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Chinese Language Arts K - Grade 12 (2006)

© Alberta Education, Canada 
 Table of Contents   Program of Studies
Rationale & Philosophy 

Chinese1 language arts is an integral part of Chinese bilingual programming. The Chinese Language Arts Kindergarten to Grade 12 Program of Studies reflects the breadth of Chinese bilingual programming by providing outcomes for learning language and for learning about culture. However, Chinese bilingual programming as a whole includes many other learning experiences of which language and culture are only a part. In addition to Chinese language arts and English language arts, Chinese bilingual programming also includes various other subject-area experiences. The following conceptual map illustrates the relationship among these components.

1 Chinese is also commonly referred to as Guoyu, Hanyu, Huayu, Mandarin, Putonghua or Zhongwen.

Bilingual Programming Overview

Bilingual programming is complex and multifaceted. It provides a rich environment for the learning of languages, cultures and subject-area content. Bilingual education strives to provide intensive language learning environments, with the potential for high academic achievement and enriched cultural experiences that maximize student opportunities for learning.

Effective bilingual learning environments are those in which:

  • the individual and collective needs of students are met
  • there is a supportive climate that encourages risk taking and choice
  • diversity in learning styles is accommodated
  • connections to prior knowledge and experiences are made
  • there is exposure to a wide range of excellent models of authentic language
  • use of the target language is emphasized
  • quality oral, print, visual and multimedia resources are available and applied in a supportive, meaningful and purposeful manner.
Rationale for Chinese Bilingual Programming & Chinese Language Arts
Chinese bilingual programming contributes to personal development

Chinese bilingual programming establishes an environment in which both English and Chinese are used and needed constantly for purposes of communication, personal satisfaction and learning. Students have numerous opportunities to learn and use language in meaningful, purposeful ways to meet their needs, interests and abilities. The Chinese language is used to explore ideas and experiences, to construct meaning and to communicate understanding. Effective language acquisition occurs through the integrated delivery of subject-area content, language instruction and cultural information, while fostering in students a positive attitude toward themselves and others.

Chinese language learning is a lifelong endeavour

Language learning is an active process that begins at birth and continues throughout life. Language is acquired at various rates throughout a learner’s stages of growth. Students enhance their language abilities by applying their knowledge of language in new and more complex contexts with increasing sophistication. They reflect on and use prior knowledge to extend and enhance their language knowledge and understanding. The learning environment, supportive of the learner and encouraging the learner to take risks, recognizes that errors are an integral part of the language learning process. By learning, experimenting with and applying new language structures and vocabulary in a variety of contexts, students develop language proficiency.

Chinese bilingual language learning fosters cross-language competence

Most children develop a strong repertoire of language skills in their first language in preschool years. Many of these skills are transferable to new language learning. Similarly, in acquiring a new language, students develop new language learning skills that can then be applied to their first language. In this way, continuous concurrent development of first and second language skills, or skills in additional languages, is fostered through Chinese bilingual programming. Opportunities for proficiency and skill development in these languages are maximized.

Chinese bilingual language learning enhances all communication skills

The development of communication skills is vital to Chinese bilingual programming. Achievement in the six skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing contributes to the development of effective communicators. These skills are interrelated and interdependent; facility in one strengthens and supports the others. Proficiency in these language skills involves the development of comprehension and language production. The Chinese Language Arts Program of Studies is designed to promote the development of language skills for a wide range of purposes, in a wide range of contexts, at increasing levels of fluency.

Chinese bilingual language learning develops through the communicative approach

The communicative approach in second language instruction emphasizes the importance of communicating a message. Learners require support as they strive to express and understand thoughts, ideas and feelings in two languages. The accuracy of language, oral or written, although important for precision of communication, is secondary to communicating the message. The communicative approach acknowledges the important relationship between accuracy and effective communication, but places slightly less emphasis on accuracy and form.

Chinese bilingual language learning promotes the acquisition of learning strategies

Language acquisition in Chinese bilingual programming is effectively supported by providing students with explicit instruction in language learning strategies, language use strategies and general learning strategies. The Chinese Language Arts Program of Studies, therefore, provides a variety of learning outcomes at all levels that promote the development of strategic competencies applicable to many learning circumstances.

Chinese bilingual programming promotes intracultural and intercultural awareness

Language and culture are intensely intertwined. Language is a primary means by which cultural information is transmitted; culture influences linguistic form and content. Students in Chinese bilingual programming bring to their program a range of cultural backgrounds and experiences. The Chinese Language Arts Program of Studies provides opportunities and support for students to explore their own cultural backgrounds, experiences and identities, as well as those of members of the school community, the local community and other communities of the world. The Culture section of this program of studies examines the dynamic nature of Chinese culture through the various perspectives of history, contemporary life, diversity and change. It also provides opportunities for the exploration of similarities and differences among and within world cultures.

Chinese bilingual programming develops global citizenship skills

Effective participation in the global marketplace, workplace and society requires strong communication, interpersonal and team skills, and strong knowledge and understanding of cultures. Chinese bilingual programming provides a rich environment for the development of essential knowledge, skills and attitudes that promote the development of effective global citizens and enhance the economic and career potential of students. The Chinese Language Arts Program of Studies supports the intellectual, social, emotional, creative, linguistic and cultural development of students in Chinese bilingual programming.

A Spiral Progression

Language learning is integrative, not merely cumulative. Each new element that is added must be integrated into the whole of what has gone before. The model that best represents the students’ language learning progress is an expanding spiral. Student progression is not only vertical (e.g., increased proficiency), but also horizontal (e.g., broader range of applications and experience with more text forms, contexts and so on). The spiral also represents how language learning activities are best structured. Particular vocabulary expressions, learning strategies or cultural skills and knowledge, for example, are revisited at different points in the Chinese language arts program, but from a different perspective, in broader contexts or at a slightly higher level of proficiency each time. Learning is reinforced, extended and broadened with each successive pass.

Purpose of the Program of Studies

The Chinese Language Arts Program of Studies provides a progression of specific outcomes from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Most often, the outcomes reflect a progression of development intended to match the developmental stages of students. The specific outcomes for each grade/course reflect the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students are expected to achieve by the end of the grade/course. Students are expected to demonstrate the specific outcomes for the current grade/course and build upon their prior knowledge and skills from previous grades/courses.

The outcomes presented are designed to represent the progression of knowledge, skills and attitudes expected of students who have had no prior exposure to Chinese upon entry into Kindergarten. Nevertheless, students with prior exposure to Chinese can equally be challenged within this program.

The general and specific outcomes established in this program of studies are intended to be delivered in an integrated manner.

Program Overview

For ease of use, the Chinese Language Arts Program of Studies is divided into two sections:

  • Language Arts
    • − General Language Component
    • − Specific Language Component
  • Culture

It is important that the sections be implemented in an integrated manner.

Language Arts

The Language Arts section of this program of studies reflects an integrated, interdependent approach to language learning within a bilingual programming context. Chinese language arts includes a General Language Component and a Specific Language Component.

The General Language Component parallels The Common Curriculum Framework for English Language Arts, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Western Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Basic Education, 1998. In this manner, both English language instruction and Chinese language instruction support the development of common language knowledge, skills and attitudes.

The general outcomes in the General Language Component, with only minor revisions, mirror those in the English Language Arts Framework, but the specific outcomes have been adapted and refined more extensively for delivery in Chinese.

The Specific Language Component provides the detailed linguistic elements of Chinese, descriptors of language competence for each grade, and outcomes to support sociocultural/sociolinguistic and strategic learning.

The Specific Language Component outlines the linguistic elements that students will need in order to use the Chinese language, while the General Language Component provides the context and purpose for using the language, and outlines the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students are to develop. The two components should be developed concurrently, so that the language being learned is the language that students will need and be able to apply.


The Culture section fosters the development of essential knowledge, skills and attitudes related to self, the Chinese language and culture, the community and the world.

General Outcomes

The general outcomes are broad statements that form the basis of this program of studies. Each general outcome outlines the key learnings that each section of the program is designed to support. The general outcomes describe the common goals that all students in the Chinese Language Arts learning sequence are expected to achieve.

Chinese bilingual programming is designed to promote all-round personal development by fostering social, emotional, moral, intellectual and creative growth. To support this growth and development, the Chinese Language Arts program is built upon the following seven general outcomes.

Language Arts: General Language Component

General Outcome 1

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

General Outcome 2

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

General Outcome 3

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

General Outcome 4

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

General Outcome 5

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

Language Arts: Specific Language Component

General Outcome 6

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages and use the Chinese language confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.


General Outcome 7

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

Specific Outcomes

Each general outcome includes specific outcomes that students are to achieve by the end of each grade/course. Specific outcomes are grouped under cluster headings within each of the seven general outcomes. The specific outcomes are further categorized by strands. Specific descriptions are then provided in each specific outcome for each grade/course.

It is strongly recommended when addressing any specific outcome in this program of studies that the specific outcomes prior to and following the given outcome and grade level be consulted for a clearer understanding as to context and intended developmental sequence. Similarly, any given specific outcome must be understood with reference to the strand and general outcome categories.

Language Arts: General Language Component (Overview)

The General Language Component has been structured and developed similarly to The Common Curriculum Framework for English Language Arts, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Western Canadian Protocol for Collaboration in Basic Education, 1998, but it has been adapted for delivery in Chinese. The General Language Component provides the context and purpose for the development and use of Chinese.

The commonalities with the English Language Arts Framework facilitate an integrated, contextualized approach to language learning. They also establish the essential language learnings that are common to both English language programming and Chinese language programming, supporting and promoting a collaborative and integrated approach to language instruction.

The specific outcomes established for each grade level reflect achievement expectations to be demonstrated in the Chinese language.

General Outcomes

The following five general outcomes outline the key learnings that the General Language Component is designed to support.

General Outcome 1

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

General Outcome 2

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

General Outcome 3

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

General Outcome 4

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

General Outcome 5

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview)

The Specific Language Component provides the linguistic elements of the Chinese language that students are expected to acquire in the various grades/courses. The linguistic elements that are addressed include the sound–symbol systems, lexicon, grammatical elements, mechanical features and discourse features. The Specific Language Component also provides descriptors of proficiency for each grade/course in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing, as well as outcomes to support sociolinguistic/sociocultural competence and strategic learning.

The Specific Language Component is intended to outline the linguistic skills that students will need in order to achieve the outcomes in the General Language Component. The two components are interrelated and are intended to be delivered in an integrated manner.

Strategies in the Specific Language Component are grouped under three cluster headings—language learning strategies, language use strategies and general learning strategies. Each of the strands under these cluster headings deals with a specific category of strategy. Language learning and general learning strategies are categorized as cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective. The language use strategies are organized by communicative mode: interactive, interpretive and productive.

The strategies that students choose depend on the task they are engaged in as well as on other factors, such as their preferred learning style, personality, age, attitude and cultural background. Strategies that work well for one person may not be effective for another person, or may not be suitable in a different situation. For this reason, it is not particularly useful to say that students should be aware of, or able to use, a specific strategy in a particular grade/course. Consequently, the specific outcomes describe the students’ knowledge of and ability to use general types of strategies. Specific strategies for each general category or type are included as examples in the specific outcomes and are included in the sample list of strategies below. The specific strategies provided in the examples and in the sample list are not prescriptive, nor are they exhaustive, but they are provided as an illustration of how the general strategies in the specific outcomes might be developed.

Teachers need to know and be able to demonstrate a broad range of strategies from which students are then able to choose in order to communicate effectively. Strategies of all kinds are best taught in the context of learning activities where students can apply them immediately and then reflect on their use.

Language Learning Strategies (K-Gr. 9)


  • listen attentively
  • do actions to match words of a song, story or rhyme
  • learn short rhymes or songs, incorporating new vocabulary or sentence patterns
  • imitate sounds and intonation patterns
  • memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud, or by writing using correct stroke sequence
  • seek the precise term to express meaning
  • repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • make personal dictionaries
  • experiment with various elements of the language
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • group together sets of things (vocabulary, structures) with similar characteristics
  • identify similarities and differences between aspects of Chinese and your own language
  • look for patterns and relationships
  • use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • associate new words or expressions with familiar ones, either in Chinese or in your own language
  • find information by using reference materials like dictionaries, textbooks, grammars
  • use available technological aids to support language learning; e.g., cassette recorders, computers
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • place new words or expressions in a context to make them easier to remember
  • use induction to generate rules governing language use
  • seek out opportunities outside of class to practise and observe
  • perceive and note down unknown words and expressions, noting also their context and function
  • use cues given by the teacher to determine the appropriate tone for a specific word


  • check copied writing for accuracy
  • make choices about how to learn
  • rehearse or role-play language
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • reflect on the listening, reading and writing process
  • decide in advance to attend to specific aspects of input
  • listen or read for key words
  • evaluate your performance or comprehension at the end of a task
  • keep a learning log
  • experience various methods of language acquisition and identify one or more that are particularly useful personally
  • be aware of the potential of learning through direct exposure to the language
  • know how strategies may make it possible to cope with texts containing unknown elements
  • identify problems that might hinder successful completion of a task, and seek solutions
  • monitor your speech and writing to check for persistent errors
  • be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, identify your needs and goals, and organize strategies and procedures accordingly


  • initiate or maintain interaction with others
  • participate in patterned reading experiences
  • seek the assistance of others, such as teachers, parents or friends, to interpret a text
  • reread familiar self-chosen texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • work cooperatively with peers in small groups
  • understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning
  • experiment with various forms of expression, and note their acceptance or nonacceptance by more experienced speakers
  • participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • repeat new words and expressions that occur in your conversations, and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate
  • reduce anxiety by using mental techniques such as positive self-talk or humour
  • work with others to solve problems and get feedback on tasks
  • provide personal motivation by arranging your own rewards when successful
Language Use Strategies (K-Gr. 9)


  • use words from your first language to get your meaning across; e.g., use a literal translation of a phrase in the first language, use a first language word but pronounce it as in Chinese
  • acknowledge being spoken to
  • interpret and use a variety of nonverbal clues to communicate; e.g., mime, pointing, gestures, drawing pictures
  • indicate lack of understanding verbally or nonverbally; e.g., Pardon, Sorry, I didn’t understand, raised eyebrows, blank look
  • ask for clarification or repetition when the message has not been understood; e.g., What do you mean by …?, Could you say that again, please?
  • use other speakers’ words in subsequent conversations
  • assess feedback from a conversation partner to recognize when a message has not been understood; e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look
  • start again, using a different tactic, when communication breaks down; e.g., What I’m trying to say is …
  • use a simple word similar to the concept to convey, and invite correction; e.g., fish for trout
  • invite others into the discussion
  • ask for confirmation that a form used is correct; e.g., Can you say that?
  • use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations; e.g., Well, actually …, Where was I?
  • use circumlocution to compensate for lack of vocabulary; e.g., the thing you hang clothes on for hanger
  • repeat part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding; e.g., So what you are saying is …
  • summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk
  • ask follow-up questions to check for understanding; e.g., Am I making sense?
  • use suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion; e.g., Speaking of …
  • self-correct if errors lead to misunderstandings; e.g., What I mean to say is …


  • use gestures, intonation and visual supports to aid comprehension
  • make connections between texts on the one hand and prior knowledge and personal experience on the other
  • use illustrations to aid reading comprehension
  • determine the purpose of listening
  • focus on parts of a character, such as the radical, to guess the meaning of a word
  • listen or look for key words
  • listen selectively based on purpose
  • make predictions about what you expect to hear or read based on prior knowledge and personal experience
  • use knowledge of the sound–symbol system(s) to aid reading comprehension
  • infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • prepare questions or a guide to note down information found in a text
  • use key content words or discourse markers to follow an extended text
  • reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • summarize information gathered
  • assess your information needs before listening, viewing or reading
  • use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts


  • mimic what the teacher says
  • use nonverbal means to communicate
  • copy what others say or write
  • use words that are visible in the immediate environment
  • use resources to increase vocabulary
  • use familiar repetitive patterns from stories, songs, rhymes or media
  • use illustrations to provide detail when producing your own texts
  • use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming or keeping a notebook or log of ideas
  • use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences
  • be aware of and use the steps of the writing process: prewriting (gathering ideas, planning the text, research, organizing the text), writing, revision (rereading, moving pieces of text, rewriting pieces of text), correction (grammar, spelling, punctuation), publication (reprinting, adding illustrations, binding)
  • use a variety of resources to correct texts; e.g., personal and commercial dictionaries, checklists, grammars
  • take notes when reading or listening to assist in producing your own text
  • revise and correct the final version of a text
  • use circumlocution and definition to compensate for gaps in vocabulary
  • apply grammar rules to improve accuracy at the correction stage
  • compensate for avoiding difficult structures by rephrasing
General Learning Strategies (K-Gr. 9)


  • classify objects and ideas according to their attributes; e.g., red objects and blue objects, or animals that eat meat and animals that eat plants
  • use models
  • connect what is already known with what is being learned
  • experiment with, and concentrate on, one thing at a time
  • focus on and complete learning tasks
  • record key words and concepts in abbreviated form (verbal, graphic or numerical) to assist with performance of a learning task
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • distinguish between fact and opinion when using a variety of sources of information
  • formulate key questions to guide research
  • make inferences, and identify and justify the evidence on which these inferences are based
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • seek information through a network of sources, including libraries, the World Wide Web, individuals and agencies
  • use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task


  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • choose from among learning options
  • discover how your efforts can affect learning
  • reflect upon your thinking processes and how you learn
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • divide an overall learning task into a number of subtasks
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • identify your needs and interests
  • manage your physical working environment
  • keep a learning journal, such as a diary or a log
  • develop criteria for evaluating your own work
  • work with others to monitor your learning
  • take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating learning experiences


  • watch others’ actions and copy them
  • seek help from others
  • follow your natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn
  • participate in cooperative group learning tasks
  • choose learning activities that enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • be encouraged to try, even though mistakes might be made
  • take part in group decision-making processes
  • use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks; e.g., offer encouragement, praise, ideas
  • take part in group problem-solving processes
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • monitor your level of anxiety about learning tasks, and take measures to lower it if necessary; e.g., deep breathing, laughter
  • use social interaction skills to enhance group learning activities
Language Learning Strategies (10-20-30)


  • listen attentively
  • do actions to match words of a song, story or rhyme
  • learn short rhymes or songs, incorporating new vocabulary or sentence patterns
  • imitate sounds and intonation patterns
  • memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud, or by writing using correct stroke sequence
  • seek the precise term to express meaning
  • repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • make personal dictionaries
  • experiment with various elements of the language
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • group together sets of things (vocabulary, structures) with similar characteristics
  • identify similarities and differences between aspects of Chinese and your own language
  • look for patterns and relationships
  • use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • associate new words or expressions with familiar ones, either in Chinese or in your own language
  • find information by using reference materials like dictionaries, textbooks and grammars
  • use available technological aids to support language learning; e.g., cassette recorders, computers
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • place new words or expressions in a context to make them easier to remember
  • use induction to generate rules governing language use
  • seek out opportunities outside of class to practise and observe
  • perceive and note down unknown words and expressions, noting also their context and function
  • use cues given by the teacher to determine the appropriate tone for a specific word


  • check copied writing for accuracy
  • make choices about how to learn
  • rehearse or role-play language
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • reflect on the listening, reading and writing process
  • decide in advance to attend to specific aspects of input
  • listen or read for key words
  • evaluate your performance or comprehension at the end of a task
  • keep a learning log
  • experience various methods of language acquisition and identify one or more that are particularly useful personally
  • be aware of the potential of learning through direct exposure to the language
  • know how strategies may make it possible to cope with texts containing unknown elements
  • identify problems that might hinder successful completion of a task, and seek solutions
  • monitor your speech and writing to check for persistent errors
  • be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, identify your needs and goals, and organize strategies and procedures accordingly


