Guide to Career and Technology Studies (CTS)

Authorized Learning Resources


A database of all authorized learning and teaching resources for use in each occupational area is available on the Alberta Education website at Authorized Resources Database. The database is searchable for each CTS course and provides a variety of resources that support learning and teaching in CTS. These include:

  • authorized resources; i.e., student basic, student support, teaching
  • provincial software licensing agreements
  • additional sources of support

Resource Authorization Categories


Teachers are encouraged to select resources that meet the diverse learning needs of students they teach. The resource authorization categories are student basic, student support, or teaching.


Student Basic resources are high quality learning resources intended for students. These resources best meet the evaluation criteria and address the majority of general and specific outcomes of a course(s), substantial components of a course(s), or general outcomes as outlined in provincial programs of study.


Student Support resources are high quality learning resources intended for students. These resources best meet the evaluation criteria and address some of the general or specific outcomes of a course(s) or components of a course(s), or address the general or specific outcomes as outlined in the provincial programs of study.


Teaching resources are high quality resources intended for teachers. These resources best meet the evaluation criteria and support the implementation of courses or programs of study, or educational initiatives, and the attainment of the goals of education.


Note: Alberta Education strongly recommends that teachers read all selections in the student resources and all activities in the teacher guides prior to using them with students. Careful consideration should be given to the sensitivities of both the student audience and the community and to the reading levels of students.


Connection: Information for Teachers is an online information newsletter for administrators, counsellors, and teachers. It includes information on programs of study, resources, assessment, technology, new initiatives, and projects. is an online resource designed to assist Kindergarten to Grade 12 teachers in Alberta to locate and use digital learning and teaching resources produced by Alberta Education. Schools across Alberta have access codes for this site. The revised website allows teachers to locate resources by grade, subject, or topic from within the context of the programs of study. Teachers can sign up for access on to create lists of favourite resources; add links to other web resources; and annotate, sequence, and publish those lists for sharing with colleagues and students.


Tools4Teachers is a tab on the website that provides multimedia segments and digital versions of print-based resources, including teacher resources, assignments, and answer keys. As well, this section of the site provides some online courses. These online courses can be used as complete courses or classroom teachers are encouraged to access these resources for development of their own classroom instruction. All digital resources can be used by Alberta educators in the development of their own lessons, print or digital, and/or in preparing for upcoming courses. Teachers must register with in order to log in.