Social Studies – Grade 1 Close this window
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Solving Problems Responsibly

Select an effective and fair way to solve the identified problem.

Outcomes References Related Resources

Suggested Activities

This challenge focuses on helping students recognize that belonging in a class or other group comes with responsibilities. These responsibilities include assisting in solving problems that arise within the group and ensuring that the solutions are fair to everyone. Read aloud a story where young people are confronted with an interpersonal problem that they must resolve (e.g., Franklin's Secret Club by Paulette Bourgeois or The Moccasin Goalie by William Roy Brownridge). Ask students to identify the main problem and how it was resolved. Consider two criteria (solves the problem and is fair to everyone) to evaluate the resolution of the problem in the story. Encourage students to suggest other solutions. Review each proposal in light of their effectiveness and fairness. You may wish to adapt, for whole class use, one of the charts and strategies in Considering Options (Support Material) to structure this activity. Discuss which solution would have been the best in light of these criteria (and other criteria that the class may suggest).

Over a number of days, present students with typical problems that arise in the class and invite them to suggest possible solutions. After establishing guidelines for respectful role-play, you may want to ask various students to enact each proposed solution. Review each proposal in light of its effectiveness and fairness. Here, too, you may wish to adapt one of the charts and strategies in Considering Options (Support Material) to help structure this activity. Discuss which solution would best meet the criteria. Sample problems to consider include the following:

  • How can you make sure everyone gets a turn on the computer?
  • How can you make sure everyone gets a turn at the listening centre?
  • How can you share the balls and skipping ropes at recesses?
  • How can you make sure the supplies in the classroom are shared?
  • How can you make sure that everyone feels included during groupwork?

Throughout, reinforce the importance of taking responsibility for one's actions and of respecting the rights of others by resolving conflicts harmoniously and fairly.

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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