  • initiate or maintain interaction with others
  • participate in shared reading experiences
  • seek the assistance of others, such as teachers, parents or friends, to interpret a text
  • reread familiar self-chosen texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • work cooperatively with peers in small groups
  • understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning
  • experiment with various forms of expression, noting their acceptance or nonacceptance by more experienced speakers
  • participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • repeat new words and expressions that occur in your conversations, and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate
  • reduce anxiety by using mental techniques such as positive self-talk or humour
  • work with others to solve problems and to get feedback on tasks
  • provide personal motivation by arranging your own rewards when successful
Language Use Strategies (10-20-30)


  • use words from your first language to get your meaning across; e.g., use a literal translation of a phrase in the first language, use a first language word but pronounce it as in Chinese
  • acknowledge being spoken to
  • interpret and use a variety of nonverbal cues to communicate; e.g., mime, pointing, gestures, drawing pictures
  • indicate lack of understanding verbally or nonverbally; e.g., Pardon, Sorry, I didn’t understand, raised eyebrows, blank look
  • ask for clarification or repetition when you do not understand; e.g., What do you mean by …?, Could you say that again, please?
  • use other speakers’ words in subsequent conversations
  • assess feedback from a conversation partner to recognize when a message has not been understood; e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look
  • start again, using a different tactic, when communication breaks down; e.g., What I’m trying to say is …
  • use a simple word similar to the concept to convey, and invite correction; e.g., fish for trout
  • invite others into the discussion
  • ask for confirmation that a form used is correct; e.g., Can you say that?
  • use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations; e.g., Well, actually …, Where was I?
  • use circumlocution to compensate for lack of vocabulary; e.g., the thing you hang clothes on for hanger
  • repeat part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding; e.g., So what you are saying is …
  • summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk
  • ask follow-up questions to check for understanding; e.g., Am I making sense?
  • use suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion; e.g., Speaking of …
  • self-correct if errors lead to misunderstandings; e.g., What I mean to say is …


  • use gestures, intonation and visual supports to aid comprehension
  • make connections between texts on the one hand and prior knowledge and personal experience on the other
  • use illustrations to aid reading comprehension
  • determine the purpose of listening
  • focus on parts of a character, such as the radical, to guess the meaning of a word
  • listen or look for key words
  • listen selectively based on purpose
  • make predictions about what you expect to hear or read based on prior knowledge and personal experience
  • use knowledge of the sound–symbol system(s) to aid reading comprehension
  • infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • prepare questions or a guide to note down information found in a text
  • use key content words or discourse markers to follow an extended text
  • reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • summarize information gathered
  • assess your information needs before listening, viewing or reading
  • use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts


  • mimic what the teacher says
  • use nonverbal means to communicate
  • copy what others say or write
  • use words that are visible in the immediate environment
  • use resources to increase vocabulary
  • use familiar repetitive patterns from stories, songs, rhymes or media
  • use illustrations to provide detail when producing your own texts
  • use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming or keeping a notebook or log of ideas
  • use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences
  • be aware of and use the steps of the writing process: prewriting (gathering ideas, planning the text, research, organizing the text), writing, revision (rereading, moving pieces of text, rewriting pieces of text), correction (grammar, spelling, punctuation), publication (reprinting, adding illustrations, binding)
  • use a variety of resources to correct texts; e.g., personal and commercial dictionaries, checklists, grammars
  • take notes when reading or listening to assist in producing your own text
  • revise and correct the final version of a text
  • use circumlocution and definition to compensate for gaps in vocabulary
  • apply grammar rules to improve accuracy at the correction stage
  • compensate for avoiding difficult structures by rephrasing
General Learning Strategies (10-20-30)


  • classify objects and ideas according to their attributes; e.g., red objects and blue objects, animals that eat meat and animals that eat plants
  • use models
  • connect what is already known with what is being learned
  • experiment with, and concentrate on, one thing at a time
  • focus on and complete learning tasks
  • record key words and concepts in abbreviated form (verbal, graphic or numerical) to assist with performance of a learning task
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • distinguish between fact and opinion when using a variety of sources of information
  • formulate key questions to guide research
  • make inferences, and identify and justify the evidence on which these inferences are based
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • seek information through a network of sources, including libraries, the World Wide Web, individuals and agencies
  • use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task


  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • choose from among learning options
  • discover how your efforts can affect learning
  • reflect upon your thinking processes and how you learn
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • divide an overall learning task into a number of subtasks
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • identify your needs and interests
  • manage your physical working environment
  • keep a learning journal, such as a diary or a log
  • develop criteria for evaluating your own work
  • work with others to monitor your learning
  • take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating learning experiences


  • watch others’ actions and copy them
  • seek help from others
  • follow your natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn
  • participate in cooperative group learning tasks
  • choose learning activities that enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • be encouraged to try, even though mistakes might be made
  • take part in group decision-making processes
  • use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks; e.g., offer encouragement, praise, ideas
  • take part in group problem-solving processes
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • monitor your level of anxiety about learning tasks, and take measures to lower it if necessary; e.g., deep breathing, laughter
  • use social interaction skills to enhance group learning activities
General Outcome

The following general outcome outlines the key learnings that the Specific Language Component is designed to support.

General Outcome 6

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages and use the Chinese language confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

Culture (Overview)

The Culture section supports the development, in each student, of a positive self-concept, a strong self-identity as a bilingual/multicultural learner and a positive identification with the Chinese language and culture. This section provides opportunities for the exploration of Chinese culture from the perspectives of history, contemporary life, diversity and change. It promotes the development of a sense of community, an understanding of similarities and differences among people, and an appreciation for personal contributions to society. It is also designed to help students develop an understanding of global interrelatedness and interdependence, as well as cultural sensitivity, and to support their preparation for effective participation in the global community, marketplace and workplace.

The Culture section is intended to be integrated with language learning, as well as learnings related to other subject areas, and is an essential part of daily activities in Chinese bilingual programming.

General Outcomes

The following general outcome outlines the key learnings that the Culture section is designed to support.

General Outcome 7

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

Note: Additional outcomes that deal with cultural content may be found elsewhere in this program of studies, including specific outcomes under General Outcome 5, as well as under cluster heading 6.3 Sociocultural/Sociolinguistic Elements.

Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (K)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. participate in a range of experiences
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. participate in a range of experiences, and represent these experiences
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. use a variety of forms to explore and express familiar events, ideas and information
  • express preferences
  • 4. demonstrate enjoyment of an oral, print, visual or multimedia text
  • set goals
  • 5. participate in teacher-led group reading and writing activities and demonstrate reading and writing behaviours

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. recognize connections between new experiences and prior knowledge, with assistance
  • explain opinions
  • 2. explore new experiences and ideas
  • combine ideas
  • 3. group ideas and information to make sense
  • extend understanding
  • 4. wonder about new ideas and observations
General Outcome 2 (K)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make connections among oral language, texts and personal experiences
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. recognize and anticipate meaning from familiar print, symbols and images and revise understanding based on further information
  • textual cues
  • 3. recognize environmental print, symbols and images in context and recognize their own name and personally familiar characters
  • cueing systems
  • 4. recognize that text is organized in specific patterns and that text symbols represent sounds, characters or ideas

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. share personal experiences related to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and talk about and represent the actions of people in texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. share feelings evoked by oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. distinguish between what is realistic and imaginary in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and texts
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. develop a sense of story through listening, reading and viewing experiences
  • vocabulary
  • 3. demonstrate curiosity about, and experiment with, sounds and characters
  • experiment with language
  • 4. appreciate the sounds and rhythms of language
  • create original texts
  • 5. mimic original oral and visual texts
General Outcome 3 (K)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. demonstrate personal knowledge of a topic
  • ask questions
  • 2. imitate commonly used questions to satisfy personal curiosity and information needs in the classroom context
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. imitate asking and answering commonly used questions to help satisfy group curiosity and information needs in the classroom context
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. listen to and follow simple directions

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. identify themselves and others as sources of information
  • identify sources
  • 2. seek information from others
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. recognize when information answers the questions asked
  • access information
  • 4. use visual and auditory cues to understand ideas and information
  • make sense of information
  • 5. use prior knowledge to make sense of information

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. categorize objects and visuals according to similarities and differences
  • record information
  • 2. represent and share information and ideas and compose with a scribe
  • evaluate information
  • 3. share information gathered on a specific topic
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. participate in information-gathering experiences
General Outcome 4 (K)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. share or demonstrate ideas from personal experiences
  • choose forms
  • 2. participate in shared oral, print, visual and multimedia experiences
  • organize ideas
  • 3. recognize that ideas expressed in oral language can be represented and recorded

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. participate in the sharing of their own and others’ creations
  • revise content
  • 2. express lack of understanding
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. trace and copy letters or characters and recognize letter or character keys on the keyboard
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. use familiar characters to describe ideas
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. use visuals to express ideas, feelings and information

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. check for completeness of work, with guidance
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. connect sounds with characters
  • writing conventions
  • 3. recognize that a character is the smallest meaningful unit in Chinese

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. use illustrations and other materials to share ideas and information
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. express and represent ideas through various media and forms
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate active listening and viewing behaviours
General Outcome 5 (K)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. represent and draw stories about themselves and their families
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. listen actively to stories and demonstrate curiosity
  • appreciate diversity through texts
  • 3. connect aspects of stories to personal feelings and experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. contribute to group stories, using rhymes, rhythms, symbols, pictures and drama to create and celebrate

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. participate in group activities
  • work in groups
  • 2. demonstrate attentiveness in group activities
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. recognize variations in language use in a school context
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. help others and ask others for help
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (K)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages and use the Chinese language confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol systems
  • 1. listen to the sounds of Chinese and understand that there is a relationship between the sounds and Chinese characters
  • lexicon
  • 2. repeat and recognize basic vocabulary and expressions used in the immediate environment
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 代名詞: 單數和復數
    • − 基本量詞: e.g., 本, 個, 枝, 隻
    • − 形容詞: 大, 小, 好, 高, 低…
    • − 祈使: 坐下, 過來, 出去, 進來…
    • − 及物動詞和不及物動詞: 唱, 笑, 跑, 跳, 看書, 吃飯, 拍手, 唱歌…

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 代名詞: 我, 你, 他 (們)
    • − 名詞
    • − 動詞
    • − 疑問詞語: 要不要, 是不是, 可不可以…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 代名词: 单数和复数
    • − 基本量词: e.g., 本, 个, 枝, 只
    • − 形容词: 大, 小, 好, 高, 低…
    • − 祈使句: 坐下, 过来, 出去, 进来…
    • − 及物动词及不及物动词: 唱, 笑, 跑, 跳, 看 书, 吃饭, 拍手, 唱歌…

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 代名词: 我, 你, 他 (们)
    • − 名词
    • − 动词
    • − 疑问词: 要不要, 是不是, 可不可以…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. be exposed to the basic mechanical features of Chinese
  • discourse features
  • 5. imitate simple, basic discourse features of Chinese in oral interactions

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen and respond to basic phrases in the classroom environment
  • speaking
  • 2. repeat and create simple oral phrases in the classroom environment
  • reading
  • 3. recognize some characters and their corresponding sounds
  • writing
  • 4. explore, trace or copy simple characters
  • viewing
  • 5. view and respond to familiar events and/or representations in the classroom context
  • representing
  • 6. imitate and/or create simple representations of familiar ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociocultural/Sociolinguistic Elements

  • register
  • 1. speak at a volume appropriate to classroom situations and use simple formal language
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. imitate age-appropriate idiomatic expressions
  • variations in language
  • 3. experience a variety of voices; e.g., male and female, young and old
  • social conventions
  • 4. imitate simple routine social interactions
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. imitate some common nonverbal behaviours used in Chinese culture

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., listen attentively, do actions to match words of a song, story or rhyme
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., initiate or maintain interaction with others

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. use simple interactive strategies with guidance; e.g., use words from their first language to get their meaning across, acknowledge being spoken to
  • interpretive
  • 2. use simple interpretive strategies with guidance; e.g., use gestures, intonation and visual supports to aid comprehension
  • productive
  • 3. use simple productive strategies with guidance; e.g., mimic what the teacher says, use nonverbal means to communicate

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., classify objects and ideas according to their attributes
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., watch others’ actions and copy them

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (K)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. represent themselves and their families
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. recognize their importance as people
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. participate in Chinese cultural activities
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. participate in classroom and school cultural activities

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. participate in activities and experiences that reflect traditional elements of Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. participate in activities and experiences that reflect contemporary elements of Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. experience linguistic/cultural elements of diverse origins from within the Chinese language and culture
  • change
  • 4. participate in events marking changes

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. contribute to, and cooperate in, group activities
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. recognize differences between themselves and peers
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. recognize similarities between themselves and peers
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate in, and contribute to, classroom activities

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. demonstrate personal and social responsibility in the classroom
  • interdependence
  • 2. participate in tasks and activities with partners and in groups
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. follow rules in the classroom and school
  • future opportunities
  • 4. share or demonstrate personal strengths or achievements
Grade 1
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 1)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. express personal experiences and familiar events
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. listen to and acknowledge experiences and feelings shared by others
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. use a variety of forms to explore and share familiar events, ideas and information
  • express preferences
  • 4. express preferences for a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • set goals
  • 5. participate in reading and writing activities

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. connect new experiences and information with prior knowledge in familiar situations
  • explain opinions
  • 2. begin to describe new experiences and ideas
  • combine ideas
  • 3. group and sort ideas and information to make sense
  • extend understanding
  • 4. demonstrate curiosity about ideas and observations to make sense of experiences
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 1)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make connections among texts, prior knowledge and personal experiences
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. ask questions to anticipate meaning and use a variety of strategies to confirm understanding
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cues to construct and confirm meaning

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. share personal experiences related to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and identify choices that people make in texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. share feelings and moods evoked by oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. recognize different oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and texts
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. represent the beginning, middle and end of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. experiment with parts of characters
  • experiment with language
  • 4. appreciate repetition, rhyme and rhythm in shared language experiences
  • create original texts
  • 5. generate original texts by using patterns and common expression forms
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 1)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. contribute personal knowledge of a topic to gather information
  • ask questions
  • 2. imitate commonly used questions, such as yes/no/who, to satisfy personal curiosity and information needs
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. imitate asking and answering commonly used questions to help satisfy group curiosity and information needs in the classroom context
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. listen to and follow directions for gathering information

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. identify and share basic personal knowledge related to experiences
  • identify sources
  • 2. seek information from a variety of sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. recognize when information answers the questions asked
  • access information
  • 4. use visual and auditory cues to make meaning, and understand that library materials have a specific organizational system
  • make sense of information
  • 5. make and check predictions, using prior knowledge and oral, print, visual and multimedia text features, to understand information

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. identify and categorize information according to similarities, differences and sequences
  • record information
  • 2. represent and tell key facts and ideas in visual form or by using zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin
  • evaluate information
  • 3. use shared information as a basis for communication
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. recall, share and record information-gathering experiences in oral, print or visual form
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 1)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. contribute ideas from personal experiences for oral, print and visual texts
  • choose forms
  • 2. share ideas and experiences, using simple forms in the classroom context
  • organize ideas
  • 3. organize visuals and familiar print to express ideas and tell stories

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. talk about their own and others’ creations, using basic, common expressions
  • revise content
  • 2. ask basic questions to clarify meaning
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. form recognizable characters, using correct stroke sequence, and use basic keys on the keyboard
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. use familiar characters or simple sentences to describe ideas
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. use familiar characters with visuals to express ideas, feelings and information

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. check for completeness of work and add details, with guidance
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. use basic strategies (i.e., copying, memory, phonetic relationships) to print familiar characters
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and use basic writing conventions

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. share ideas and information in a brief presentation to a familiar audience and use illustrations and other materials to aid the presentation
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. share ideas and information with a group
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate active listening and viewing behaviours
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 1)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. tell, draw and write simple sentences about themselves and their families
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. listen to stories from oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from various communities
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. connect aspects of stories and characters to personal feelings and experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. share ideas and experiences through conversation, puppet plays, dramatic scenes and songs

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. work in partnerships and groups
  • work in groups
  • 2. take turns sharing information and ideas
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. recognize that individuals adjust language use for different situations
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. find ways to be helpful to others
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 1)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. listen to, identify and produce the basic sounds of zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin; recognize the five tones; and experiment with the combination of two or three sound symbols
  • lexicon
  • 2. use simple vocabulary and expressions in the classroom and school environment
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助詞: 了
    • − 副詞
    • − 連接詞: 和
    • − 主語加謂語 (沒有動詞)

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 代名詞:
    • − 基本量詞: 本, 個, 枝, 隻
    • − 及物動詞及賓語; 不及物動詞
    • − 疑問詞
    • − 名詞
    • − 助詞: 的
    • − 表示所有格: 我的
      配合形容詞: 美麗的
    • − 方位名詞: 上, 下, 裏, 外
    • − 時間名詞: 今天, 明天
    • − 祈使: 坐下, 過來, 出去, 進來…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 名詞
    • − 動詞
    • − 代詞: 我, 你, 他 (們)
    • − 連接詞: 和, 跟
    • − 指示代詞: 這, 那

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助词: 了
    • − 副词
    • − 连接词: 和
    • − 主语加谓语 (没有动词)

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 代名词: 单数和复数
    • − 基本量词: 本, 个, 枝, 只
    • − 及物动词及宾语; 不及物动词
    • − 疑问词
    • − 名词
    • − 助词: 的
      表示所有格: 我的
      配合形容词: 美丽的
    • − 方位名词: 上, 下, 里, 外
    • − 时间名词: 今天, 明天
    • − 祈使: 坐下, 过来, 出去, 进来…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 名词
    • − 动词
    • − 代名词: 我, 你, 他 (们)
    • − 连接词: 和, 跟
    • − 指示代名词: 这, 那

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. imitate and use basic mechanical features of Chinese
  • discourse features
  • 5. use simple, basic discourse features of Chinese in oral interactions

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand simple oral sentences in the classroom environment
  • speaking
  • 2. produce simple oral sentences in a structured situation
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand simple sentences in a structured situation, using zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin
  • writing
  • 4. write meaningful phrases and experiment with simple sentences in a structured situation
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand simple, familiar events and/or representations in the classroom context
  • representing
  • 6. create simple representations of familiar ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. distinguish between formal and informal situations
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. imitate age-appropriate idiomatic expressions
  • variations in language
  • 3. experience a variety of voices
  • social conventions
  • 4. use social expressions and politeness conventions appropriate to the classroom
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. understand the meaning of and imitate some common nonverbal behaviours used in Chinese culture

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., make choices about how they learn
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., participate in patterned reading experiences

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. use simple interactive strategies with guidance; e.g., interpret and use a variety of nonverbal clues to communicate
  • interpretive
  • 2. use simple interpretive strategies with guidance; e.g., make connections between texts on the one hand and prior knowledge and personal experience on the other
  • productive
  • 3. use simple productive strategies with guidance; e.g., copy what others say or write, use words that are visible in the immediate environment

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., use models
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., choose from among learning options
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., seek help from others

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 1)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. tell and draw about themselves and their families and appreciate their own uniqueness
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. understand and accept their importance as people
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. participate in Chinese cultural activities and traditions
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. participate in classroom, school and community cultural activities

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. participate in activities and experiences that reflect traditional elements of Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. participate in activities and experiences that reflect contemporary elements of Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. experience linguistic/cultural elements of diverse origins from within the Chinese language and culture
  • change
  • 4. illustrate that change occurs in one’s immediate environment

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. develop a special awareness and concern for members of their class
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. recognize and appreciate differences between themselves and peers
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. recognize and appreciate similarities between themselves and peers
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate and cooperate in, and contribute to, classroom and school activities

