resources to increase vocabulary, be aware of and use the steps of the writing process

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., use mental images to remember new information
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., manage own physical working environment
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

Applications (20-6Y)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. share information about events that took place in the past or that may take place in the future
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. express personal opinions
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. inquire about, express and respond to emotions and feelings in a variety of situations, with guidance
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. make and respond to requests in a variety of situations, with guidance
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. accept or decline an offer or invitation, and give reasons
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. add to and clarify another group member’s contribution, and ask for clarification from others
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. manage relationships; e.g., give explanations, apologize, invite and refuse politely
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore connections and gain new insights into familiar topics; e.g., reasons for immigration
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. gather information using a specific format; e.g., interview others using prepared questions
  • A–5.3 solve problems
  • a. understand the steps in the problem-solving process
  • A–5.4 explore opinions and values
  • a. distinguish fact from opinion
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use Ukrainian for fun and to interpret and express humour; e.g., learn and perform songs, dances, short plays
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use Ukrainian creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., write new words to a known melody, create a rap
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use Ukrainian for personal enjoyment; e.g., watch films and television programs, use the Internet
Language Competence (20-6Y)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

LC–1 attend to form
  • LC–1.1 phonology
  • a. use intonation, stress and rhythm appropriately in familiar situations
  • LC–1.2 orthography
  • a. apply spelling rules and writing conventions; e.g., capitalization, punctuation
  • LC–1.3 lexicon
  • a. understand and use a repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in familiar contexts within a variety of lexical fields, including: entertainment; social life; media; travel; consumerism; literature; environment; historical elements; current issues, events and political situations; any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–1.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • prepositions governing cases; e.g., без, біля, коло, до (genitive); на, у/в, за, через, про (accusative); під, над, за, перед, з/із/зі (instrumental); на, у/в, при (locative)
    • Pronouns
      • possessive, demonstrative, interrogative plural of all cases; e.g., мої, моїх, моїм, ті, цих, яким?, котрих?
      • possessive reflexive; e.g., свій, своя
    • Adjectives
      • plural of all cases
    • Verbs
      • simple future; e.g., я читатиму
      • verbs governing cases; e.g., боятися чогось (genitive), подарувати комусь (dative), цікавитися чимсь (instrumental)
      • the verbs of motion іти, ходити, піти
      • conditional mood; e.g., якби…, я б…
    • Adverbs
      • comparative, superlative; e.g., швидше, найшвидше
    • Conjunctions
      • disjunctive; e.g., або… або, чи
      • copulative; e.g., i(й), нi… нi, також
    • Sentence Structure
      • simple subordinate and relative clauses requiring case changes; e.g., Книжка, яку ми купили, цікава.
      • simple sentences with subordination; e.g., Вони прийшли, коли все зробили.
      • direct/indirect speech; e.g., Наталка сказала: «Усе буде гаразд»., Наталка сказала, що все буде гаразд.

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • locative plural; e.g., на зошитах
      • instrumental plural; e.g., читаю з хлопцями, робити руками
      • dative singular and plural; e.g., хлопцеві, дівчині, хлопцям
      • genitive plural; e.g., хлопців, дівчат, авт
    • Pronouns
      • possessive, demonstrative, interrogative singular, all cases
      • personal plural of all cases; e.g., ми, нас, нам, нас, нами, на вас, їх
      • reflexive; e.g., себе, собі
    • Adjectives
      • all cases singular
      • comparative/superlative
    • Verbs
      • perfective/imperfective
    • Conjunctions
      • causal; e.g., тому що, через те що
    • Numerals
      • 5 and higher plus noun agreement
    • Sentence Structure
      • simple subordinate and relative clauses; e.g., Книжка, яка лежить на столі, цікава.

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • locative plural
      • instrumental plural
      • dative plural
    • Numerals
      • ordinals 12 and higher

