
Being able to maintain appropriate behaviour in school hallways allows students to experience positive interactions with others.

Choose the statement below that best describes how this student manages in hallways.
This will help you identify a starting point for selecting strategies (e.g., 1=specialized, 2=targeted, 3=universal).

  • 1. Requires one-to-one assistance to provide physical support (e.g., getting from one area of the school to another, managing backpack, etc.) and/or to facilitate interaction with peers and/or maintain appropriate behaviour and/or maintain student safety (e.g., moving safely, not interfering with other students, etc.)
  • 2. Requires frequent (e.g., more than twice a week) adult prompting to follow basic routines and expectations related to hallway behaviour and/or to prevent disrupting the learning of others (e.g., loud in hallway during class time) and/or altercations with peers (e.g., crowding other students, pushing, verbal exchanges, etc.)
  • 3. May require occasional (e.g., less than twice a week) reminders but generally follows routines and expectations related to hallway behaviour and safety (e.g., walking not running, using a quiet voice, hands and feet to self, walking on right side, etc.)

Universal Supports benefit all students

  • Work collaboratively with school staff to ensure that there are school-wide expectations for hallway behaviour and that all school staff are committed to using common prompting with students, such as the following:
    • walk in the hallways
    • keep to the right side of the hallway and stairwell
    • use a quiet voice.
  • Develop a school-wide plan to support active supervision in hallways, including having all teachers present and visible when students are in hallways, particularly at the beginning and end of the school day and during transition times between classes.
  • Develop a school-wide plan for when students can be in halls during instructional times and how to monitor small groups of students working in the hallway.
  • Explore strategies for reducing number of students moving through the hallways at any one time by assigning groups of students to specific entrances and/or hallways.
  • Make time during classroom instruction to teach, practise and review routines related to hallway behaviour. Do this at the beginning of the school year and at regular intervals throughout the year.
  • Post visual reminders for hallway behaviour expectations throughout the school building and refer to them regularly. When appropriate, collaborate with students to develop these visual reminders.
  • Use descriptive feedback to acknowledge positive hallway behaviour demonstrated by individuals, groups of students and/or the class as a whole.

Targeted Supports benefit students with more specific needs

  • Pair individual students with positive peers who can serve as role models and supports in the hallways. Rotate these peers at regular intervals throughout the school year.
  • Provide proximity by positioning yourself nearby individual students who may require support in hallways.
  • For students who require more structure and reassurance, develop and review social stories about what they need to do when moving through hallways.
  • Some students may require additional time to transition from one location to another, and may benefit from leaving class earlier (or later), when hallways are less congested.
  • For students with chronic difficulties in the hallways, develop self-monitoring strategies they can use to reflect on and keep track of their own behaviour. Work with the student to identify specific and concrete language to describe the behaviour they need to demonstrate (e.g., keep hands and feet to self, walk at least one metre behind the person ahead of you).

Specialized Supports benefit the small number of students with sensory, physical, cognitive or behavioural needs that require intensive, individualized interventions

  • To facilitate mobility or to ensure physical safety, an individual student may need 1:1 adult support. This support should be provided as unobtrusively as possible, and, when possible, this student should travel at the same time as other students and follow the same behaviour expectations as other students.