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. demonstrate personal and social responsibility in the classroom and school
  • interdependence
  • 2. recognize their own and others’ contributions to a group
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. recognize that rules can be different for different people
  • future opportunities
  • 4. share or demonstrate personal strengths and areas for further development
Grade 2
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 2)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. make and talk about personal observations
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. ask for others’ ideas and observations to help discover and explore personal understanding
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. use a variety of forms to organize and give meaning to familiar experiences, ideas and information
  • express preferences
  • 4. explain why an oral, print, visual or multimedia text is a personal favourite
  • set goals
  • 5. choose to read and write

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. connect new information, ideas and experiences with prior knowledge and experiences
  • explain opinions
  • 2. explain new experiences and understanding
  • combine ideas
  • 3. arrange ideas and information to make sense
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask basic questions to make sense of experiences
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 2)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make connections among texts, prior knowledge and personal experiences
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. anticipate meaning, recognize relationships, draw conclusions and self-correct understanding by using a variety of strategies
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cues to construct and confirm word meaning in context

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. discuss the experiences and traditions of various communities and cultures portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify and express the feelings of people in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. recognize that information and ideas can be expressed in a variety of forms and texts
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. relate the beginning, middle and end of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and identify the main characters in the stories or texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. explore knowledge of commonalities in characters to increase vocabulary in a variety of contexts
  • experiment with language
  • 4. demonstrate interest in the sounds of characters, character combinations and phrases in oral, print, visual and multimedia presentations
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to explore forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 2)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. record and share personal knowledge of a topic to identify information needs
  • ask questions
  • 2. ask basic questions, such as what/where/when/who, to understand a topic and identify information needs
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. ask and answer basic questions to satisfy group curiosity and information needs on a specific topic
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. listen to and follow directions for gathering information and ideas

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. participate in a guided discussion to generate information on a topic and to identify sources of additional information
  • identify sources
  • 2. answer questions by using oral, print, visual and multimedia information sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. compare gathered ideas and information to personal knowledge
  • access information
  • 4. use the specific library organizational system to locate information and ideas, use titles to locate information, and use visual and auditory cues to make meaning
  • make sense of information
  • 5. make connections between prior knowledge, ideas and information and oral, print, visual and multimedia text features

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. categorize related information and ideas, using a variety of strategies
  • record information
  • 2. record key facts and ideas in oral or print form
  • evaluate information
  • 3. recognize and use information
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. recall, discuss and record information-gathering experiences
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 2)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. generate and contribute ideas on particular topics for oral, print and visual texts
  • choose forms
  • 2. share ideas and experiences by using various forms for particular audiences
  • organize ideas
  • 3. organize visuals and print to express ideas and to tell stories

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. talk about their own and others’ creations, using common expressions
  • revise content
  • 2. retell to clarify ideas
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. strive for consistency in character size and shape; print characters in correct stroke sequence, direction and proportion, using squares on a page as a guide; and explore and use the keyboard to produce text
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. experiment with characters and sentence patterns, using specific structures
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. combine illustrations and simple written texts to express ideas, feelings and information

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. check for completeness of work and add details
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. print familiar characters by using a variety of strategies and resources
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and use basic writing conventions

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. share ideas and information on a topic with a familiar audience and clarify information by responding to basic questions
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. present ideas and information
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate attentive audience behaviours
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 2)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. tell, draw and write about themselves, their families and their community
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. explore similarities among stories from oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from various communities
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. connect aspects of stories and characters to personal feelings and experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. participate in shared language experiences to celebrate individual and class achievements

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. cooperate in partnerships and in small groups
  • work in groups
  • 2. contribute related ideas and information in whole-class and small-group activities
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. adjust their own language use for different situations
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. acknowledge achievements of others
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 2)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply, orally and in reading and writing, the basic sound–symbol system of zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin and extend the sound–symbol combination practice
  • lexicon
  • 2. experiment with and use vocabulary and expressions in a variety of contexts in the classroom and school environment
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 介詞 "把" 的用法
    • − 助詞: 得
    • − 感嘆詞: 吧, 呀, 啊
    • − 年, 月, 日及時間的表達:
      例: 二OO一年 十二月五日星期三下 午三點五十分在這裏 開會 。
    • − 時間/方位詞語: 之前, 之後, 快點, 慢 點, 上, 下, 裏, 外, 中間

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助詞: 了
    • − 量詞
    • − 的 (形容詞及所有格的用法)
    • − 及物動詞及賓語;不及物動詞
    • − 疑問詞語: 要不要, 是不是, 可不 可以…
    • − 副詞
    • − 形容詞 (有 "的" 無 "的") 的用法
    • − 賓語

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 主語 + 謂語
    • − 祈使: 坐下, 起來, 出去

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 介词 "把" 的用法
    • − 助词: 得
    • − 感叹词: 吧, 呀, 啊
    • − 年, 月, 日及时间的表达:
      例: 二OO一年 十二月五日星期三下 午三点五十分在这里 开会 。
    • − 时间/方位名词: 之前, 之后, 快点, 慢 点, 上, 下, 里, 外, 中间

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助词: 了
    • − 量词
    • − 的 (配合形容词及 所有格的用法)
    • − 及物动词及宾语; 不 及物动词
    • − 疑问词语: 要不要, 是不是, 可不 可以…
    • − 副词
    • − 形容词 (有 "的" 无 "的") 的用法
    • − 宾语

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 主语 + 谓语
    • − 祈使: 坐下, 起来, 出去

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features of Chinese
  • discourse features
  • 5. imitate and use basic discourse features of Chinese in oral, print and visual texts

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand simple oral sentences in a variety of familiar contexts
  • speaking
  • 2. produce, spontaneously and with guidance, simple oral sentences in a variety of familiar contexts, using zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand simple characters and sentences in a variety of familiar contexts, using zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin
  • writing
  • 4. produce, in writing, a series of sentences with a common idea from familiar situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand simple, familiar events and/or representations
  • representing
  • 6. use a variety of forms to create simple representations of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. recognize that some topics, words or intonations are inappropriate in certain contexts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. understand and use some simple idiomatic expressions as set phrases
  • variations in language
  • 3. acknowledge individual differences in speech
  • social conventions
  • 4. use basic politeness conventions
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. experiment with using some simple nonverbal means of communication

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., learn short rhymes or songs, incorporating new vocabulary or sentence patterns, imitate sounds and intonation patterns
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., rehearse or role-play language
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., seek the assistance of others, such as teachers, parents or friends, to interpret a text

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. use simple interactive strategies with guidance; e.g., interpret and use a variety of nonverbal cues to communicate
  • interpretive
  • 2. use simple interpretive strategies with guidance; e.g., use illustrations to aid reading comprehension
  • productive
  • 3. use simple productive strategies with guidance; e.g., use familiar repetitive patterns from stories, songs, rhymes or media

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., connect what they already know with what they are learning
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., discover how their efforts can affect their learning
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., follow their natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 2)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. express their own self-concept and extend that understanding to include new ideas and perspectives
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. understand their place and importance in the home and school
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. participate in and appreciate Chinese cultural activities and traditions
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. recognize the benefits of a bilingual/multicultural education

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. participate in activities and experiences that reflect traditional elements of Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. participate in activities and experiences that reflect contemporary elements of Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. recognize diverse elements of the Chinese language and culture in the school and/or local community
  • change
  • 4. gather information to demonstrate change within the Chinese language and culture

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. practise consideration for others
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. explore diversity in the family, school and community
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. explore similarities between themselves and others
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate cooperatively in group activities by contributing ideas and supporting others

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. demonstrate personal and social responsibility in the classroom, school and community
  • interdependence
  • 2. recognize the benefits of working with a partner or within a group and learn that they affect and are affected by the actions of others
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. identify and describe causes of conflict in the classroom
  • future opportunities
  • 4. identify personal strengths and areas for improvement
Grade 3
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 3)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. describe personal observations, experiences and feelings
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. consider others’ ideas, and observations of others, to discover and explore personal understanding
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. experiment with language to express feelings and talk about memorable experiences and events
  • express preferences
  • 4. collect and share favourite oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • set goals
  • 5. develop a sense of themselves as readers, writers and illustrators

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. examine how new experiences, ideas and information connect with prior knowledge and experiences
  • explain opinions
  • 2. explain understanding of new concepts
  • combine ideas
  • 3. arrange ideas and information in more than one way to make sense for themselves and others
  • extend understanding
  • 4. reflect on ideas and experiences to clarify and extend understanding
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 3)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make connections among texts, prior knowledge and personal experiences
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. set a purpose for listening, reading and viewing; make and confirm predictions, inferences and conclusions; and listen, read and view again to check meaning
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cues to construct and confirm character meaning in context, and begin to use a dictionary

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. participate in listening, reading and viewing experiences, using texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. describe similarities between experiences and traditions encountered in daily life and those portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify words that form mental images and create mood in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. recognize the distinguishing features of a variety of forms and texts
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. identify the sequence of events in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts; the time and place in which they occur; and the roles of main characters
  • vocabulary
  • 3. apply knowledge of commonalities in characters to increase vocabulary in a variety of contexts
  • experiment with language
  • 4. identify examples of repeated sounds and poetic effects that contribute to enjoyment and recognize humour in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniquess
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 3)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. identify and categorize personal knowledge of a topic to determine information needs
  • ask questions
  • 2. ask topic-appropriate questions, such as what/where/when/who/how/why, to understand a topic and identify information needs
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. contribute relevant information and questions to assist the group in understanding a topic or task
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. recall and follow directions for accessing and gathering information

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. record and share personal knowledge of a topic
  • identify sources
  • 2. access specific information, with teacher guidance, using a variety of sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. match information to inquiry or research needs
  • access information
  • 4. use knowledge of visual and auditory cues and organizational devices to locate and gather information and ideas
  • make sense of information
  • 5. determine main ideas in information, using prior knowledge, predictions, connections and inferences

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize and explain information and ideas, using a variety of strategies
  • record information
  • 2. record facts and ideas, using a variety of strategies, and list authors and titles of sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. examine gathered information to decide what information to share or omit
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. use gathered information and questions to review and add to knowledge
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 3)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. generate and contribute ideas on particular topics for oral, print and visual texts
  • choose forms
  • 2. use a variety of forms for particular audiences and purposes
  • organize ideas
  • 3. order ideas to create a beginning, middle and end in their own oral, print and visual texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own stories and creations with peers and respond to questions or comments
  • revise content
  • 2. revise their own ideas to accommodate new ideas and information
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. print or write legibly and space characters consistently on a page
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. experiment with characters and simple sentence patterns
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. combine illustrations and written texts to express ideas, feelings and information

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit for complete sentences
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. print familiar characters by using a variety of strategies and resources
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and use basic writing conventions when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. share ideas and information on a topic with a familiar audience and clarify information by responding to questions
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. present ideas and information in an appropriate form
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate appropriate audience behaviours
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 3)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. record ideas and experiences and share them with others
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. examine ideas within stories from oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from various communities
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. connect situations portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to personal experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. acknowledge and celebrate individual and class achievements

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. cooperate in a variety of partnerships and group structures
  • work in groups
  • 2. ask others for their ideas and express interest in the contributions of others
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. show consideration for those whose ideas, abilities and language use differ from their own
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. understand how class members help each other
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 3)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin accurately, orally and in reading and writing, including the combination of sound symbols
  • lexicon
  • 2. use vocabulary and expressions appropriately in various situations in the classroom and school environment
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助詞: 地
    • − 量詞: 復數
    • − 比較: 比, 最
    • − 及物動詞: 直接賓語, 雙賓語
    • − 助動詞: 會, 能, 可以, 應該
    • − 副詞: 已經, 正在
    • − 助詞: 著
    • − 被動句: 被, 給

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助詞: 得
    • − 量詞
    • − 助詞: 了
    • − 年, 月, 日及時間的表 達
    • − 及物動詞及賓語; 不 及物動詞
    • − 疑問詞語
    • − 時間/方位詞語: 之前, 之後, 快點, 慢 點, 上, 下, 裏, 外, 中間
    • − 被動: "把" 字句
    • − 因果複句:
    • 例如: 因為…所以…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 連接詞: 和, 跟
    • − 方位名詞: 上, 下, 裏, 外, 前, 後
    • − 的 (所有格的用法)
    • − 形容詞 (有 "的" 無 "的") 的用法
    • − 副詞
    • − 直接賓語

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助词: 地
    • − 助词: 着
    • − 量词: 复数
    • − 比较: 比, 最
    • − 及物动词: 直接宾语, 双宾语
    • − 助动词: 会, 能, 可以, 应该
    • − 状语: 已经, 正在
    • − 被动: 被, 给

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助词: 得
    • − 量词
    • − 助词: 了
    • − 年, 月, 日及时间的表 达
    • − 及物动词及宾语; 不 及物动词
    • − 疑问词语
    • − 时间/方位名词:
      之前, 之后, 快点, 慢 点, 上, 下, 里, 外, 中间
    • − "把" 字句
    • − 因果复句: 因为…所以…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 连接词: 和, 跟
    • − 方位名词: 上, 下, 里, 外, 前, 后
    • − 的 (所有格的用法)
    • − 形容词 (有 "的" 无 "的") 的用法
    • − 副词
    • − 直接宾语

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features of Chinese correctly
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features of Chinese in oral, print and visual texts

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand a series of oral sentences or a short oral presentation on a familiar topic in structured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce in oral form, spontaneously and/or with guidance, a series of interrelated ideas on a familiar topic
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand a series of sentences or a short text on a familiar topic, using zhuyin fuhao or Hanyu pinyin correctly
  • writing
  • 4. produce, spontaneously and with guidance, a simple written text on a familiar topic in a structured situation (one or two paragraphs)
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand simple events and/or representations
  • representing
  • 6. use a variety of forms to create representations of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. experiment with formal and informal uses of language in familiar contexts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. understand and use a variety of simple idiomatic expressions as set phrases
  • variations in language
  • 3. accept individual differences in speech
  • social conventions
  • 4. use appropriate oral forms of address for people frequently encountered
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. recognize that some nonverbal behaviours may be inappropriate in certain contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use a variety of simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., make personal dictionaries, experiment with various elements of the language
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use a variety of simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • social/affective
  • 3. use a variety of simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning; e.g., reread familiar self-chosen texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies  

  • interactive
  • 1. use a variety of simple interactive strategies with guidance; e.g., ask for clarification or repetition when they do not understand
  • interpretive
  • 2. use a variety of simple interpretive strategies with guidance; e.g., determine the purpose of listening, listen or look for key words
  • productive
  • 3. use a variety of simple productive strategies with guidance; e.g., use illustrations to provide detail when producing their own texts 

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use simple cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., experiment with, and concentrate on, one thing at a time
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use simple metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • social/affective
  • 3. use simple social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., participate in cooperative group learning tasks

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 3)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. express their own self-concept and compare this to how others perceive them
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. understand their strengths and abilities
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. recognize and appreciate various elements of Chinese culture
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. understand the personal value and significance of a bilingual/multicultural education

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. participate in activities and experiences that reflect traditional elements of Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. participate in activities and experiences that reflect contemporary elements of Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. identify diverse elements of the Chinese language and culture in the school and/or local community
  • change
  • 4. identify how people’s actions and lifestyles change to accommodate their changing needs

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. experience that helping others is rewarding
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. explore diversity in the classroom, school and local community and reflect on its personal significance
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. explore similarities among members of the immediate community and reflect on the personal significance of these similarities
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate cooperatively in daily classroom duties and support peers and classmates

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. learn that growing up involves making decisions and accepting consequences
  • interdependence
  • 2. identify the advantages and disadvantages of working collaboratively with a partner or group
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. explore ways to resolve interpersonal conflict
  • future opportunities
  • 4. identify personal strengths and areas for improvement and set personal goals
Grade 4
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 4)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. describe and reflect upon personal observations and experiences to reach tentative conclusions
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. explore connections among a variety of insights, ideas and responses
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. explore and experiment with a variety of forms of expression for particular personal purposes
  • express preferences
  • 4. collect and explain preferences for particular forms of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • set goals
  • 5. identify areas of personal accomplishment in language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. connect new information and experiences with prior knowledge to construct meaning in different contexts
  • explain opinions
  • 2. express new concepts and understanding in their own words
  • combine ideas
  • 3. organize ideas and information in ways that clarify and shape understanding
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask basic questions to clarify information and to develop new understanding
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 4)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make and record connections among personal experiences, prior knowledge and a variety of texts
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. confirm or reject inferences, predictions or conclusions, based on textual information, and check and confirm understanding by rereading
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems to construct and confirm meaning and use a junior dictionary to determine character meaning in context

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions, with and without support
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. identify similarities and differences between personal experiences and the experiences of people from various cultures portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify mood evoked by oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. distinguish similarities and differences among various oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and texts
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. explain connections between events and roles of main characters in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and identify how these texts may influence people’s behaviours
  • vocabulary
  • 3. expand knowledge of character patterns, using a variety of sources
  • experiment with language
  • 4. recognize how characters and character combinations influence or convey meaning, and identify ways used to respond to humour
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 4)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. categorize personal knowledge of a topic to determine information needs
  • ask questions
  • 2. ask topic-appropriate questions and identify and communicate information needs
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. contribute knowledge of a topic in group discussion to assist in group understanding of a topic or task
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. recall and follow a sequential plan for accessing and gathering information

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. record, select and share personal knowledge of a topic to focus inquiry or research
  • identify sources
  • 2. answer inquiry or research questions by using a variety of information sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. review information to determine its usefulness for inquiry or research needs
  • access information
  • 4. use a variety of tools to locate and gather a variety of information and ideas
  • make sense of information
  • 5. determine main and supporting ideas, using prior knowledge, predictions, connections, inferences and visual and auditory cues

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas into categories, using a variety of strategies
  • record information
  • 2. record facts and ideas, using a variety of strategies, and list authors and titles of sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. determine whether gathered information is sufficient to answer research questions
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. use gathered information and questions to review and add to knowledge and consider new questions regarding the inquiry or research process and content
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 4)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. generate and contribute ideas on particular topics for oral, print and visual texts, using a variety of strategies
  • choose forms
  • 2. use a variety of forms for particular audiences and purposes
  • organize ideas
  • 3. develop and arrange ideas in their own oral, print and visual texts by using organizers

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own stories and creations in various ways and obtain feedback from others
  • revise content
  • 2. revise texts to focus on main ideas and relevant information
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. print/write legibly, space characters consistently on a page and experiment with the use of templates and familiar software when composing and revising
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. select from a range of character choices and use simple sentence patterns to communicate ideas and information
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare neat and organized compositions, reports and charts that engage the audience

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit for complete sentences and to eliminate unnecessary repetition of words
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. apply Hanyu pinyin or zhuyin fuhao to unfamiliar characters and use a variety of strategies and resources when editing and proofreading
  • writing conventions
  • 3. use basic writing conventions correctly when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. present ideas and information on a topic to engage a familiar audience, using a pre-established plan, and use print and nonprint aids to enhance the presentation
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. describe and explain ideas and information to a particular audience and select and use appropriate volume, intonation and nonverbal cues
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate appropriate audience behaviours
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 4)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. understand relationships between their own and others’ ideas and experiences
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. discuss ideas within stories from oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from various communities
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. connect portrayals of individuals or situations in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to personal experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. use language appropriate in tone and form when participating in classroom and school activities

