Planning GuideGrade 5
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Strand: Number
Outcome: 7

Step 4: Assess Student Learning

Guiding Questions

  • Look back at what you determined as acceptable evidence in Step 2.
  • What are the most appropriate methods and activities for assessing student learning?
  • How will I align my assessment strategies with my teaching strategies?

Sample Assessment Tasks

In addition to ongoing assessment throughout the lessons, consider the following sample activities to evaluate students' learning at key milestones. Suggestions are given for assessing all students as a class or in groups, individual students in need of further evaluation and individual or groups of students in a variety of contexts.

A. Whole Class/Group Assessment

Examples of Whole Class/Group Assessment  Word Document

B. One-on-One Assessment

Examples of One on One Assessment  Word Document

C. Applied Learning

Provide opportunities for the students to use equivalent fractions and the comparison of fractions in a practical situation and notice whether or not the strategies transfer. For example, have the students order different lengths of ribbon by using only the measurements provided in proper fractions. Does the student:

  • use an appropriate strategy to order the fractions based on the numbers provided?
  • demonstrate flexibility by suggesting different strategies that could be used to order the numbers, including the use of equivalent fractions?
  • explain his or her thinking as he or she applies the strategies to order the fractions?
  • verify the order by cutting lengths of string to represent the various lengths of ribbon and aligning these lengths of strings along a line?
  • transfer the learning to other everyday contexts that require the ordering of fractions?

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