Planning GuideGrade 3
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Sorting and Describing Shapes and Objects

Strand: Shape and Space (3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes)
Outcomes: 6 and 7

Curriculum Focus

The changes to the curriculum targeted by this sample include:

  • The general outcome focuses on characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, as well as analyzing relationships between characteristics. This combined emphasis on characteristics and analysis is consistent with the belief that students learn by constructing their own understanding. In this case, students construct their own understanding of geometrical classifications and definitions, rather than learning geometric rules by following set procedures or by rote.
  • The specific outcomes for Grade 3 Shape and Space (3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes) are significantly reduced in number. There is now just one outcome that refers to 3-D objects. This outcome echoes the general outcome, with an emphasis on students constructing their own understanding about 3-D objects.
  • The only other specific outcome in this section of the Shape and Space strand addresses the study of polygons as a class of shapes. Outcomes focusing specifically on 2-D shapes at Grade 2 and Grade 3 prepare students to meet specific outcomes about 3-D objects.
  • Starting around Grade 3, a developmental shift in geometric thinking begins for many students. Rather than simply recognizing and naming shapes based on the way they look, students begin to recognize common characteristics of a group of shapes, and are able to analyze and describe shapes based on those characteristics. Some Grade 3 students learn to generalize about shapes, naming shapes based on abstract definitions rather than visual impressions. The specific outcomes for Shape and Space (3-D and 2-D objects) at the Grade 3 level in the revised Program of Studies support students who are beginning to analyze and generalize about the characteristics of shapes. At the same time, students who are not yet ready for this have the opportunity to build their experience with shapes, a necessary prerequisite for the development of geometric thinking in future years.

Sorting and Describing Shapes and Objects addresses the following outcomes from the Program of Studies:

Strand: Shape and Space (3-D Objects and 2-D Shapes)
Specific Outcomes:
6. Describe 3-D objects according to the shape of the faces and the number of edges and vertices.
7. Sort regular and irregular polygons, including:
  • triangles
  • quadrilaterals
  • pentagons
  • hexagons
  • octagons
according to the number of sides.

What is a Planning Guide?

Planning Guides are a tool for teachers to use in designing instruction and assessment that focuses on developing and deepening students' understanding of mathematical concepts. This tool is based on the process outlined in Understanding by Design, by Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe.

The following steps will help you through the Planning Guide:

See Bibliography for reference information.