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. appreciate that everyone in a group has to work together to achieve group tasks and act accordingly
  • work in groups
  • 2. take roles and share responsibilities as group members
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. appreciate variations in language use in a variety of contexts in the immediate community
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. show appreciation and offer constructive feedback to peers and seek support from group members
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 4)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. use Hanyu pinyin or zhuyin fuhao consistently and accurately and understand that the other system (i.e., Hanyu pinyin or zhuyin fuhao) exists
  • lexicon
  • 2. use vocabulary and expressions appropriately in a variety of classroom, school and community contexts and understand that simplified characters exist
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 復合句, 複雜句
    • − 的 (所有格及配合形容詞 混合多次使用時的用法): 我 朋友家美麗的花園

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 疑問詞語
    • − 助詞: 地
    • − 被動: "被" 字句
    • − "把" 字句
    • − 助詞: 得
    • − 比較: 比;最
    • − 量詞: 復數
    • − 助動詞
    • − 狀語: 已經, 正在
    • − 助詞: 著
    • − 及物動詞: 直接賓語, 雙賓語

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助詞: 了
    • − 方位名詞: 上, 下, 裏, 外
    • − 時間名詞: 今天, 明天
    • − 年, 月, 日及時間的表達
    • − 時間詞語: 之前, 之後

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 复合句, 复杂句
    • − 的 (所有格及配合形容词混 合多次使用时的用法): 我朋 友家美丽的花园

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 疑问词语
    • − 助词: 地
    • − 被动: "被" 字句
    • − "把" 字句
    • − 助词: 得
    • − 比较: 比, 最
    • − 量词: 复数
    • − 状语: 已经, 正在
    • − 助词: 着
    • − 及物动词: 直接宾语, 双宾语

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 助词: 了
    • − 方位名词: 上, 下, 里, 外
    • − 时间名词: 今天, 明天
    • − 年, 月, 日及时间的表达
    • − 时间词语: 之前, 之后

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features of Chinese correctly and begin to explore their use for effect
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features of Chinese correctly in oral, print and visual texts

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand a short oral presentation on a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce, spontaneously and/or with guidance, a short oral presentation on a familiar topic in a structured situation
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand a series of interrelated ideas dealing with a familiar topic in structured situations
  • writing
  • 4. produce, spontaneously and with guidance, a simple written text on a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand a variety of simple events and/or representations
  • representing
  • 6. create multiple representations of the same familiar ideas, events and/or information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. use formal and informal language in familiar situations
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. apply learned idiomatic expressions to new contexts
  • variations in language
  • 3. experience a variety of accents and variations in speech
  • social conventions
  • 4. recognize verbal behaviours that are considered impolite
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. recognize appropriate nonverbal behaviours for people frequently encountered

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., use mental images to remember new information, repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • metacognitive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • social/affective
  • 3. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., work cooperatively with peers in small groups

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies  

  • interactive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies; e.g., use other speakers’ words in subsequent conversations
  • interpretive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies; e.g., listen selectively based on purpose, make predictions about what they expect to hear or read based on prior knowledge and personal experience
  • productive
  • 3. identify and use a variety of productive strategies; e.g., use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming or keeping a notebook or log of ideas 

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., focus on and complete learning tasks
  • metacognitive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., divide an overall learning task into a number of subtasks
  • social/affective
  • 3. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., choose learning activities that enhance understanding and enjoyment

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 4)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. explore and examine various sources of information for development of their self-concept
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. learn that respect for themselves is essential and understand that self-concept is determined by external and internal forces
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. recognize and appreciate various elements of Chinese culture
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. participate in activities that promote and celebrate the bilingual/multicultural education experience

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. explore elements in the immediate environment that reflect the historical roots of the Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. explore elements in the immediate environment that reflect the contemporary features of the Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. explore diversity of the Chinese language and culture in the immediate environment
  • change
  • 4. explore and reflect on change within their own family and community

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. encourage and support classmates and schoolmates
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. explore diversity in the immediate and local community and reflect on its personal significance
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. explore similarities among members in the local community and reflect on the personal significance of these similarities
  • contributing to community
  • 4. demonstrate desire to assist or contribute for personal satisfaction

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. respect the feelings, rights and property of others and accept responsibility for their own actions
  • interdependence
  • 2. recognize the effects of their actions on others and recognize that people must depend on others to meet their basic needs
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. examine the rights and responsibilities of the individual
  • future opportunities
  • 4. identify personal strengths and areas for improvement and establish personal goals and action plans
Grade 5
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. use personal experiences as a basis for exploring and expressing opinions and understanding
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. seek others’ viewpoints to build on personal responses and understanding
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. explore and experiment with a variety of forms of expression for particular personal purposes
  • express preferences
  • 4. review a collection of favourite oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and share responses to preferred forms
  • set goals
  • 5. identify and discuss areas of personal accomplishment and areas for enhancement in language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. reflect on prior knowledge and experiences to arrive at new understanding
  • explain opinions
  • 2. explain personal viewpoints
  • combine ideas
  • 3. experiment with arranging ideas and information in a variety of ways to clarify understanding
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask questions to clarify information and to develop new understanding
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make and record connections among personal experiences, prior knowledge and a variety of texts
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. use a variety of comprehension strategies to confirm understanding, and self-correct when necessary
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems to construct and confirm meaning and use a dictionary to determine character meaning in context

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and share responses
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. identify similarities and differences between personal experiences and the experiences of people from various cultures portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify descriptive and figurative language in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. understand and use a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and texts
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. identify key elements, including plot, setting and characterization, and techniques, such as colour, music and speed, in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. continue to expand knowledge of characters and character relationships, using a variety of sources
  • experiment with language
  • 4. recognize how characters and character combinations influence or convey meaning, and identify ways used to convey humour
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. summarize personal knowledge of a topic in categories to determine information needs
  • ask questions
  • 2. ask general and specific questions on a topic, using predetermined categories
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. identify relevant personal knowledge of a topic, possible categories of questions and purposes for group inquiry or research
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. select and use a plan for gathering information

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. record, select and share personal knowledge of a topic to focus inquiry or research
  • identify sources
  • 2. answer inquiry or research questions by using a variety of information sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. review information to determine its usefulness for inquiry or research needs
  • access information
  • 4. use a variety of tools to access information and ideas and use visual and auditory cues to identify important information
  • make sense of information
  • 5. recognize organizational patterns of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and skim, scan and listen for key words and phrases

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas into categories, using a variety of strategies
  • record information
  • 2. make notes of key words, phrases and images by subtopics and cite authors and titles of sources appropriately
  • evaluate information
  • 3. examine gathered information to identify whether more information is required and review new understanding
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. determine information needs during the inquiry or research process and discuss and assess inquiry or research experiences and skills
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. focus a topic for oral, print and visual texts, using a variety of strategies
  • choose forms
  • 2. use a variety of forms for particular audiences and purposes
  • organize ideas
  • 3. develop and arrange ideas in their own oral, print and visual texts by using a variety of organizers

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own stories and creations in various ways and give support and offer feedback to peers, using pre-established criteria
  • revise content
  • 2. check for sequence of ideas and revise texts to create an interesting impression
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. write legibly and use word processing when composing and revising
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. choose descriptive language and sentence patterns to clarify and enhance ideas
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare organized compositions and reports, using sound effects and visuals that engage the audience

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit to eliminate sentence fragments, unnecessary repetitions and run-on sentences
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. use a variety of strategies when editing and proofreading, predict the formations of unfamiliar characters and use a variety of resources to confirm correctness
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and use writing conventions and apply these conventions when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. prepare and share information on a topic, using print and nonprint aids to engage and inform a familiar audience
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. use gestures and facial expressions to enhance oral presentations, use emphasis and appropriate pacing and arrange presentation space to focus audience attention
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. show respect for the presenter through active listening and viewing behaviours
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 5)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. acknowledge differing responses to common experiences
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. discuss ideas, events and figures within stories from oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from various communities
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. connect the insights of individuals in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to personal experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. select and use language appropriate in tone and form to recognize and honour people and events

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. distinguish between on-task and off-task ideas and behaviours in a group and stay on task
  • work in groups
  • 2. assume the responsibilities for various group roles
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. demonstrate sensitivity to appropriate language use when communicating orally
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. assess group process, using a variety of strategies, and determine areas for development
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 5)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply knowledge of Hanyu pinyin or zhuyin fuhao in unfamiliar contexts and demonstrate awareness of the use of the other system (i.e., Hanyu pinyin or zhuyin fuhao)
  • lexicon
  • 2. use vocabulary and expressions appropriately in a variety of classroom, school and community contexts and demonstrate awareness of the use of simplified characters
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 量詞: 復數
    • − 組合句, 複雜句
    • − 及物動詞: 直接賓語, 雙賓語
    • − 的 (所有格及配合形容詞混合 多次使用時的用法): 我朋友家 美麗的花園
    • − 助詞: 地

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 量詞
    • − 助動詞
    • − 疑問詞語
    • − 助詞: 得
    • − 狀語: 已經, 正在
    • − 助詞: 著
    • − 比較: 比, "最"
    • − 被動: "被" 字句
    • − 感嘆詞: 吧, 呀

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 量词: 复数
    • − 组合句, 复杂句
    • − 及物动词: 直接宾语, 双宾语
    • − 的 (所有格及配合形容词混合 多次使用时的用法): 我朋友家美 丽的花园
    • − 助词: 地

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 量词
    • − 助动词
    • − 疑问词语
    • − 助词: 得
    • − 状语: 已经, 正在
    • − 助词: 着
    • − 比较: 比, 最
    • − 被动: "被" 字句
    • − 感叹词: 吧, 呀

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features of Chinese correctly and begin to apply these features for effect
  • discourse features
  • 5. experiment with basic discourse features of Chinese in oral, print and visual texts

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand the main points of an oral presentation on a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce a prepared or spontaneous oral presentation on a familiar topic in a structured situation
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand a series of interrelated ideas dealing with a familiar topic in both structured and unstructured situations
  • writing
  • 4. produce in written form, spontaneously and with guidance, a series of interrelated ideas on a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand a series of simple events and/or representations
  • representing
  • 6. create multiple representations of the same ideas, events and/or information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. identify socially appropriate language in specific situations
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. use learned idiomatic expressions to enhance communication
  • variations in language
  • 3. experience a variety of regional variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. recognize simple social conventions in informal conversations
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. use appropriate nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., group together sets of things [vocabulary, structures] with similar characteristics, identify similarities and differences between aspects of Chinese and their own language [punctuation, rules of capitalization]
  • metacognitive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., reflect on the listening, reading and writing process, check copied writing for accuracy
  • social/affective
  • 3. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning, experiment with various forms of expression

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies  

  • interactive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies; e.g., assess feedback from a conversation partner to recognize when a message has not been understood
  • interpretive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies; e.g., use knowledge of the sound–symbol system(s) to aid reading comprehension
  • productive
  • 3. identify and use a variety of productive strategies; e.g., use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences 

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., record key words and concepts in abbreviated form [verbal, graphic or numerical] to assist with performance of a learning task
  • metacognitive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • social/affective
  • 3. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., encourage themselves to try, even though they might make mistakes

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 5)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. identify influences on the development of their self-concept and self-identity
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. recognize that individuals change in many ways and that self-perception can change over time and depending on one’s context
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. identify the lifelong personal benefits of Chinese culture
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. recognize the uniqueness of bilingual/multicultural education in a Canadian context

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. explore key historical elements, events, figures and developments of the Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. explore key contemporary elements, events, figures and developments of the Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. explore diversity of the Chinese language and culture at the provincial level
  • change
  • 4. explore and reflect on change in the Chinese language and culture within Canada

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. develop skills that promote open, authentic relationships with others in class and school
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. explore and reflect on the personal significance of diversity in Canada
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. explore, compare and reflect on common human needs and experiences of Canadians
  • contributing to community
  • 4. demonstrate concern for the quality of their work in and out of school

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. learn the positive and negative aspects of the consequences of their actions and demonstrate honesty and reliability in a variety of situations
  • interdependence
  • 2. examine the role of the individual in group activities and reflect on the effectiveness of their own contributions
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. recognize and respect individual differences and recognize the worth of every individual
  • future opportunities
  • 4. identify personal strengths and areas for further development and establish personal goals and action plans
Grade 6
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 6)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. use exploratory language to discover their own interpretations and to share personal responses
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. select from others’ ideas and observations to develop thinking and understanding
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. explore and experiment with a variety of forms of expression for particular personal purposes
  • express preferences
  • 4. assess a collection of favourite oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and discuss preferences for particular forms
  • set goals
  • 5. assess personal language use and set personal goals to enhance language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. use prior knowledge and experiences selectively to make sense of new information in a variety of contexts
  • explain opinions
  • 2. explain personal viewpoints in meaningful ways and revise previous understanding
  • combine ideas
  • 3. search for ways to reorganize ideas and information to extend understanding
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask a variety of questions to clarify information and to develop new understanding
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 6)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make and record connections among personal experiences, prior knowledge and a variety of texts
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. use comprehension strategies appropriate to the type of text and purpose
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems to construct and confirm meaning and use a dictionary to determine character meaning in context

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. seek opportunities to experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and explain preferences for particular types of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. compare the challenges and situations encountered in their own daily lives with those experienced by people in other times, places and cultures as portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify descriptive and figurative language in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and discuss how it enhances understanding of people, places and actions

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. recognize key characteristics of various oral, print, visual and multimedia genres
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. examine key elements and techniques in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. identify how and why character structures and meaning change and use accurate character meaning according to context
  • experiment with language
  • 4. experiment with characters, phrases and figures of speech to create images
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 6)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. summarize and focus personal knowledge of a topic to determine information needs
  • ask questions
  • 2. formulate general and specific questions to identify information needs
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. share personal knowledge of a selected topic to help formulate relevant questions appropriate to a specific audience and purpose for group inquiry or research
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. gather and record information and ideas, using a plan

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. record personal knowledge of a topic and collaborate to generate information for inquiry or research
  • identify sources
  • 2. answer inquiry or research questions by using a variety of information sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. review information to determine its usefulness for inquiry or research needs
  • access information
  • 4. use a variety of tools to access information and ideas and use visual and auditory cues to gather important information
  • make sense of information
  • 5. use organizational patterns of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to construct meaning and skim, scan and read closely to gather information

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas, using a variety of strategies and techniques
  • record information
  • 2. record information in their own words, cite authors and titles appropriately and provide publication dates of sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. recognize gaps in gathered information and suggest additional information needed for a particular audience and purpose
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. assess knowledge gained through the inquiry or research process; form personal conclusions; and generate, with teacher assistance, new questions for further inquiry or research
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 6)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. focus a topic for oral, print and visual texts, using a variety of strategies
  • choose forms
  • 2. use a variety of forms for particular audiences and purposes
  • organize ideas
  • 3. use listening, reading and viewing experiences as models for organizing ideas in their own oral, print and visual texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own stories and creations in various ways with peers and give support and offer feedback to peers, using pre-established criteria
  • revise content
  • 2. revise texts for content, organization and clarity
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. print/write legibly and at a space appropriate to context and purpose when composing and revising and select and use a variety of design elements when appropriate
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. choose descriptive language and use varied sentence lengths and structures to clarify and enhance ideas
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare organized compositions, presentations, reports and inquiry or research projects, using templates or pre-established organizers

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit to eliminate sentence fragments, unnecessary repetitions and run-on sentences
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. use a variety of strategies when editing and proofreading, predict the formations of unfamiliar characters and use a variety of resources to confirm correctness
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions in sentences when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. prepare and share information on a topic, using print, audiovisual and dramatic forms to engage the audience
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. use appropriate volume, phrasing, intonation, nonverbal cues and presentation space to enhance communication
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical listening and viewing behaviours and show respect for the presenter
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 6)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. compare personal ways of responding and thinking with those of others
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. explore cultural representations in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from various communities
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. connect the insights of individuals in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to personal experiences
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. select and use appropriate language and forms to acknowledge special events and to honour accomplishments in and beyond the school

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. assist group members to maintain focus and to complete tasks
  • work in groups
  • 2. select and assume roles to assist in the achievement of group goals
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. demonstrate sensitivity to appropriate language use and tone when communicating orally
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. assess their own contributions to group process; set personal goals for enhancing work with others; and monitor group process, using a variety of strategies
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 6)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. minimize their own usage of Hanyu pinyin or zhuyin fuhao, identify most of the characters in materials at their level and differentiate between zhuyin fuhao and Hanyu pinyin
  • lexicon
  • 2. recognize that various words and expressions may express the same idea and that one word may have multiple meanings and recognize or differentiate between traditional and simplified characters
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 復合句, 複雜句
    • − 及物動詞: 直接賓語, 雙賓語
    • − 量詞: 復數
    • − "把" 字句
    • − 助詞: 地
    • − 的 (所有格及配合形容詞混合 多次使用時的用法): 我朋友家 美麗的花園

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 复合句, 复杂句
    • − 及物动词: 直接宾语, 双宾语
    • − 量词: 复数
    • − "把" 字句
    • − 助词: 地
    • − 的 (所有格及配合形容词混合 多次使用时的用法): 我朋友家 美丽的花园

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features of Chinese correctly and for effect
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features of Chinese correctly in oral, print and visual texts

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand the main points of a lengthy oral or media presentation on a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce a prepared or spontaneous oral presentation on a familiar topic in a structured or unstructured situation
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand a lengthy series of interrelated ideas dealing with a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • writing
  • 4. produce in written form, spontaneously and/or with preparation, a lengthy series of interrelated ideas dealing with a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand events and/or representations within and beyond the school context
  • representing
  • 6. use a variety of forms to create multiple representations of ideas, events and/or information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. use socially appropriate language in specific situations
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. use learned idiomatic expressions correctly in new contexts
  • variations in language
  • 3. recognize some common regional variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. recognize important social conventions in everyday interactions
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. use appropriate nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., look for patterns and relationships, use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • metacognitive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., listen or read for key words, monitor their own speech and writing to check for persistent errors
  • social/affective
  • 3. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises 

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies  

  • interactive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies; e.g., start again, using a different tactic, when communication breaks down, use a simple word similar to the concept to convey, and invite correction
  • interpretive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies; e.g., infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • productive
  • 3. identify and use a variety of productive strategies; e.g., be aware of and use the steps of the writing process 

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., use mental images to remember new information
  • metacognitive
  • 2. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., identify their own needs and interests
  • social/affective
  • 3. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., take part in group decision-making processes

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 6)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. explore and reflect on various facets of self-identity
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. recognize the effect of positive feedback and criticism on themselves and others
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. recognize the personal value and significance of Chinese culture
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. identify the lifelong benefits and potential advantages of a bilingual/multicultural education in a Canadian and international context

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. identify major historical elements, events, figures and developments of the Chinese language and culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. identify major contemporary elements, events, figures and developments of the Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. explore diversity of the Chinese language and culture in Canada
  • change
  • 4. explore and reflect on change in the Chinese language and culture at the international level

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. use skills that promote cooperation and mutual respect within the classroom and the school
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. explore the impact of diversity in other regions of the world and compare this with the impact of diversity in Canada
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. examine the common human needs and experiences of people around the world
  • contributing to community
  • 4. provide positive contributions and leadership within the school and/or community

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. learn the meaning of personal and social conscience and learn problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • interdependence
  • 2. participate in, and contribute to, group activities effectively and recognize that cooperation is important
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. accept differences in the characteristics and abilities of peers and others
  • future opportunities
  • 4. identify their own interests and explore future opportunities for learning and employment
Grade 7
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 7)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. use exploratory language to discuss and record a variety of opinions and conclusions
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. compare their own insights and viewpoints to those of others
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. expand self-expression in oral, print and visual forms
  • express preferences
  • 4. explore oral, print, visual and multimedia texts recommended by others
  • set goals
  • 5. assess personal language use and revise personal goals to enhance language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. recognize the value of connecting prior and new knowledge and experiences to shape and extend understanding
  • explain opinions
  • 2. articulate, represent and explain personal viewpoints clearly
  • combine ideas
  • 3. search for ways to reorganize ideas and information to extend understanding
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask specific and focused questions for elaboration and clarification and discuss experiences and understanding
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 7)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make connections among previous experiences, prior knowledge and textual material
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. use comprehension strategies appropriate to the type of text and purpose and use a variety of strategies to remember ideas
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems, and bushou, to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and discuss preferences
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. compare their own understanding of people, cultural traditions and values portrayed in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to that of others
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify descriptive and figurative language in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and discuss how it enhances understanding of people, places, actions and events