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–2 interpret and produce texts
  • LC–2.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short oral texts on familiar topics
  • LC–2.2 written interpretation
  • a. understand the main point and supporting details of texts on familiar topics in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 visual interpretation
  • a. interpret visual elements in a variety of media
  • LC–2.4 oral production
  • a. produce oral texts on familiar topics, providing a variety of details to support the main point in guided situations
  • LC–2.5 interactive fluency
  • a. manage simple, spontaneous routine interactions by asking for repetition or clarification
  • LC–2.6 written production
  • a. produce a variety of short, simple written texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.7 representation
  • a. express meaning through the use of visual elements in a variety of media
LC–3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–3.1 register
  • a. adjust language to social situations and purpose
  • LC–3.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. examine the role of idiomatic expressions in culture in guided situations
  • LC–3.3 variations in language
  • a. identify variations in language
  • LC–3.4 social conventions
  • a. interpret and use a variety of social conventions
  • LC–3.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. explore and identify variations in nonverbal communication; e.g., gestures
LC–4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–4.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use appropriate words and phrases to show a variety of relationships within texts in guided situations; e.g., дивлячиcь, нeзвaжaючи нa, нe хoтячи, зaлeжнo вiд
  • LC–4.2 text forms
  • a. produce familiar text forms; e.g., recipes, comic strips, letters, radio or TV reports, articles
  • LC–4.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. combine a variety of interpersonal communication patterns; e.g., social invitations, ordering food in restaurant
Global Citizenship (20-6Y)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
  • a. identify and use a variety of sources of information to find out about Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.2 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. identify different perspectives of Ukrainian culture and speculate on their origins; e.g., stereotypes present in their own community
  • GC–1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
  • a. identify different perspectives on diverse elements within Ukrainian culture; e.g., stereotypes within Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
  • a. explore contributions of Ukrainian culture to their own society and to global society
GC–2 affirming and valuing diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. compare oral and written aspects of their first language and Ukrainian
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. identify how and why languages borrow from one another
  • GC–2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
  • a. identify shared references and significant events that have had an impact on both Canadian and Ukrainian cultures
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. identify some of the ways in which cultures evolve over time
  • GC–2.5 intercultural skills
  • a. apply various strategies for interpersonal communication with people from different cultures
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
  • a. explore opportunities for further studies or careers related to Ukrainian
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment
  • a. explore applications of language and cultural learning in their personal and social lives and in the global workplace and marketplace
Strategies (20-6Y)
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., find information using reference materials such as dictionaries, textbooks and grammars, use available technological aids to support language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., monitor own speech and writing to check for persistent errors, make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches, experiment with various forms of expression, and note their acceptance or nonacceptance by more experienced speakers

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations, use circumlocution and definition to compensate for lack of vocabulary
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. identify and use a variety of productive strategies to enhance language use; e.g., take notes when reading or listening to assist in producing own text, revise and correct final version of text

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., formulate key questions to guide research
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., keep a learning journal, such as a diary or a log
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., take part in group decision-making processes, monitor own level of anxiety about learning tasks, and take measures to lower it if necessary

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

Applications (30-6Y)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use Ukrainian in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. share detailed information on a topic; e.g., report, biography
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. express and support personal opinions
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. share a range of emotions and feelings in a variety of situations
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. guide the actions of others in a variety of situations; e.g., persuading, complaining
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. express personal expectations, hopes, plans, goals and aspirations
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. express appreciation, enthusiasm, support and respect for the contributions of others
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. offer and respond to congratulations, sympathy and regret
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore connections and gain new insights into a variety of topics
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. summarize and paraphrase information
  • b. evaluate usefulness and reliability of sources
  • A–5.3 solve problems
  • a. offer solutions to real-life problems
  • A–5.4 explore opinions and values
  • a. explore underlying values in mass media
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use Ukrainian for fun and to interpret and express humour in a variety of situations
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use Ukrainian creatively and for aesthetic purposes in a variety of situations
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use Ukrainian for personal enjoyment in a variety of situations
Language Competence (30-6Y)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will use Ukrainian effectively and competently.

LC–1 attend to form
  • LC–1.1 phonology
  • a. use intonation, stress and rhythm appropriately in a variety of situations
  • LC–1.2 orthography
  • a. consistently and accurately apply spelling rules and mechanical conventions
  • LC–1.3 lexicon
  • a. understand and use a repertoire of vocabulary and expressions in familiar contexts within a variety of lexical fields, including: entertainment; social life; media; travel; consumerism; literature; environment; historical elements; current issues, events and political situations; any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–1.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • declension of irregular nouns; e.g., піч, осінь, телятко
      • diminutives; e.g., хлопчик, рибонька, серденько
    • Adjectives
      • diminutives; e.g., малесенький, гарненька, смачненьке
    • Verbs
      • verbal adverbs; e.g., бачачи, дивлячись
      • the verbs of motion летіти, літати, пролетіти
      • diminutives; e.g., спатоньки
    • Adverbs
      • diminutives; e.g., швиденько, тихенько
    • Conjunctions
      • conditional; e.g., якщо, якби, коли б
      • adversative; e.g., проте, зате
    • Numerals
      • collective animate; e.g., нас було десятеро
      • cases; e.g., два, двох, трьома, чотирьом
    • Sentence Structure
      • complex sentences with subordination; e.g., Після того, як ми зробили завдання, ми пішли до театру., Для того, щоб усе зробити, нам треба більше часу.
      • passive voice; e.g., Цей будинок побудований сто років тому.
      • impersonal sentences; e.g., Темніє., Світає., Тепліє.

