Distance Between Two Locations

How to Use This Applet

The Graph Area

  • Drag an endpoint of the segment to move it to any location.
  • Drag a point along the segment (other than an endpoint) to move the segment.
  • <SHIFT>+drag an endpoint of the segment to move it to any other location equidistant from the other endpoint.
  • <CONTROL>+drag an endpoint of the segment to move it to any other location along a line containing the segment.


  • The arrow keys will move the "selected" endpoint.
  • If the arrow keys don't respond, click the cursor in the applet frame then try again.
  • Select THE PYTHAGOREAN RELATION button to see the calculation of distance using the pythagorean relation (relative to horizontal and vertical).
  • Select THE DISTANCE FORMULA button to see the calculation of distance as related to locations in a coordinate system.
  • Select the x1, y1, x2 or y2 buttons to enter values for coordinates as text.
  • Select the SWITCH 1 & 2 button to interchange the coordinates of P( x1, y1 ) and Q( x2, y2 ).
  • Select the PRECISION button to set number rounding.
  • Select the MOVE ORIGIN button, then drag in the graph area to move the entire coordinate system.
  • Select the CHANGE SCALES button, then drag in the graph area (towards or away from the origin) to expand or compress the scales on each axis.
  • Select the ? button for help.
  • Select the RESET button to restore the applet to the initial state.