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. identify preferences for particular oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and genres
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. examine techniques of plot development in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and explore the effect of these techniques
  • vocabulary
  • 3. explore factors, such as history, social trends and geographic isolation, that influence word families and the evolution of language
  • experiment with language
  • 4. explore creative and playful uses of language in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 7)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. examine personal knowledge of, and experiences related to, a topic to determine information needs
  • ask questions
  • 2. formulate, with guidance, a variety of relevant questions on a topic to establish a purpose for seeking information
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. contribute to group knowledge of topics to help identify and focus information needs, sources and purposes for group inquiry or research
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. prepare and use a plan to access information and ideas from a variety of sources, such as teachers, peers, print materials, nonprint materials and electronic sources

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. select and organize personal and peer knowledge of a topic to establish an information base for inquiry or research
  • identify sources
  • 2. identify their own information sources to satisfy inquiry or research needs
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. review information to determine its usefulness and reliability in answering inquiry or research questions
  • access information
  • 4. use a repertoire of skills, including visual and auditory, to access information and ideas from a variety of sources
  • make sense of information
  • 5. use a variety of strategies and cues to determine the meaning of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas in a logical order, according to topic and task requirements
  • record information
  • 2. make notes in point form, on familiar topics, and reference sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. recognize gaps in the information gathered and locate additional information needed for a particular form, audience and purpose
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. assess knowledge gained through the inquiry or research process, form personal conclusions and generate new questions for further inquiry or research
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 7)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. experiment with various ways to generate ideas and to focus a topic
  • choose forms
  • 2. select specific forms that serve particular audiences and purposes
  • organize ideas
  • 3. identify and select organizational patterns in their own oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own work in a variety of ways and appraise particular aspects of their own work and that of others, using pre-established criteria
  • revise content
  • 2. revise texts to correct basic grammatical errors
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. determine the appropriateness of handwriting or word processing for a particular task when composing and revising and combine print and visuals when desktop publishing
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. review drafts and revise them to enhance the clarity and artistry of expression
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare compositions, reports and inquiry or research projects, using a variety of text organizers

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit for basic grammatical accuracy
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. know conventions of character formation, apply these conventions to familiar words and use appropriate resources when editing and proofreading
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. plan and present sessions on particular topics, using a variety of techniques
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. present short oral presentations and reports, using verbal and nonverbal cues to focus audience attention, and project emotion appropriate to the subject and point of view
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical listening and viewing behaviours and show respect for the presenter
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 7)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. demonstrate growing self-confidence when expressing and sharing thoughts, ideas and feelings
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. explain ways in which oral, print, visual and multimedia texts reflect topics and themes in life
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. interpret the choices and motives of individuals encountered in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and examine how these choices and motives relate to their own and to those of others
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. use appropriate language to participate in public events, occasions or traditions

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. contribute to group efforts to reach consensus or conclusions
  • work in groups
  • 2. present group conclusions or findings to classmates
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. respect diverse languages, ideas, texts and traditions and recognize personal contributions and contributions of peers and the wider community
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. evaluate group process and personal contributions according to pre-established criteria
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 7)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply Hanyu pinyin accurately when encountering unfamiliar words*
  • * Students who are familiar with zhuyin fuhao may also maintain and apply this skill.

  • lexicon
  • 2. use multiple words or phrases to express the same idea, within familiar topics
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations2, the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 強調: 就
    • − 承接複句: 先…然後… 我們先去吃飯, 然後再去 參觀。
    • − 受事主語:
    • − 施事賓語:

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 主語:
    • − 謂語:
    • − 賓語
    • − 名詞, 代詞, 數詞, "的" 字詞組
    • − 都:
      1. Both/all
      2. 和 "了" 一起用
        Intensify the tone (already)

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 二, 倆, 兩的用法:

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 强调: 就
    • − 承接复句: 先…然后…
    • − 我们先去吃饭, 然后再去
    • − 参观。
    • − 受事主语:
    • − 施事宾语:

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 主语:
    • − 谓语:
    • − 宾语
    • − 名词, 代词, 数词, "的" 字词组
    • − 都:
      1. Both/all
      2. 和 "了" 一起用
        Intensify the tone (already)

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 二, 俩, 两的用法:

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features correctly and effectively
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features of Chinese correctly and apply these features for effect, with teacher guidance

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand the main points of lengthy oral or media presentations on a variety of familiar topics in structured and unstructured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce a prepared or spontaneous oral presentation on a familiar topic in a variety of structured and unstructured situations
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand a lengthy series of interrelated ideas dealing with a familiar topic in a variety of structured and unstructured situations
  • writing
  • 4. produce in written form, spontaneously and/or with preparation, a lengthy series of simple and complex ideas on a familiar topic in structured and unstructured situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand complex representations of familiar ideas, events and information
  • representing
  • 6. create complex representations of familiar ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. explore formal and informal uses of language in a variety of contexts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. use learned idiomatic expressions in a variety of contexts
  • variations in language
  • 3. recognize other influences resulting in variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. interpret the use of social conventions encountered in oral and print texts
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. recognize nonverbal behaviours that are considered impolite

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., associate new words or expressions with familiar ones, either in Chinese or in their own language
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., evaluate their own performance or comprehension at the end of a task, keep a learning log
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., use self-talk to feel competent to do the task 

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. select and use a variety of interactive strategies; e.g., invite others into the discussion, ask for confirmation that a form used is correct
  • interpretive
  • 2. select and use a variety of interpretive strategies; e.g., prepare questions or a guide to note down information found in a text
  • productive
  • 3. select and use a variety of productive strategies; e.g., use resources to increase vocabulary

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., distinguish between fact and opinion when using a variety of sources of information
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., manage their own physical working environment
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 7)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. understand self-concept and the factors that affect it
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. understand the importance of developing a positive self-concept and self-identity, recognize the effects of positive and negative treatment and understand ways in which the individual has rights to safeguard against stereotyping
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. explore and analyze how they have been influenced and enriched by Chinese culture
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. explore and analyze how being bilingual/multicultural has influenced and enriched their lives

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. explore some major historical events and figures of Chinese culture through topics such as:
    • literature
    • philosophy
    • art
    • customs and traditions
    • behaviours and values
    • festivals and celebrations
    • Chinese language

  • contemporary elements
  • 2. explore some elements in the immediate environment that reflect the contemporary features of the Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. explore diversity of the Chinese language and culture at the national and international levels
  • change
  • 4. explore how changes in Chinese culture have impacted their life

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. demonstrate respect for the rights and opinions of others
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. examine diversity in the school, local community and among peers and reflect on its impact on personal relationships and personal choices
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. examine commonalities among peers and members of the school and local community and reflect on the personal impact of these commonalities
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate effectively in group activities

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. identify examples of the rights and responsibilities of citizens
  • interdependence
  • 2. explore different roles and responsibilities of group members
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. explore representations of their culture as perceived by others and examine instances of societal conflict
  • future opportunities
  • 4. explore learning and work opportunities around the world
Grade 8
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 8)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. explore diverse ideas to develop conclusions, opinions and understanding
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. integrate new understanding with previous viewpoints and interpretations
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. expand self-expression in oral, print and visual forms
  • express preferences
  • 4. explore oral, print, visual and multimedia texts recommended by others
  • set goals
  • 5. assess personal language use and discuss developing abilities in personal language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. understand the importance of reflecting on prior experiences and knowledge to revise conclusions and understanding
  • explain opinions
  • 2. summarize and represent personal viewpoints clearly
  • combine ideas
  • 3. identify or invent personally meaningful ways of organizing ideas and information to clarify and extend understanding
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask specific questions, reconsider initial understanding in light of new information and listen to diverse opinions
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 8)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. make connections among previous experiences, prior knowledge and textual material and apply these connections to new contexts
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. use a variety of comprehension strategies to make sense of familiar and unfamiliar texts and to remember ideas
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems, and bushou, to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and compare their own interests with those of others
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. discuss how similar ideas, people, experiences and traditions are conveyed in various oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify language and visual images that create mood and evoke emotion in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. explain preferences for particular oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and genres
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. examine techniques of plot development in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts and discuss how these techniques interact to create effects
  • vocabulary
  • 3. recognize variations in language, accent and dialect in communities, regions and countries
  • experiment with language
  • 4. identify creative uses of language in popular culture
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 8)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. determine personal knowledge of a topic to generate possible areas of inquiry or research
  • ask questions
  • 2. develop a variety of focused questions to establish a purpose for gathering information
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. contribute ideas, knowledge and questions to help establish group inquiry or research focuses and purposes
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. prepare and use a plan to access, gather and record relevant information from a variety of human, print and electronic sources

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. access and record personal and peer knowledge and understanding of a topic to establish an information base for inquiry or research
  • identify sources
  • 2. identify a variety of information sources to satisfy inquiry or research needs
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. review information to determine its usefulness, reliability and currency in answering inquiry or research questions
  • access information
  • 4. expand and use a variety of skills, including visual and auditory, to access information and ideas from a variety of sources
  • make sense of information
  • 5. identify factors, such as organizational patterns of text, page layouts, font styles and colour, that affect meaning

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas, selecting categories appropriate to a particular topic and purpose
  • record information
  • 2. make notes using headings and subheadings, or graphic organizers with teacher assistance, appropriate to a topic, and reference sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. distinguish between main and supporting information to evaluate usefulness, relevance and completeness
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. organize new information; connect it to prior knowledge; and generate, with teacher assistance, new questions for further inquiry or research
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 8)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. use simple techniques to generate and select ideas for oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • choose forms
  • 2. select specific forms to match content, audience and purpose
  • organize ideas
  • 3. identify and use organizational patterns in their own oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share and discuss particular qualities of samples from their own collection of work and accept and provide constructive suggestions for revising their own work and that of others
  • revise content
  • 2. revise texts to enhance meaning and to correct basic grammatical errors
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. format for legibility when composing and revising and enhance the coherence of documents
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. review drafts and revise them to enhance the clarity and artistry of expression
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare compositions, reports, presentations and inquiry or research projects, using a variety of text organizers

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit for basic grammatical accuracy and to eliminate unnecessary repetition of words and ideas
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. know conventions of character formation, apply these conventions to familiar and unfamiliar words and use appropriate resources when editing and proofreading
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. plan and present or facilitate sessions on particular topics, using a variety of techniques
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. explain, share and present, orally, using conventions of public speaking in a variety of settings, and use visual aids to enhance the effectiveness of oral presentations
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical listening and viewing behaviours and show respect for the presenter
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 8)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. express personal reactions to a variety of experiences and texts and acknowledge the reactions of others
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. compare ways in which oral, print, visual and multimedia texts from a variety of cultures explore similar ideas
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. compare the choices and behaviours of individuals presented in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts with personal choices, values and behaviours
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. use language to celebrate personal and community occasions

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. engage in dialogue to understand the feelings and viewpoints of others and to contribute to group harmony
  • work in groups
  • 2. plan, organize and participate in presentations of group findings
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. demonstrate respect for other people’s language, history and culture
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. evaluate the quality of their own contributions to group process and set goals and plans for development
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 8)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply Hanyu pinyin accurately when encountering unfamiliar words*
  • * Students who are familiar with zhuyin fuhao may also maintain and apply this skill.

  • lexicon
  • 2. enhance the precision of messages by accessing needed vocabulary
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 就:
      1. 很早發生: 我七點就來了。
      2. 快要發生: 北京就快到了。
      3. 固定搭配:
    • − 還, 不但…而且…:
      1. 他會英語, 還會中文。
      2. 愛城冬天不但很冷, 而且很長。
    • − 是…的:
      1. 小王是坐火車去的。
      2. 信是我寫的。
    • − 選擇複句:
      1. 或者…或者… 或者吃中國飯, 或者吃日 本飯。
      2. 或…或… 或喝茶, 或喝酒, 怎麼都 行。
    • − 下兒:
    • − 疑問詞語:
      1. 嗎, 吧, 呢
      2. 誰, 什麼, 哪, 多少, 怎麼, 怎麼樣
    • − 數詞: 萬以上

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 強調: 就
    • − 承接複句: 先…然後…
      我們先去吃飯, 然後再去參 觀。

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 受事主語:
    • − 施事賓語:
    • − 主語:
    • − 謂語:
    • − 賓語
      "的" 字詞組
    • − 都:
      1. Both/all
      2. 和 "了"一起用
        Intensify the tone (already)
    • − 下兒:
    • − 疑問詞語:
      1. 嗎, 吧, 呢
      2. 誰, 什麼, 哪, 多少, 怎麼, 怎麼樣
    • − 是…的:
      1. 小王是坐火車去的。
      2. 信是我寫的。
    • − 選擇複句:
      1. 或者…或者… 或者吃中國飯, 或者吃日 本飯。
      2. 或…或… 或喝茶, 或喝酒, 怎麼都 行。

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 就:
      1. 很早发生: 我七点就来了。
      2. 快要发生: 北京就快到了。
      3. 固定搭配:
    • − 还, 不但…而且…:
      1. 他会英语, 还会中文。
      2. 爱城冬天不但很冷, 而且很长。
    • − 是…的:
      1. 小王是坐火车去的。
      2. 信是我写的。
    • − 选择复句:
      1. 或者…或者… 或者吃中国饭, 或者吃日 本饭。
      2. 或…或… 或喝茶, 或喝酒, 怎么都 行。
    • − 下儿:
    • − 疑问词:
      1. 吗, 吧, 呢
      2. 谁, 什么, 哪, 多少, 怎么, 怎么样
    • − 数词: 万以上

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 强调: 就
    • − 承接复句: 先…然后…
      我们先去吃饭, 然后再去参 观。

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 受事主语:
    • − 施事宾语:
    • − 主语:
    • − 谓语:
    • − 宾语
      "的" 字词组
    • − 都:
      1. Both/all
      2. 和 "了" 一起用
        Intensify the tone (already)
    • − 下儿:
    • − 疑问词语:
      1. 吗, 吧, 呢
      2. 谁, 什么, 哪, 多少, 怎么, 怎么样
    • − 是…的:
      1. 小王是坐火车去的。
      2. 信是我写的。
    • − 选择复句:
      1. 或者…或者…
        或者吃中国饭, 或者吃日 本饭。
      2. 或…或…
        或喝茶, 或喝酒, 怎么都 行。

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features correctly and effectively
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features of Chinese correctly and apply these features for effect, with teacher guidance and sometimes independently

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand the main points of oral presentations containing simple and complex ideas and dealing with a variety of familiar topics in structured and unstructured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce prepared or spontaneous oral presentations on familiar and some unfamiliar topics in structured and unstructured situations
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand texts containing simple and complex ideas on a variety of familiar topics in structured and unstructured situations
  • writing
  • 4. produce in written form, spontaneously and/or with preparation, a lengthy series of simple and complex ideas on a variety of familiar topics in structured and unstructured situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand complex representations of ideas, events and information
  • representing
  • 6. create complex representations of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. use suitable simple formal language in a variety of contexts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. examine the role of idiomatic expressions in culture
  • variations in language
  • 3. recognize other influences resulting in variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. interpret and use important social conventions in interactions
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. avoid nonverbal behaviours that are considered impolite

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., find information by using reference materials like dictionaries, textbooks, grammars, use available technological aids to support language learning
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., experience various methods of language acquisition and identify one or more they consider particularly useful personally
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning; e.g., be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches 

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. select and use a variety of interactive strategies; e.g., use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations, use circumlocution to compensate for lack of vocabulary
  • interpretive
  • 2. select and use a variety of interpretive strategies; e.g., use key content words or discourse markers to follow an extended text
  • productive
  • 3. select and use a variety of productive strategies; e.g., take notes when reading or listening to assist in producing their own text

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., formulate key questions to guide research
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., keep a learning journal, such as a diary or a log
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning; e.g., take part in group problem-solving processes

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 8)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. examine their identity and reflect on its effect on personal relationships and choices
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. understand stereotyping and its effect on the individual, community and society and understand ways in which the individual has rights to safeguard against stereotyping in Canadian society
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. explore and analyze how Chinese culture has enriched the lives of significant individuals at the community, national and international levels
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. explore and analyze how bilingualism/multiculturalism has enriched the lives of significant individuals at the community, national and international levels

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. identify some major historical events and figures of Chinese culture through topics such as:
    • literature
    • philosophy
    • art
    • customs and traditions
    • behaviours and values
    • festivals and celebrations
    • Chinese language

  • contemporary elements
  • 2. explore major contemporary elements, events, figures and developments of the Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. explore the influence of diversity within the Chinese language and culture on Chinese language and cultural development
  • change
  • 4. explore the significance of changes in Chinese culture to the rest of the world

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. demonstrate positive group member behaviours
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. examine diversity in the school, local community and among peers and reflect on its personal impact and its impact on school and community
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. examine similarities that exist in cultures in Canadian society through the historical context of immigration
  • contributing to community
  • 4. appreciate the contributions of different individuals, groups and events to the development of Canada

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. identify and analyze examples of the rights and responsibilities of citizens
  • interdependence
  • 2. identify the impact of an individual’s actions upon the group
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. explore ways in which group conflict can be resolved in Canadian society
  • future opportunities
  • 4. identify essential skills, knowledge and attitudes required for effective participation in the global workplace and marketplace
Grade 9
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (Gr. 9)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. question and reflect on personal responses and interpretations and apply personal viewpoints to diverse situations or circumstances
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. acknowledge the value of ideas and opinions of others in exploring and extending personal interpretations and viewpoints
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. expand self-expression in oral, print and visual forms
  • express preferences
  • 4. explore a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts other than those of personal preference
  • set goals
  • 5. self-monitor growth in language learning and use, using predetermined criteria

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. reflect on new understanding in relation to prior knowledge and identify gaps in personal knowledge
  • explain opinions
  • 2. review and refine personal viewpoints through reflection, feedback and self-assessment
  • combine ideas
  • 3. structure and restructure ideas and information in personally meaningful ways to clarify and extend understanding
  • extend understanding
  • 4. consider diverse opinions and assess whether new information clarifies understanding
General Outcome 2 (Gr. 9)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. analyze and explain connections among previous experiences, prior knowledge and textual material
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. use comprehension strategies appropriate to the type of text and purpose and enhance understanding by rereading and discussing relevant passages
  • textual cues
  • 3. use textual cues to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems, and bushou, to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and explain their own interests and preferences
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. examine how personal experiences, community traditions and cultural perspectives are presented in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. identify techniques used to create mood in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. identify the appropriate use of various forms and genres according to purpose, audience and content
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. examine techniques of plot development and techniques of persuasion in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. recognize the derivation and use of words, phrases and jargon
  • experiment with language
  • 4. examine creative uses of language in popular culture
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts to communicate and to demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (Gr. 9)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. determine depth and breadth of personal knowledge of a topic to identify possible areas of inquiry or research
  • ask questions
  • 2. formulate, independently, relevant main and subordinate questions on a topic to establish a purpose for gathering information
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. contribute ideas, knowledge and strategies to help identify group information needs and sources
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. prepare and use a plan to access, gather and organize information and ideas from a variety of human, print and electronic sources

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. access, record and appraise personal and peer knowledge of a topic to establish an information base for inquiry or research
  • identify sources
  • 2. obtain information and varied perspectives when inquiring or researching by using a range of information sources
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. develop and use criteria, with teacher assistance, to evaluate information sources for a particular inquiry or research plan
  • access information
  • 4. recall, expand and use a variety of skills, including visual and auditory, to access information and ideas from a variety of sources
  • make sense of information
  • 5. make guesses, predictions and inferences to construct meaning, and scan to locate specific information quickly

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas, developing appropriate categories and organizational structures
  • record information
  • 2. make notes in point form, summarizing major ideas and supporting details, and reference sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. address information gaps for particular forms, audiences and purposes
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. reflect on new knowledge and determine, with teacher assistance, personal inquiry and research strengths and learning goals
General Outcome 4 (Gr. 9)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. use a variety of techniques to generate and select ideas for oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • choose forms
  • 2. select specific forms to match content, audience and purpose
  • organize ideas
  • 3. identify and use a variety of organizational patterns in their own oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own work in a variety of ways; appraise their own work and that of others, using pre-established criteria; and suggest revisions to their own work and that of others, using a variety of strategies
  • revise content
  • 2. review a draft and revise it to correct identified errors
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. format for legibility, use word processing effectively and use electronic design elements to combine print and visuals
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. review drafts and revise them to enhance the clarity and artistry of expression
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare compositions, presentations, reports and inquiry or research projects with details and meaningful organization

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit for basic grammatical accuracy, sentence variety, word choice and tone appropriate for audience and purpose
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. know and apply conventions of character formation and use a variety of resources when editing and proofreading
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. organize and conduct sessions on a specific topic, using various strategies
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. use voice production factors and nonverbal cues to communicate effectively to audiences and use media and display techniques to enhance the effectiveness of presentations
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical listening and viewing behaviours and show respect for the presenter
General Outcome 5 (Gr. 9)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. recognize that differing perspectives and unique reactions enrich understanding
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. recognize ways in which oral, print, visual and multimedia texts capture specific elements of culture
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. reflect on ways in which the choices and motives of individuals encountered in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts provide insight into their own choices and motives and those of others
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. participate in celebrating special events and recognize the importance and significance of language

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. recognize the importance of effective communication in working with others
  • work in groups
  • 2. organize and complete tasks cooperatively
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. use inclusive language and actions that support people across races, cultures, genders, ages and abilities
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. establish and use criteria to evaluate group process and personal contributions and propose suggestions for development
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (Gr. 9)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply Hanyu pinyin accurately when encountering unfamiliar words*
  • * Students who are familiar with zhuyin fuhao may also maintain and apply this skill.