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Nouns
      • prepositions governing cases
    • Pronouns
      • possessive, demonstrative, interrogative singular and plural, all cases
      • possessive reflexive; e.g., свій, своя
    • Adjectives
      • all cases plural
    • Verbs
      • conditional mood; e.g., якби…, я б…
      • simple future
      • verbs governing cases
    • Adverbs
      • comparative, superlative
    • Conjunctions
      • disjunctive; e.g., або… або, чи
      • copulative; e.g., і (й), ні… ні, також
    • Sentence Structure
      • simple subordinate and relative clauses requiring case changes; e.g., Книжка, яку ми купили, цікава.
      • simple sentences with subordination; e.g., Вони прийшли, коли все зробили.
      • direct/indirect speech; e.g., Наталка сказала: «Усе буде гаразд»., Наталка сказала, що все буде гаразд.

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • Pronouns
      • reflexive; e.g., себе, собі
    • Nouns
      • all cases plural
    • Adjectives
      • all cases singular
    • Verbs
      • perfective/imperfective
    • Numerals
      • numerals 5 and higher plus noun agreement
    • Sentence Structure
      • simple subordinate and relative clauses; e.g., Книжка, яка лежить на столі, цікава.

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–2 interpret and produce texts
  • LC–2.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand the main point and some supporting details of oral texts on a variety of topics
  • LC–2.2 written interpretation
  • a. understand the main point and supporting details of texts on a variety of topics
  • LC–2.3 visual interpretation
  • a. interpret visual elements in a variety of media and identify techniques, e.g., purposes, intended audiences, messages, points of view
  • LC–2.4 oral production
  • a. produce oral texts on familiar topics spontaneously and independently
  • LC–2.5 interactive fluency
  • a. engage in spontaneous exchanges in a variety of situations
  • LC–2.6 written production
  • a. produce written texts on a variety of topics in guided situations
  • LC–2.7 representation
  • a. explore a variety of ways meaning can be expressed through the visual elements in a variety of media
LC–3 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–3.1 register
  • a. use the appropriate level of formality to suit situation and purpose
  • LC–3.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. interpret the meaning of and use familiar idiomatic expressions in a variety of situations
  • LC–3.3 variations in language
  • a. recognize influences resulting in variations in language; e.g., age, social class, geographical region
  • LC–3.4 social conventions
  • a. interpret and use a variety of social conventions
  • LC–3.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. interpret and use a variety of forms of nonverbal communication
LC–4 apply knowledge of how the Ukrainian language is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–4.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use a variety of conventions to structure texts, with guidance; e.g., пo-мoємy, нa йoгo дyмкy, пpoтe, тoмy
  • LC–4.2 text forms
  • a. produce a variety of familiar text forms and media; e.g., brochures, advertisements, reports, poetry, stories
  • LC–4.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. use a range of interpersonal communication patterns; e.g., request goods/services, complain
Global Citizenship (30-6Y)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing knowledge of Ukrainian culture
  • a. organize and represent information about elements of Ukrainian culture in a variety of ways
  • GC–1.2 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. apply knowledge of elements of Ukrainian culture in interactions with people and texts; e.g., interpret historical references
  • GC–1.3 diversity within Ukrainian culture
  • a. apply knowledge of diverse elements of Ukrainian culture
  • GC–1.4 valuing Ukrainian culture
  • a. engage, actively, in Ukrainian cultural experiences; e.g., exchange letters with a pen pal
GC–2 affirming and valuing diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. identify ways in which their first language and Ukrainian are similar and ways in which they differ
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize that languages and their international status change over time
  • GC–2.3 awareness of Canadian culture
  • a. explore various ways in which individuals acquire a cultural identity
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that ethnocentric perspectives exist in texts
  • b. recognize that cultures and their international status change over time
  • GC–2.5 intercultural skills
  • a. identify and use various strategies for interpersonal communication with people from different cultures
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 Ukrainian language and culture
  • a. explore applications of Ukrainian language and culture in their personal and social lives and in the global workplace and marketplace
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic enrichment
  • a. explore applications of language and cultural learning in their personal and social lives and in the global workplace and marketplace
Strategies (30-6Y)
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use various strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., experiment with various elements of the language, seek opportunities outside of class to practise and observe
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., be aware of the potential of learning through direct exposure to the language, know how strategies may enable coping with texts containing unknown elements
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. select and use appropriate social and affective strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., repeat new words and expressions occurring in own conversations, and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. select and use appropriate interactive strategies to enhance language use in a variety of situations; e.g., summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk, self-correct if errors lead to misunderstanding
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. select and use appropriate interpretive strategies to enhance language use in a variety of situations; e.g., reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. select and use appropriate productive strategies to enhance language use in a variety of situations; e.g., use a variety of resources to correct texts, apply grammar rules to improve accuracy at the correction stage

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., seek information through a network of sources including libraries, the Internet, individuals and agencies
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating own learning experiences
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. select and use social and affective strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Strategies Overview section.


Resources to support: