Place Value

In the base ten number system, each place has ten times the value of the place to its right.


In the number 1329:

1329 Place value illustration

More on Place Value

Large whole numbers are arranged in groups of threes called periods. Each period has a hundred(s), ten(s) and one(s) position.

See the number 123 456 789 below as an example. The 8 is in the tens position, the 5 is in the ten-thousands position.

Place value illustration (Whole Number Example)

Decimal numbers are also arranged in groups of threes called periods. Each period has a ten(th), hundred(th) and thousand(th) position.

See the number 0.123 456 789 below as an example. The 2 is in the hundredths position, the 5 is in the hundred-millionths position.

Place value illustration (Decimal Number Example)

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