  • lexicon
  • 2. select appropriate or effective words or phrases to express ideas clearly
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 緊縮複句:
      越…越…: 她越長越漂亮。
      不…不…: 你不去不行。
    • − 非…不可
      學語言, 非下苦功不可。
    • − 轉折複句: …可(是)…
    • − 他不喜歡打冰球, 可他喜歡看冰球。
    • − 聯合複句:
    • − 並列: 也, 還, 又, 不是…而是, 一方面…一方面
    • −進層: 不但, 不僅, 不光, 而且, 並且,不但…也
    • − 疑問句:
      1. 肯定與否定相疊: 忙不忙, 去不去
      2. 用 "多":
      3. 選擇疑問: 還是
    • − 比較: "比" 的用法
      • A 比 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + adj. 一點
      • A 比 B + adj. 得多/很多
      • A 不比/不如 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 不比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 和 B 一樣 + adj.
      • A 比較 + adj.
      • A 沒有 B + adj.
    • − 糊裡糊塗, 馬馬虎虎
    • − 可帶主謂詞組 (小句) 的最常用動詞: 知道, 說, 覺得, 想, 看見, 看, 聽, 聽 見, 以為, 聽說, 怕, 希望, 認為
    • − A 像B + 一樣 + adj.
      A (不)像B + 這麼/那麼 + adj.
    • − 一天/個/次比一天/個/次好。
    • − 常用副詞: 才
      1. Just happened: 我才吃了飯。
      2. Rather late: 動作發生遲, 完成晚: 他六點才來。
      3. 程度用法: 我才不笨呢!
      4. Then: 寫完功課才去。
    • − 詞的重疊 (duplicated words):
      • AA: 看看
      • ABAB: 複習複習
      • AABB: 冷冷清清
      • AAB: 遊游泳, 聽聽音樂
    • − 主謂詞組作賓語:
    • − 在…之前/之後/之上/之下/之中, 在…方面, 在…以前, 從…以後, 在/當…的時候, 為…而…
      故意, 顯然, 近 (一、兩) 年

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 在…之前/之後/之上/之下/之中, 在…方面, 在…以前, 從…以後, 在/當…的時候, 為…而…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 強調: 就
    • − 承接複句:
      先…然後… 我們先去吃飯, 然後再去參 觀。
    • − 就:
      1. 很早發生: 我七點就來了。
      2. 快要發生: 北京就快到了。
      3. 固定搭配:
    • − 還, 不但…而且…:
      1. 他會英語, 還會中文。
      2. 愛城冬天不但很冷, 而且很 長。
    • − 數詞: 萬以上
    • − A 像B + 一樣 + adj.
      A (不) 像 B + 這麼/那麼 + adj.
    • − 一天/個/次比一天/個/次好。
    • − 主謂詞組作賓語: 我知道他沒說。
    • − 轉折複句: …可(是)… 他不喜歡打冰球, 可他喜歡看 冰球。
    • − 常用副詞: 才
      1. Just happened: 我才吃了飯。
      2. Rather late: 動作發生遲, 完成晚 他六點才來。
      3. 程度用法: 我才不笨呢!
      4. Then: 寫完功課才去。

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 紧缩复句:
      越…越…: 她越长越漂亮。
      不…不…: 你不去不行。
    • − 非…不可
      学语言, 非下苦功不可。
    • − 转折复句: …可(是)…
    • − 他不喜欢打冰球, 可他喜欢看冰球。
    • − 联合复句:
    • − 并列: 也, 还, 又, 不是…而是, 一方面…一方面
    • − 进层: 不但, 不仅, 不光, 而且, 并且,不但…也
    • − 疑问句:
      1. 肯定与否定相叠: 忙不忙, 去不去
      2. 用 "多":
      3. 选择疑问: 还是
    • − 比较句: 比的用法
      • A 比 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + adj. 一点
      • A 比 B + adj. 得多/很多
      • A 不比/不如 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 不比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 和 B 一样 + adj.
      • A 比较 + adj.
      • A 没有 B + adj.
    • − 糊里糊涂, 马马虎虎
    • − 可带主谓词组 (小句) 的最常用动词: 知道, 说, 觉得, 想, 看见, 看, 听, 听 见, 以为, 听说, 怕, 希望, 认为
    • − A 像B + 一样 + adj.
      A (不)像B + 这么/那么 + adj.
    • − 一天/个/次比一天/个/次好。
    • − 常用副词: 才
      1. Just happened: 我才吃了饭。
      2. Rather late: 动作发生迟, 完成晚:
      3. 程度用法: 我才不笨呢!
      4. Then: 写完功课才去。
    • − 词的重叠 (duplicated words):
      • AA: 看看
      • ABAB: 复习复习
      • AABB: 冷冷清清
      • AAB: 游游泳, 听听音乐
    • − 主谓词组作宾语:
    • − 在…之前/之后/之上/之下/之中, 在…方面, 在…以前, 从…以后, 在/当…的时候, 为…而…
      故意, 显然, 近 (一、两) 年

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 在…之前/之后/之上/之下/之中, 在…方面, 在…以前, 从…以后, 在/当…的时候, 为…而…

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 强调: 就
    • − 承接复句: 先…然后…
      我们先去吃饭, 然后再去参 观。
    • − 就:
      1. 很早发生:
      2. 快要发生:
      3. 固定搭配:
    • − 还, 不但…而且…:
      1. 他会英语, 还会中文。
      2. 爱城冬天不但很冷, 而且很 长。
    • − 数词: 万以上
    • − A 像B + 一样 + adj.
      A (不) 像 B + 这么/那么 + adj.
    • − 一天/个/次比一天/个/次好。
    • − 主谓词组作宾语:
    • − 转折复句: …可(是)… 他不喜欢打冰球, 可他喜欢看 冰球。
    • − 常用副词: 才
      1. Just happened: 我才吃了饭。
      2. Rather late: 动作发生迟, 完成晚 他六点才来。
      3. 程度用法: 我才不笨呢!
      4. Then: 写完功课才去。

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use basic mechanical features correctly and effectively
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features of Chinese correctly and effectively, mainly independently

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. listen to and understand the main points of oral presentations containing simple and complex ideas and dealing with familiar and some unfamiliar topics in structured and unstructured situations
  • speaking
  • 2. produce coherent oral presentations on familiar and some unfamiliar topics in a variety of structured and unstructured situations
  • reading
  • 3. read and understand texts containing simple and complex ideas on familiar topics
  • writing
  • 4. organize and develop ideas coherently on familiar topics, spontaneously and/or with preparation
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand complex representations of ideas, events and information
  • representing
  • 6. use a variety of forms to create complex representations of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. explore differences in register between spoken and written texts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. identify influences on idiomatic expressions; e.g., region, age, occupation
  • variations in language
  • 3. recognize other influences resulting in variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. interpret and use appropriate oral and written forms of address with a variety of audiences
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. recognize a variety of nonverbal communication techniques in a variety of contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., be aware of the importance of learning through direct exposure to the language, know how strategies may make it possible to cope with texts containing unknown elements
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use appropriate social and affective strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., repeat new words and expressions that occur in their own conversations and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate 

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. select and use appropriate interactive strategies in a variety of situations; e.g., repeat part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding
  • interpretive
  • 2. select and use appropriate interpretive strategies in a variety of situations; e.g., reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • productive
  • 3. select and use appropriate productive strategies in a variety of situations; e.g., use a variety of resources to correct texts

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., make inferences, and identify and justify the evidence on which these inferences are based
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., work with others to monitor their own learning
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use appropriate social and affective strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (Gr. 9)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. understand self-concept and its relationship to overall development, achievement and decisions for the future
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. understand areas of personal strengths and possible future opportunities
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. explore how their past and present Chinese cultural experiences, understanding and knowledge may be assets in future opportunities
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. explore how their past and present bilingual/multicultural experiences, knowledge and understanding may be assets in future opportunities

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. examine some major historical events and figures of Chinese culture through topics such as:
    • literature
    • philosophy
    • art
    • customs and traditions
    • behaviours and values
    • festivals and celebrations
    • Chinese language

  • contemporary elements
  • 2. explore major contemporary elements, events, figures and developments of the Chinese language and culture
  • diversity
  • 3. examine the influence of diversity within the Chinese language and culture on Chinese language and cultural development
  • change
  • 4. compare changes in Chinese culture to changes in other cultures

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. support classmates and peers in group activities
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. explore and analyze how diversity has contributed to and enriched Canadian society
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. examine similarities in cultures in current Canadian society
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate in discussions on the significance of various contemporary cultural issues to Canadian society

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. identify and analyze examples of the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Canadian society
  • interdependence
  • 2. identify ways in which individuals, community members and societal members are interrelated and interdependent
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. identify ways in which group conflicts have been resolved in Canadian society
  • future opportunities
  • 4. examine personal plans for further development of skills, knowledge and attitudes required for effective participation in the global workplace and marketplace
Chinese Language Arts 10
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (10)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. question and reflect on their own and others’ responses and interpretations and apply a variety of viewpoints to diverse situations or circumstances
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. seek information to add to current understanding
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. expand self-expression in oral, print and visual forms
  • express preferences
  • 4. explore a variety of texts and genres by various writers, artists, storytellers and filmmakers
  • set goals
  • 5. demonstrate confidence and open-mindedness in personal language learning and use in a variety of formal and informal contexts

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. examine connections between new and prior knowledge and ideas to clarify understanding for themselves and others
  • explain opinions
  • 2. examine changing personal viewpoints
  • combine ideas
  • 3. develop a repertoire of organizational structures to clarify ideas and information and to bring order to their own thinking
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask questions to interpret, evaluate and reflect on ideas and information
General Outcome 2 (10)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. examine and explain connections between diverse experiences, prior knowledge and textual materials
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. apply comprehension strategies appropriate to the type of text and purpose and enhance understanding by rereading and discussing relevant passages
  • textual cues
  • 3. use a variety of textual cues and prominent organizational patterns within texts to negotiate meaning
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and explain interpretations of texts
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. compare the portrayals of people, events or perspectives in a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. discuss how word choice and supporting details in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts affect purpose and audience

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. identify various oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and genres
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. examine how plot, character and setting contribute to an overall theme and recognize the effectiveness of techniques used in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. recognize variations in language use in different situations and contexts
  • experiment with language
  • 4. recognize ways in which creative uses of language influence thought, emotion and meaning
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts, such as autobiographies, audio or video presentations and photo essays, to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (10)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. examine their own experience and information and that of others to identify topic interests
  • ask questions
  • 2. develop focused inquiry or research questions to anticipate personal and audience needs on a topic
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. collaborate to identify group knowledge base and determine inquiry or research topic focus
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. prepare, use and adjust an inquiry or research plan as needed to access relevant information and ideas independently using a variety of methods

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. access, record and appraise personal and peer knowledge on an inquiry or research topic and initiate inquiry or research, using pre-established criteria
  • identify sources
  • 2. identify a range of information sources to satisfy inquiry or research needs
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. evaluate the reliability and credibility of information sources
  • access information
  • 4. expand and use a variety of skills to access information and ideas from a variety of sources
  • make sense of information
  • 5. identify a variety of factors that affect meaning and use effective listening, reading and viewing techniques

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize and reorganize information and ideas in a variety of forms for different purposes
  • record information
  • 2. record information and ideas, using a variety of organizational structures appropriate to purpose, and reference sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. evaluate collected information for completeness, relevance and currency and address information gaps
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. integrate new information with prior knowledge to form new ideas
General Outcome 4 (10)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. examine ideas from personal experiences and other sources to focus a topic
  • choose forms
  • 2. use a variety of forms to match content, audience and purpose
  • organize ideas
  • 3. experiment with more than one organizational structure for their own oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own work in a variety of forums and respond to their own work and the work of others, using pre-established criteria
  • revise content
  • 2. revise work to enhance meaning and clarity
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. use desktop publishing to adapt, combine and create documents
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. analyze drafts and revise them to enhance the clarity and artistry of expression
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. prepare effectively organized compositions and presentations

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. edit for grammatical accuracy, sentence variety and word choice
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. know and apply conventions of character formations and monitor for correctness when editing and proofreading, using appropriate resources
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. plan and present sessions on particular topics, using a variety of techniques
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. use voice and nonverbal cues to communicate meaning and organize communication for specific purposes, audiences and occasions
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical listening and viewing behaviours and show respect for the presenter
General Outcome 5 (10)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. consider various ideas, evidence and viewpoints to expand understanding of texts, others and themselves
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. recognize ways in which oral, print, visual and multimedia texts reflect cultural influences
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. discuss ways in which texts convey and challenge individual and community values
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. participate in using language to mark special events and occasions and recognize that language performs a symbolic and ceremonial function

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. make and encourage contributions that advance a group’s ideas or thinking
  • work in groups
  • 2. present group ideas and findings effectively
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. use communication that supports balanced and fair portrayals of people across races, cultures, genders, ages and abilities
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. monitor and assess personal efforts and products within a group context
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (10)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply knowledge of Hanyu pinyin accurately when encountering unfamiliar words in a variety of contexts*
  • * Students who are familiar with zhuyin fuhao may also maintain and apply this skill.

  • lexicon
  • 2. access needed vocabulary independently to enhance the precision of communication
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 雙賓語動詞: 常用動詞:
      1. 給, 送, 找, 交, 還, 借, 賣, 寄, 退, 發, 要, 讓
      2. 借, 收, 買, 學, 拿
      3. 告訴, 回答, 通知, 教, 答應
    • − 成千上萬, 人山人海, 興高采烈
    • − 份, 列, 項, 匹, 趟, 頓, 屆, 顆, 朵, 袋
    • − 副詞:
      往往, 始終, 一時, 從來, 終於, 曾 經, 直, 先後, 到處, 僅(僅), 一同, 一塊兒, 光, 挺, 相當, 比較, 極, 白(幹了)
    • − 沒什麼, 就是說, 越來越, 好(不) 容易, 哪知道, 誰知道
    • − 疑問代詞的虛指用法:
    • − "有" 的特殊用法:
      1. 領有
      2. 存在
      3. 發生, 出現
    • − "的" 字詞組:
      • 我要綠的, 不要黃的。
      • 這是我的, 不是他的。
    • − 連動句:
      • 連續動作: 他十點鐘就上床睡覺了。
      • 動作的目的: 我們去商店買東西。
      • 動作方式
      • 動作結果
    • − 兼語句:
      • 表示使令意義的兼語: 晚上我請你吃飯。
    • − 存現句:
      1. 表示存在
      2. 表示出現
      3. 表示消失
    • − 因果複句:
      • 由於…
        • 由於他不好好學習, 這次考試沒及格。

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 可帶主謂詞組 (小句) 的最常用 動詞:
      • 知道, 說, 覺得, 想, 看見, 看, 聽, 聽見, 以為, 聽說, 怕, 希望, 認為
    • − 非…不可
      • 學語言, 非下苦功不可。
    • − 推論關係:
      • 既…就…
      • 既然…就…
    • − 條件關係:
      • 如果 (假如, 假若, 要是)…就…
      • 要有…才…
      • 只要…就…
      • 除非…才…
    • − 假設複句:
      • 要是 (如果)…就…
      • 要是下雨, 我們就不去了。
      • 如果不下雨, 我就來。
    • − 條件複句:
      • 只有…才…
      • 只有多練習, 才能學好。
      • 只要…就…
      • 只要天氣好, 我們就去。
    • − 轉折複句:
      • 儘管…但是/可是…
      • 儘管她不懂中文, 但是她很喜 歡中國。

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 疑問句:
      1. 肯定與否定相疊
        忙不忙, 去不去
      2. 用 "多"
    • − 比較句: 比的用法
      • A 比 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + adj. 一點
      • A 比 B + adj. 得多/很多
      • A 不比/不如 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 不比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 和 B 一樣 + adj.
      • A 比較 + adj.
      • A 沒有 B + adj.
    • − 故意, 顯然, 近(一, 兩)年, 糊裡糊 塗, 馬馬虎虎
    • − 詞的重疊 (duplicated words):
      • AA: 看看
      • ABAB: 複習複習
      • AABB: 冷冷清清
      • AAB: 游游泳, 聽聽音樂
    • − 緊縮複句:
      • 越…越…: 她越長越漂亮。
      • 不…不…: 你不去不行。
    • − 在…之前/之後/之上/之下/之 中, 在…方面, 在…以前, 從…以 後, 在/當…的時候, 為…而…

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 双宾语动词:
      1. 给, 送, 找, 交, 还, 借, 卖, 寄, 退, 发, 要, 让
      2. 借, 收, 买, 学, 拿
      3. 告诉, 回答, 通知, 教, 答应
    • − 成千上万, 人山人海, 兴高采烈
    • − 份, 列, 项, 匹, 趟, 顿, 届, 颗, 朵, 袋
    • − 副词:
      往往, 始终, 一时, 从来, 终于, 曾 经, 直, 先后, 到处, 仅(仅), 一同, 一块儿, 光, 挺, 相当, 比较, 极, 白(干了)
    • − 没什么, 就是说, 越来越, 好(不) 容易, 哪知道, 谁知道
    • − 疑问代词的虚指用法: 我没有几个好朋友。 我想吃点什么。 我们好象在哪儿见过。
    • − "有" 的特殊用法:
      1. 领有
      2. 存在
      3. 发生, 出现
    • − "的" 字词组:
      • 我要绿的, 不要黄的。
      • 这是我的, 不是他的。
    • − 连动句:
      • 连续动作: 他十点钟就上床睡觉了。
      • 动作的目的: 我们去商店买东西。
      • 动作方式
      • 动作结果
    • − 兼语句:
      • 表示使令意义的兼语: 晚上我请你吃饭。
    • − 存现句:
      1. 表示存在
      2. 表示出现
      3. 表示消失
    • − 因果复句:
      • 由于…
      • 由于他不好好学习, 这次考试没及格。

