Guide to Career and Technology Studies (CTS)

Assessments and Resources


Following are sample hazard and safety hazard lists, sample safety rules, and sample classroom and lab layouts. Please refer to the Terms of Use for how you can use these files.


The sample resources in this section are organized by clusters and occupational areas.


BIT (Business, Administration, Finance, & Information Technology)

Computing Science (CSE) CSE Hazard List
Enterprise & Innovation (ENT) ENT Hazard List
Financial Managment (FIN) FIN Hazard List
Information Processing (INF) INF Hazard List
Management & Marketing (MAM) MAM Hazard List
Networking (NET) NET Hazard List

HRH (Health, Recreation, & Human Services)

MDC (Media, Design, & Communication Arts)

NAT (Natural Resources)

TMT (Trades, Manufacturing, & Transportation)