Social Studies – Grade 10 Close this window
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Understanding Historical Worldviews

Provide a historically sensitive account of a worldview expressed in selected historical documents.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 10-1

Specific Outcome 2.5 - Students will recognize and appreciate various perspectives regarding the prevalence and impacts of Eurocentrism (TCC, CC, I)
Specific Outcome 2.8 - Students will explore the relationship between historical globalization and imperialism (TCC, ER, LPP, PADM)
Specific Outcome 2.9 - Students will examine multiple perspectives on the political, economic and social impacts of historical globalization and imperialism (I, LPP, PADM)
Specific Outcome S.1.1 - Students will evaluate ideas and information from multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.1.2 - Students will determine relationships among multiple and varied sources of information
Specific Outcome S.1.3 - Students will assess the validity of information based on context, bias, sources, objectivity, evidence or reliability
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions to develop an expanded appreciation of a topic or an issue
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will analyze multiple historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will analyze similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.5 - Students will discern historical facts from historical interpretations through an examination of multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.2.6 - Students will identify reasons underlying similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S. 7.1 - Students will develop, express and defend an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2. - Students will reflect on changes of points of view or opinion based on information gathered and research conducted
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will draw pertinent conclusions based on evidence derived from research
Specific Outcome S.7.4 - Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of research tools and strategies to investigate issues
Specific Outcome S.7.5 - Students will consult a wide variety of sources, including oral histories, that reflect varied perspectives on particular issues
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will integrate and synthesize argumentation and evidence to provide an informed opinion on a research question or an issue of inquiry
Specific Outcome S.7.7 - Students will develop, refine and apply questions to address an issue
Specific Outcome S.9.3 - Students will appraise information from multiple sources, evaluating each source in terms of the author's perspective or bias and use of evidence

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 10-2

Specific Outcome 2.5 - Students will recognize and appreciate various perspectives regarding the prevalence and impacts of Eurocentrism (TCC, CC, I)
Specific Outcome 2.8 - Students will explore the relationship between historical globalization and imperialism (TCC, ER, LPP, PADM)
Specific Outcome 2.9 - Students will examine examine multiple perspectives on the political, economic and social impacts of imperialism in Canada (I, LPP, PADM)
Specific Outcome S.1.1 - Students will analyze ideas and information from multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.1.2 - Students will determine relationships among multiple sources of information
Specific Outcome S.1.3 - Students will determine the validity of information based on context, bias, sources, objectivity, evidence or reliability
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will understand diverse historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will compare and contrast historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.5 - Students will understand the difference between historical facts and historical interpretations
Specific Outcome S.2.6 - Students will compare alternative historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop and express an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will develop conclusions based upon evidence gathered through research of a wide variety of sources
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will use research tools and methods to investigate issues
Specific Outcome S.7.4 - Students will consult a wide variety of sources, including oral histories, that reflect varied viewpoints on particular issues
Specific Outcome S.7.5 - Students will revise questions on an issue as new information becomes available
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will select relevant information when conducting research
Specific Outcome S.9.3 - Students will analyze information from multiple sources, evaluating each source in terms of the author's perspective or bias and use of evidence
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: May 30, 2008 | (Revision History)
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