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 可带主谓词组 (小句) 的最常用 动词:
      • 知道, 说, 觉得, 想, 看见, 看, 听, 听见, 以为, 听说, 怕, 希望, 认为
    • − 非…不可
      • 学语言, 非下苦功不可。
    • − 推论关系:
      • 既…就…
      • 既然…就…
    • − 条件关系:
      • 如果 (假如, 假若, 要是)…就…
      • 要有…才…
      • 只要…就…
      • 除非…才…
    • − 假设复句:
      • 要是 (如果)…就…
      • 要是下雨, 我们就不去了。
      • 如果不下雨, 我就来。
    • − 条件复句:
      • 只有…才…
      • 只有多练习, 才能学好。
      • 只要…就…
      • 只要天气好, 我们就去。
    • − 转折复句:
      • 尽管…但是/可是…
      • 尽管她不懂中文, 但是她很喜 欢中国。

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 疑问句:
      1. 肯定与否定相叠 忙不忙, 去不去
      2. 用 “多”
    • − 比较句: 比的用法
      • A比B + adj.
      • A 比 B + adj. 一点
      • A 比 B + adj. 得多/很多
      • A 不比/不如 B + adj.
      • A 比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 不比 B + v. 得 + adj.
      • A 和 B 一样 + adj.
      • A 比较 + adj.
      • A 没有 B + adj.
    • − 故意, 显然, 近(一, 两)年, 糊里糊涂, 马马虎虎
    • − 词的重叠 (duplicated words):
      • AA:看看
      • ABAB: 复习复习
      • AABB: 冷冷清清
      • AAB: 游游泳, 听听音乐
    • − 紧缩复句:
      • 越…越…: 她越长越漂亮。
      • 不…不…: 你不去不行。
    • − 在…之前/之后/之上/之下/之 中, 在…方面, 在…以前, 从…以 后, 在/当…的时候, 为…而…

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use mechanical features correctly and effectively on a consistent basis
  • discourse features
  • 5. explore and expand their repertoire of discourse features and experiment with using a variety of discourse features

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. understand the main points and supporting details of lengthy oral presentations on familiar topics
  • speaking
  • 2. produce main points and supporting details on familiar topics in a variety of structured and unstructured situations
  • reading
  • 3. understand the main points and supporting details of lengthy written texts on familiar topics
  • writing
  • 4. produce, in writing, main points and supporting ideas on familiar topics in a variety of structured and unstructured situations
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand complex representations of ideas, events and/or information
  • representing
  • 6. create effective representations of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. identify differences in register between spoken and written texts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. interpret unfamiliar idiomatic expressions in a variety of contexts
  • variations in language
  • 3. identify some common regional or other variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. use politeness conventions in a variety of contexts; e.g., use suitable language to engage the attention of listeners when beginning to speak
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. use nonverbal communication techniques in a variety of contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., place new words or expressions in a context to make them easier to remember
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., identify problems that might hinder successful completion of a task, and seek solutions
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use appropriate social and affective strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., reduce anxiety by using mental techniques such as positive self-talk or humour 

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. select and use appropriate interactive strategies in a variety of situations; e.g., summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk
  • interpretive
  • 2. select and use appropriate interpretive strategies in a variety of situations; e.g., summarize information gathered
  • productive
  • 3. select and use appropriate productive strategies in a variety of situations; e.g., revise and correct the final version of a text, apply grammar rules to improve accuracy at the correction stage

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., develop criteria for evaluating their own work
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use appropriate social and affective strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., use self-talk to make themselves feel competent to do the task

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (10)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. understand that self-identity and self-concept change
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. identify areas of personal strength and possible future opportunities and plan for future self-development and growth
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. participate in, and contribute to, community-based activities in which knowledge and skills related to the Chinese language/culture will be applied
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. participate in, and contribute to, community-based activities in which bilingual/multicultural knowledge and skills will be applied

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. recognize and appreciate the influence and contributions of major historical events, historical figures and developments of Chinese culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. recognize and appreciate the influence and contributions of major contemporary events, contemporary figures and developments of Chinese culture
  • diversity
  • 3. compare and contrast perspectives on diversity at the national level
  • change
  • 4. examine historical influences that have affected Chinese culture

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. demonstrate respect for the rights and opinions of others and understand that social issues are complex
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. identify and analyze how Canada’s response to diversity has changed, compare how different nations have responded to diversity and identify the benefits of a pluralistic approach
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. identify and explain how common human experiences and needs are reflected in the culture, social structure and day-to-day patterns of behaviour in Canada
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate in various school and community events to promote intercultural understanding

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. identify and analyze a citizen’s roles and responsibilities in interrelated local, national and international contexts
  • interdependence
  • 2. identify and analyze the variety of ways in which peoples and nations are linked in an interrelated global system
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. examine attitudes and values that contribute to cross-cultural understanding
  • future opportunities
  • 4. explore career fields in which bilingual and multicultural knowledge, skills and attitudes can be applied
Chinese Language Arts 20
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (20)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. summarize ideas, observations and opinions of themselves and others
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. reformulate personal understanding and interpretations
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. expand use of oral, print and visual forms for self-expression
  • express preferences
  • 4. explain personal preferences for a variety of texts and genres by various writers, artists, storytellers and filmmakers
  • set goals
  • 5. demonstrate self-direction and self-appraisal in language learning and use

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. examine and establish connections between new and prior knowledge, ideas and experiences to clarify and enhance understanding
  • explain opinions
  • 2. reflect on changing personal viewpoints and anticipate possible consequences
  • combine ideas
  • 3. expand their repertoire of organizational structures to clarify ideas and information and to bring order to their own thinking
  • extend understanding
  • 4. ask questions to explore divergent viewpoints
General Outcome 2 (20)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. analyze and justify connections between diverse experiences, prior knowledge and textual materials
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. apply and adjust strategies for comprehending a variety of texts and use a personal repertoire of strategies to monitor understanding
  • textual cues
  • 3. use a variety of textual cues and prominent organizational patterns within texts to construct meaning and interpret texts
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use a variety of syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and explain various interpretations of the same text
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. compare the themes portrayed in a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. examine how word choice in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts alters and enhances mood or meaning and affects audience

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. recognize unique characteristics of a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia forms and genres
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. analyze how plot, character, setting and mood enhance meaning and evaluate the effectiveness of techniques used in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • vocabulary
  • 3. differentiate the proper use of slang, colloquialism and jargon
  • experiment with language
  • 4. analyze ways in which creative uses of language develop a personal style
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts, such as multimedia presentations and personal compositions, to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (20)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. use their own experience and that of others and reflect on the depth of knowledge and information needed to determine a focus for inquiry or research
  • ask questions
  • 2. formulate and adjust inquiry or research questions to focus a topic and purpose
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. reflect on the depth of the group knowledge and information base to determine the information needed and the focus for inquiry or research
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. prepare, use and revise an inquiry or research plan and locate, access and record relevant information from a variety of sources

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. access, record and appraise personal and peer knowledge on an inquiry or research topic and focus the inquiry or research according to pre-established organization of the project
  • identify sources
  • 2. identify a range of diverse information sources on an inquiry or research topic
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. evaluate the quality of information sources and perspectives for a particular inquiry or research plan
  • access information
  • 4. use a combination of information retrieval knowledge and skills for particular topics and purposes
  • make sense of information
  • 5. identify and analyze a variety of factors that affect meaning; skim and scan for required information and use effective listening, reading and viewing techniques

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. demonstrate flexibility and independence in organizing information and ideas, using a variety of strategies
  • record information
  • 2. record and summarize facts and information from a variety of sources and reference these sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. evaluate collected information for accuracy and effectiveness
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. examine a variety of perspectives and consider alternative methods of reaching inquiry or research goals
General Outcome 4 (20)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. generate, evaluate and select ideas to achieve personal communication purposes
  • choose forms
  • 2. use and adapt a variety of forms to match content, audience and purpose
  • organize ideas
  • 3. use organizational structures and techniques encountered in listening, reading and viewing experiences to enhance their own oral, print, visual and multimedia texts

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own work in a variety of forums and appraise their own work and the work of others
  • revise content
  • 2. revise work to enhance effectiveness
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. use a combination of technological and non-technological forms to create multimedia presentations and documents
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. analyze drafts and revise them to enhance the clarity and artistry of expression
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. use a variety of styles and forms and enhance description

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. proofread and edit for errors in language usage, grammar, content and form
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. know and apply conventions of character formations consistently when editing and proofreading
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions consistently when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. plan and present or facilitate sessions on particular topics, using a variety of techniques
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. use voice and nonverbal cues to communicate meaning and for effect, and participate in personal and public communication
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical listening and viewing behaviours and show respect for the presenter
General Outcome 5 (20)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. recognize differing responses and identify factors that shape understanding of texts, others and themselves
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. recognize and discuss ways in which oral, print, visual and multimedia texts reflect cultural influences
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. discuss ways in which language and texts express and shape perceptions
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. use language and texts to celebrate personal and community occasions and accomplishments

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. build and maintain cooperative relationships with others and engage in peer coaching
  • work in groups
  • 2. function effectively as group members and group leaders
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. recognize exploitative or discriminatory situations and explore and value diverse perspectives
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. identify areas where others may require support and monitor their own ability to provide needed support
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (20)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply tones and knowledge of Hanyu pinyin accurately when encountering unfamiliar words in a variety of contexts*
  • * Students who are familiar with zhuyin fuhao may also maintain and apply this skill.

  • lexicon
  • 2. use vocabulary and expressions correctly
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 讓步複句: 就是…也…
      就是不想去, 也得去。
      就是沒辦成, 也要謝謝你。
    • − 偏正複句:
      …所以 (因此, 因而)…
    • − 並列複句:
      及好看, 又實用.
    • − 雙否定強調:
    • − 可能補語的否定形式:
      睡不著, 聽不懂, 看不清, 起不來
      Negative form of "得" potential complement
    • − 被動句:
      1. 有標誌的被動句:
        主語 + 被/給/叫/讓 + 動作 + others
      2. 意義上的被動句:
    • − 強調用法:
      1. 反問句
      2. 連…也/都
      3. 疑問句 + 都
    • − "把" 字句:
      主語 + 把 + 賓語 + 動詞 + 補語
    • − 總而言之, 一路順風, 無論如何
    • − 弄, 搞, 肯, 作為, 具有, 引起, 趕 (趕 飛機), 來 (來一碗湯), 看 (你看怎麼辦), 上 (上千人)
    • − 副詞:
      到底, 果然, 千萬, 究竟, 恐怕, 儘管, 儘量, 大約, 差點兒, 倒 (你倒挺舒服), 準 (他準不在家)
    • − 人家, 某個人, 其中, 當時, 上 (學習上, 生活上), 方面 (學習方面, 生活方面)
    • − 此外,而,以及,則, 總之,從而,不然, 然而

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 雙賓語動詞: 常用動詞:
      1. 給, 送, 找, 交, 還, 借, 賣, 寄, 退, 發, 要, 讓
      2. 借, 收, 買, 學, 拿
      3. 告訴, 回答, 通知, 教, 答應
    • − 成千上萬, 人山人海, 興高采烈
    • − 因果複句:
      由於他不好好學習, 這次考試沒及格。
    • − 副詞:
      往往, 始終, 一時, 從來, 終於, 曾經, 直, 先後, 到處, 僅(僅), 一同, 一塊兒, 光, 挺, 相當, 比較, 極, 白(幹了)
    • − 沒什麼, 就是說, 越來越, 好(不)容易, 哪知道, 誰知道
    • − 轉折關係: 卻
    • − 承接關係: 然後, 於是
    • − 讓步關係:
      雖然 (固然, 儘管)…但是…
      即使 (哪怕, 縱然)…也…
    • − 取捨關係:
      與其…不如 (寧可)…
      寧可…也不 (絕不)…
    • − 固定格式:
      要是 (如果)…的話
    • − 副詞:
      並(不/沒), 決(不/沒), 毫不, 親自, 親
      手, 漸漸, 仍/仍然/仍舊, 一下子, 卻

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 份, 列, 項, 匹, 趟, 頓, 屆, 顆, 朵, 袋
    • − 疑問代詞的虛指用法:
    • − 有的特殊用法:
      1. 領有
      2. 存在
      3. 發生, 出現
    • − "的" 字詞組:
      我要綠的, 不要黃的。
      這是我的, 不是他的。
    • − 連動句:
    • − 兼語句:
    • − 存現句:
      1. 表示存在
      2. 表示出現
      3. 表示消失
    • − 推論關係:
    • − 條件關係:
      如果(假如, 假若, 要是)…就…
    • − 假設複句:
      要是下雨, 我們就不去了。
      如果不下雨, 我就來。
    • − 條件複句:
      只有多練習, 才能學好。
      只要天氣好, 我們就去。
    • − 轉折複句:
      儘管她不懂中文, 但是她很喜歡 中國。
    • − 可帶主謂詞組 (小句) 的最常用動詞:
      知道, 說, 覺得, 想, 看見, 看, 聽, 聽見, 以為, 聽說, 怕, 希望, 認為
    • − 非…不可
      學語言, 非下苦功不可。

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 让步复句: 就是…也…
      就是不想去, 也得去。
      就是没办成, 也要谢谢你。
    • − 偏正复句:
      …所以 (因此, 因而)…
    • − 并列复句:
      及好看, 又实用.
    • − 双否定强调:
    • − 可能补语的否定形式:
      睡不着, 听不懂, 看不清, 起不来
      Negative form of "得" potential complement
    • − 被动句:
      1. 有标志的被动句:
        主语 + 被/给/叫/让 + 动作 + others
      2. 意义上的被动句:
    • − 强调用法:
      1. 反问句
      2. 连…也/都
      3. 疑问句 + 都
    • − "把" 字句:
      主语 + 把 + 宾语 + 动词 + 补语
    • − 总而言之, 一路顺风, 无论如何
    • − 弄, 搞, 肯, 作为, 具有, 引起, 赶 (赶 飞机), 来 (来一碗汤), 看 (你看怎么办), 上 (上千人)
    • − 副词:
      到底, 果然, 千万, 究竟, 恐怕, 尽管, 尽量, 大约, 差点儿, 倒 (你倒挺舒服), 准 (他准不在家)
    • − 人家, 某个人, 其中, 当时, 上 (学习上, 生活上), 方面 (学习方面, 生活方面)
    • − 此外,而,以及,则, 总之,从而,不然, 然而

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 双宾语动词: 常用动词:
      1. 给, 送, 找, 交, 还, 借, 卖, 寄, 退, 发, 要, 让
      2. 借, 收, 买, 学, 拿
      3. 告诉, 回答, 通知, 教, 答应
    • − 成千上万, 人山人海, 兴高采烈
    • − 因果复句:
      由于他不好好学习, 这次考试没 及格。
    • − 副词:
      往往, 始终, 一时, 从来, 终于, 曾经, 直, 先后, 到处, 仅(仅), 一同, 一块儿, 光, 挺, 相当, 比较, 极, 白(干了)
    • − 没什么, 就是说, 越来越, 好(不)容易, 哪知道, 谁知道
    • − 转折关系: 却
    • − 承接关系: 然后, 于是
    • − 让步关系:
      虽然 (固然, 尽管)…但是…
      即使 (哪怕, 纵然)…也…
    • − 取舍关系:
      与其…不如 (宁可)…
      宁可…也不 (绝不)…
    • − 固定格式:
      要是 (如果)…的话
    • − 副词:
      并(不/没), 决(不/没), 毫不, 亲自, 亲
      手, 渐渐, 仍/仍然/仍旧, 一下子, 却

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 份, 列, 项, 匹, 趟, 顿, 届, 颗, 朵, 袋
    • − 疑问代词的虚指用法:
    • − 有的特殊用法:
      1. 领有
      2. 存在
      3. 发生, 出现
    • − "的" 字词组:
      我要绿的, 不要黄的。
      这是我的, 不是他的。
    • − 连动句:
    • − 兼语句:
    • − 存现句:
      1. 表示存在
      2. 表示出现
      3. 表示消失
    • − 推论关系:
    • − 条件关系:
      如果(假如, 假若, 要是)…就…
    • − 假设复句:
      要是下雨, 我们就不去了。
      如果不下雨, 我就来。
    • − 条件复句:
      只有多练习, 才能学好。
      只要天气好, 我们就去。
    • − 转折复句:
      尽管她不懂中文, 但是她很喜欢
    • − 可带主谓词组 (小句) 的最常用动词:
      知道, 说, 觉得, 想, 看见, 看, 听, 听见, 以为, 听说, 怕, 希望, 认为
    • − 非…不可
      学语言, 非下苦功不可。

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use mechanical features correctly and effectively on a consistent basis
  • discourse features
  • 5. use basic discourse features correctly in a variety of contexts

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. understand the main points and relevant supporting details of oral presentations on familiar and some unfamiliar topics
  • speaking
  • 2. present and support cohesive thoughts and ideas on familiar and some unfamiliar topics
  • reading
  • 3. understand the main points and supporting details of lengthy written texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • writing
  • 4. produce a lengthy written text, including main and supporting ideas on familiar and some unfamiliar topics
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand a variety of complex representations of ideas, events and/or information
  • representing
  • 6. create cohesive and effective representations of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. adjust language to suit audience and purpose
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. explore and interpret idiomatic expressions in popular, contemporary culture
  • variations in language
  • 3. experiment with some variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. use politeness conventions in a variety of contexts; e.g., interrupt politely in a conversation
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. use nonverbal communication techniques in a variety of contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use appropriate cognitive strategies effectively to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., use induction to generate rules governing language use, seek opportunities outside of class to practise and observe
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use appropriate metacognitive strategies effectively to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., monitor their own speech and writing to check for persistent errors
  • social/affective
  • 3. use appropriate social and affective strategies effectively to enhance language learning in a variety of situations; e.g., work with others to solve problems and to get feedback on tasks

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. use appropriate interactive strategies effectively in a variety of situations; e.g., ask follow-up questions to check for understanding
  • interpretive
  • 2. use appropriate interpretive strategies effectively in a variety of situations; e.g., assess their own information needs before listening, viewing or reading
  • productive
  • 3. use appropriate productive strategies effectively in a variety of situations; e.g., use circumlocution and definition to compensate for gaps in vocabulary

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. select and use appropriate cognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., seek information through a network of sources, including libraries, the World Wide Web, individuals and agencies
  • metacognitive
  • 2. select and use appropriate metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., reflect upon their thinking processes and how they learn
  • social/affective
  • 3. select and use appropriate social and affective strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations; e.g., monitor their level of anxiety about learning tasks and take measures to lower it if necessary

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (20)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. understand that self-identity and self-concept can change over time and in various contexts
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. explore the alignment of personal strengths with possible career and other future opportunities
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. participate in, and contribute to, intercultural interactions with members of the Chinese culture; e.g., exchanges, intervisitations and pen-pal activities
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. participate in, and contribute to, intercultural interactions; e.g., exchanges, intervisitations and pen-pal activities

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. compare and contrast interpretations and perspectives of the influence and contributions of major historical events, historical figures and developments of Chinese culture
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. compare and contrast interpretations and perspectives of the influence and contributions of major contemporary events, contemporary figures and developments of Chinese culture
  • diversity
  • 3. compare and contrast perspectives on diversity at the international level
  • change
  • 4. examine contemporary influences that have affected Chinese culture

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. demonstrate respect for the rights and opinions of others, focusing on current cultural issues in the media
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. analyze and understand the significance of diversity in shaping contemporary and future opportunities for growth
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. identify and explain how common human experiences and needs are reflected in the culture, social structure and day-to-day patterns of behaviour in different countries of the world
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate in various school, community and Canadian events to promote intercultural understanding

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. examine how various forms of citizen action have affected public policy with regard to cultural diversity in Canada
  • interdependence
  • 2. explore and analyze how global links and interdependency affect one’s role as a citizen
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. identify how intercultural and multicultural organizations have influenced global citizenship
  • future opportunities
  • 4. examine goals and action plans for further development of skills, knowledge and attitudes required for effective participation in the global workplace and marketplace
Chinese Language Arts 30
Language Arts: General Language Component
General Outcome 1 (30)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

1.1 Discover and Explore

  • express ideas
  • 1. speculate on the impact of various ideas, observations and opinions
  • consider others’ ideas
  • 2. discuss personal understanding and interpretations
  • experiment with language and forms
  • 3. expand forms and perspectives of self-expression
  • express preferences
  • 4. analyze personal preferences for a variety of texts and genres by various writers, artists, storytellers and filmmakers
  • set goals
  • 5. demonstrate self-direction and self-appraisal in language learning and use and recognize themselves as lifelong learners

1.2 Clarify and Extend

  • develop understanding
  • 1. analyze connections between new and prior knowledge, ideas and experiences to clarify and enhance understanding
  • explain opinions
  • 2. reflect critically on changing viewpoints and identify questions and ideas that merit further thought or reflection
  • combine ideas
  • 3. use a variety of organizational structures to clarify ideas and information and to bring order to their own thinking
  • extend understanding
  • 4. examine and interpret alternative perspectives and arrive at and articulate new understanding
General Outcome 2 (30)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts.

2.1 General Comprehension Strategies

  • prior knowledge
  • 1. integrate and synthesize diverse experiences, prior knowledge and a variety of materials
  • comprehension strategies
  • 2. apply and adjust strategies for comprehending a variety of texts and determine the accuracy of understanding through paraphrasing and summarizing ideas
  • textual cues
  • 3. use a variety of textual cues and prominent organizational patterns within texts to confirm meaning and interpret texts
  • cueing systems
  • 4. use appropriate syntactic, semantic and graphophonic cueing systems to construct and confirm meaning and to interpret texts

2.2 Respond to Texts

  • experience various texts
  • 1. experience a range of texts from a variety of genres and cultural traditions and consider alternative interpretations and evaluations
  • connect self, texts and culture
  • 2. compare and understand the themes and values portrayed in a variety of oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate the artistry of texts
  • 3. analyze how word choice and visual images in oral, print, visual and multimedia texts create a composite meaning and effect

2.3 Understand Forms and Techniques

  • forms and genres
  • 1. understand how choice of genre and form affects themes and audience response
  • techniques and elements
  • 2. evaluate how elements and techniques are combined to achieve the artist’s purpose and desired effect
  • vocabulary
  • 3. recognize the derivation of language and the role of culture and invention in word creation and usage; e.g., computer terminology—interface, mainframe, laptop
  • experiment with language
  • 4. evaluate ways in which creative uses of language develop a personal style and evaluate the effectiveness of different techniques and devices
  • create original texts
  • 5. create original texts, such as editorials, plays and displays, to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques
General Outcome 3 (30)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to manage ideas and information.

3.1 Plan and Focus

  • personal knowledge and experience
  • 1. examine personal understanding and knowledge to determine topic interests, identify gaps in knowledge and identify inquiry or research objectives
  • ask questions
  • 2. develop effective, focused inquiry or research questions
  • participate in group inquiry
  • 3. examine group understanding and knowledge to determine topic interests, identify gaps in knowledge and set inquiry or research objectives
  • create and follow a plan
  • 4. prepare, use and revise an inquiry or research plan and locate, access, evaluate and select relevant information independently from a variety of sources

3.2 Select and Process

  • identify personal and peer knowledge
  • 1. evaluate personal and peer knowledge of a topic and extend project design to generate additional knowledge and ideas
  • identify sources
  • 2. identify a range of diverse forms of information sources to satisfy information needs
  • evaluate sources
  • 3. evaluate potential information sources for breadth, depth and accessibility
  • access information
  • 4. use information retrieval knowledge and skills to access and clarify information and use strategies to accomplish a task based on the time available and the depth of the topic
  • make sense of information
  • 5. identify and analyze a variety of factors that affect meaning and listen, read and view actively for themes, main ideas and supporting details of speakers and writers

3.3 Organize, Record and Assess

  • organize information
  • 1. organize information and ideas according to topic, purpose, form of presentation and final product
  • record information
  • 2. record and summarize information and perspectives from a variety of sources and presentation forms, and reference sources
  • evaluate information
  • 3. evaluate collected information for completeness, accuracy, currency, relevance and effectiveness for particular forms, audiences and purposes
  • develop new understanding
  • 4. evaluate the contribution of new information to personal knowledge base and reflect on the implications of inquiry or research methods and conclusions
General Outcome 4 (30)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

4.1 Generate and Focus

  • generate ideas
  • 1. consider personal needs and topic, purpose and audience when generating, evaluating and selecting ideas
  • choose forms
  • 2. use a variety of forms appropriate to identified content, audience and purpose
  • organize ideas
  • 3. organize oral, print, visual and multimedia texts to achieve specific purposes

4.2 Enhance and Improve

  • appreciate own and others’ work
  • 1. share their own work in a variety of forums and respond to and appraise the effectiveness of their own work and that of others
  • revise content
  • 2. recognize and apply a variety of communication styles appropriate for different purposes and use appropriate language in context
  • enhance legibility
  • 3. use a combination of appropriate technological and non-technological forms to create and publish multimedia presentations
  • enhance artistry
  • 4. enhance the clarity and artistry of expression
  • enhance presentation
  • 5. use a variety of forms and styles for effective and creative expression of ideas and information

4.3 Attend to Conventions

  • grammar and usage
  • 1. adjust grammatical structures, word choice, content and form to enhance clarity and effect
  • accuracy of characters
  • 2. know and apply conventions of character formations consistently and accurately when editing and proofreading
  • writing conventions
  • 3. know and apply writing conventions consistently and accurately when editing and proofreading

4.4 Present and Share

  • share ideas and information
  • 1. organize and conduct sessions on a specific topic, using various strategies
  • effective oral and visual communication
  • 2. select and adapt oral and visual communication and presentation formats appropriate to specific topics, purposes, audiences and occasions
  • attentive listening and viewing
  • 3. demonstrate critical understanding of presentation content and purpose
General Outcome 5 (30)

Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent in Chinese to celebrate and build community.

5.1 Develop and Celebrate Community

  • share and compare responses
  • 1. demonstrate the value of diverse ideas and viewpoints to deepen understanding of texts, others and themselves
  • relate texts to culture
  • 2. analyze ways in which cultural experiences shape personal responses to oral, print, visual and multimedia texts
  • appreciate diversity
  • 3. discuss ways in which language and texts reflect and influence values and behaviours of people
  • celebrate special occasions
  • 4. use language and texts to celebrate important occasions and accomplishments and to extend and strengthen a sense of community

5.2 Encourage, Support and Work with Others

  • cooperate with others
  • 1. demonstrate flexibility in working with others, engage in self-initiated peer learning situations and recognize the merits and limitations of group work
  • work in groups
  • 2. understand differences between roles of a group leader and roles of a group member in a variety of situations and fulfill roles appropriately
  • use language to show respect
  • 3. contribute to creating and sustaining a positive learning community
  • evaluate group process
  • 4. demonstrate accountability as individuals and as group members
Language Arts: Specific Language Component
General Outcome 6 (30)

Students will acquire Chinese to understand and appreciate languages, and use Chinese confidently and competently in a variety of situations for communication, personal satisfaction and further learning.

6.1 Linguistic Elements

  • sound–symbol system
  • 1. apply tones and knowledge of Hanyu pinyin accurately and effectively when encountering unfamiliar words in a variety of contexts*
  • * Students who are familiar with zhuyin fuhao may also maintain and apply this skill.

  • lexicon
  • 2. use vocabulary and expressions correctly and appropriately
  • grammatical elements – traditional form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 說不定, 不要緊, 不敢說, 不敢當, 不一定, 不得不, 不一會兒, 得了/行了/好了/算了, 看樣子, 沒事兒, 有的是, 了不起
    • − 由, 自, 沿, 順, 以, 於, 自從, 向, 對於, 替, 由於, 根據, 按(照)

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 弄, 搞, 肯, 作為, 具有, 引起, 趕 (趕飛機), 來(來一碗湯), 看 (你看怎麼 辦), 上 (上千人)
    • − 副詞:
      到底, 果然, 千萬, 究竟, 恐怕, 儘管, 儘量, 大約, 差點兒, 倒 (你倒挺舒服), 準 (他準不在家)
    • − 人家, 某個人, 其中, 當時, 上 (學習上, 生活上), 方面 (學習方面, 生活方 面)
    • − 此外, 而, 以及, 則, 總之, 從而, 不然, 然而
    • − 讓步關係:
      雖然 (固然, 儘管)…但是…
      即使 (哪怕, 縱然)…也…
    • − 取捨關係:
      與其…不如 (寧可)…
      寧可…也不 (決不)…
    • − 固定格式:
      要是 (如果)…的話
    • − 副詞:
      並 (不/沒), 決 (不/沒), 毫不, 親自, 親手, 漸漸, 仍/仍然/仍舊, 一下子, 卻

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 讓步複句: 就是…也…
      就是不想去, 也得去。
      就是沒辦成, 也要謝謝你。
    • − 偏正複句;
      因果: 因為…所以…
      …所以 (因此, 因而)…
    • − 並列複句: 既/又…又/也…
      及好看, 又實用.
    • − 方面…(另)一方面…
      吸煙一方面損害自己的健康, (另)一方面也損害別人的健康。
    • − 雙否定強調:
    • − 可能補語的否定形式: 睡不著, 聽不懂, 看不清, 起不來
      Negative form of "得" potential complement
    • − 被動句:
      1. 有標誌的被動句:
        主語 + 被/給/叫/讓 + 動作 + others
      2. 意義上的被動句:
    • − 強調用法:
      1. 反問句
      2. 連…也/都
      3. 疑問句 + 都
    • − "把" 字句:
      主語 + 把 + 賓語 + 動詞 + 補語
    • − 總而言之, 一路順風, 無論如何
    • − 轉折關係: 卻
    • − 承接關係: 然後, 於是
    • − 雙賓語動詞: 常用動詞:
      1. 給, 送, 找, 交, 還, 借, 賣, 寄, 退, 發, 要, 讓
      2. 借, 收, 買, 學, 拿
      3. 告訴, 回答, 通知, 教, 答應
    • − 成千上萬, 人山人海, 興高采烈
    • − 因果複句:
      由於他不好好學習, 這次考試沒及 格。
    • − 副詞:
      往往, 始終, 一時, 從來, 終於, 曾經, 直, 先後, 到處, 僅(僅), 一同, 一塊兒, 光, 挺, 相當, 比較, 極, 白(幹了)
    • − 沒什麼, 就是說, 越來越, 好(不)容易, 哪知道, 誰知道

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • grammatical elements – simplified form
  • 3a. recognize and use, in modelled situations,2 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 说不定, 不要紧, 不敢说, 不敢当, 不一定, 不得不, 不一会儿, 得了/行了/好了/算了, 看样子, 没事儿, 有的是, 了不起
    • − 由, 自, 沿, 顺, 以, 于, 自从, 向, 对于, 替, 由于, 根据, 按(照)

    2 Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • 3b. use, in structured situations,3 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 弄, 搞, 肯, 作为, 具有, 引起, 赶 (赶飞机), 来(来一碗汤), 看 (你看怎么 办), 上 (上千人)
    • − 副词:
      到底, 果然, 千万, 究竟, 恐怕, 尽管, 尽量, 大约, 差点儿, 倒 (你倒挺舒服), 准 (他准不在家)
    • − 人家, 某个人, 其中, 当时, 上 (学习 上, 生活上), 方面 (学习方面, 生活方 面)
    • − 此外, 而, 以及, 则, 总之, 从而, 不然, 然而
    • − 让步关系:
      虽然 (固然, 尽管)…但是…
      即使 (哪怕, 纵然)…也…
    • − 取舍关系:
      与其…不如 (宁可)…
      宁可…也不 (决不)…
    • − 固定格式:
      要是 (如果)…的话
    • − 副词: 并 (不/没), 决 (不/没), 毫不, 亲自, 亲 手, 渐渐, 仍/仍然/仍旧, 一下子, 却

    3 Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • 3c. use, independently and consistently,4 the following grammatical elements: ...
    • − 让步复句: 就是…也…
      就是不想去, 也得去。
      就是没办成, 也要谢谢你。
    • − 偏正复句:
      …所以 (因此, 因而)…
    • − 并列复句:
      既/又…又/也… 及好看, 又实用.
      一方面…(另)一方面… 吸烟一方面损害自己的健康, (另)一方面也损害别人的健康。
    • − 双否定强调:
    • − 可能补语的否定形式:
      睡不着, 听不懂, 看不清, 起不来
      Negative form of "得" potential complement
    • − 被动句:
      1. 有标志的被动句:
        主语 + 被/给/叫/让 + 动作 + others
      2. 意义上的被动句:
    • − 强调用法:
      1. 反问句
      2. 连…也/都
      3. 疑问句 + 都
    • − "把" 字句:
      主语 + 把 + 宾语 + 动词 + 补语
    • − 总而言之, 一路顺风, 无论如何
    • − 转折关系: 却
    • − 承接关系: 然后, 于是
    • − 双宾语动词: 常用动词:
      1. 给, 送, 找, 交, 还, 借, 卖, 寄, 退, 发, 要, 让
      2. 借, 收, 买, 学, 拿
      3. 告诉, 回答, 通知, 教, 答应
    • − 成千上万, 人山人海, 兴高采烈
    • − 因果复句:
      由于他不好好学习, 这次考试没及 格。
    • − 副词:
      往往, 始终, 一时, 从来, 终于, 曾经, 直, 先后, 到处, 仅(仅), 一同, 一块儿, 光, 挺, 相当, 比较, 极, 白(干了)
    • − 没什么, 就是说, 越来越, 好(不)容易, 哪知道, 谁知道

    Note: Grammatical elements that students are able to use independently and consistently are to be maintained for the duration of the students’ bilingual programming.

    4 Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • mechanical features
  • 4. use mechanical features correctly and effectively on a consistent basis
  • discourse features
  • 5. use a variety of discourse features correctly and select and use specific discourse features for effect

6.2 Language Competence

  • listening
  • 1. understand the main points and relevant supporting details of oral presentations on familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • speaking
  • 2. present and support, spontaneously, cohesive thoughts and ideas on familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • reading
  • 3. understand the main points and supporting details of lengthy written texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • writing
  • 4. develop and present in writing, cohesively and spontaneously, main and supporting ideas on familiar and unfamiliar topics
  • viewing
  • 5. view and understand a variety of complex representations of ideas, events and/or information
  • representing
  • 6. create cohesive and effective representations of a variety of ideas, events and information

6.3 Sociolinguistic/Sociocultural Elements

  • register
  • 1. use the appropriate level of formality with a variety of people in a variety of contexts
  • idiomatic expressions
  • 2. interpret unfamiliar idiomatic expressions and use learned idiomatic expressions appropriately in a variety of situations
  • variations in language
  • 3. adapt to some variations in language
  • social conventions
  • 4. interpret and use a variety of social conventions in a variety of situations
  • nonverbal communication
  • 5. interpret and use a variety of nonverbal communication techniques in a variety of contexts

6.4 Language Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use appropriate cognitive strategies effectively to enhance language learning in a variety of contexts; e.g., perceive and note down unknown words and expressions, noting also their context and function
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use appropriate metacognitive strategies effectively to enhance language learning in a variety of contexts; e.g., be aware of their own strengths and weaknesses, identify their own needs and goals, and organize their strategies and procedures accordingly
  • social/affective
  • 3. use appropriate social and affective strategies effectively to enhance language learning in a variety of contexts; e.g., provide personal motivation by arranging rewards for themselves when successful

Further examples of language learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.5 Language Use Strategies

  • interactive
  • 1. use appropriate interactive strategies effectively in a variety of contexts; e.g., use suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion, self-correct if errors lead to misunderstandings
  • interpretive
  • 2. use appropriate interpretive strategies effectively in a variety of contexts; e.g., use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts
  • productive
  • 3. use appropriate productive strategies effectively in a variety of contexts; e.g., compensate for avoiding difficult structures by rephrasing

Further examples of language use strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

6.6 General Learning Strategies

  • cognitive
  • 1. use appropriate cognitive strategies effectively to enhance general learning in a variety of contexts; e.g., use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task
  • metacognitive
  • 2. use appropriate metacognitive strategies effectively to enhance general learning in a variety of contexts; e.g., take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating learning experiences
  • social/affective
  • 3. use appropriate social and affective strategies effectively to enhance general learning in a variety of contexts; e.g., use social interaction skills to enhance group learning activities

Further examples of general learning strategies are available in the Language Arts: Specific Language Component (Overview) section.

General Outcome 7 (30)

Students will explore, understand, appreciate and value Chinese culture in Canada and the world for personal growth, enrichment and satisfaction and for participating in, and contributing to, an interdependent and multicultural global society.

7.1 Self-identity

  • understanding self-identity
  • 1. articulate, express and celebrate their own unique identity
  • developing positive self-identity
  • 2. identify personal strengths in planning for a career or further studies
  • valuing Chinese language and culture
  • 3. choose to engage in activities that will promote their own lifelong cultural development
  • valuing bilingualism/multiculturalism
  • 4. choose to engage in activities that will promote their own lifelong bilingual/multicultural development

7.2 Chinese Culture

  • historical elements
  • 1. identify and analyze how historical experiences of Chinese culture have shaped the contemporary Chinese language and cultural groups in local, Canadian and international contexts
  • contemporary elements
  • 2. identify and analyze the impact of contemporary influences on the Chinese language and cultural groups in local, Canadian and international contexts
  • diversity
  • 3. identify and analyze how historical and current diversity of Chinese culture has shaped the contemporary Chinese language and culture in local, national and international contexts
  • change
  • 4. identify and analyze the significance of historical and contemporary changes of Chinese culture on the rest of the world

7.3 Building Community

  • positive group membership
  • 1. demonstrate understanding that various political and economic systems impose, to varying degrees, different values on the rights and opinions of others
  • valuing diversity
  • 2. participate in various individual, group, school and community activities that celebrate diversity and promote intercultural understanding
  • valuing similarity
  • 3. identify, explain and analyze how common human experiences and needs are reflected in the culture, social structures and political systems of various countries in the world
  • contributing to community
  • 4. participate in, and contribute to, individual, group, school and/or community activities, using their knowledge and skills related to Chinese culture

7.4 Global Citizenship

  • responsible citizenship
  • 1. participate in group decision making and problem solving in ways that demonstrate concern for others and understanding of responsibilities as citizens
  • interdependence
  • 2. examine the local and global consequences of individual and collective decision making
  • intercultural skills
  • 3. demonstrate cultural sensitivity and awareness of cultural diversity in everyday situations through appropriate behaviour and language
  • future opportunities
  • 4. apply bilingual and multicultural knowledge and skills in specific activities that will promote skill development and opportunities for future participation in the global workplace

Resources to support: