Social Studies – Grade 11 Close this window
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Framing Effective Foreign Policy

  • Rate the effectiveness of various foreign policy responses to an assigned international issue.
  • As a representative of a particular perspective, attempt to reach consensus on a mutually beneficial response to three international issues.

Suggested Activities Assessment Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 20-1

Specific Outcome 3.3 - Students will demonstrate a global consciousness with respect to the human condition and global affairs (C, GC)
Specific Outcome 3.5 - Students will explore understandings of internationalism (GC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 3.6 - Students will analyze how internationalism can be promoted through foreign policy (multilateralism, supranationalism, peacekeeping, foreign aid, international law and agreements) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 3.8 - Students will analyze impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in addressing contemporary global issues (conflict, poverty, debt, disease, environment, human rights) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions to develop an expanded appreciation of a topic or an issue
Specific Outcome S.1.9 - Students will analyze current affairs from a  variety of perspectives
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will analyze multiple historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.2 - Students will analyze connections among patterns of historical change by identifying cause and effect relationships
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will analyze similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.6 - Students will identify reasons underlying similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.4.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership in groups to achieve consensus, solve problems, formulate positions and take action, if appropriate, on important issues
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will develop inquiry strategies to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.4.3 - Students will generate and apply new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
Specific Outcome S.4.4 - Students will describe a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem
Specific Outcome S.4.5 - Students will use appropriate tools and materials to accomplish a plan of action
Specific Outcome S.5.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by initiating and employing various strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully and equitably
Specific Outcome S.5.2 - Students will participate in persuading, compromising and negotiating to resolve conflicts and differences
Specific Outcome S.5.3 - Students will interpret patterns of behaviour and attitudes that contribute or pose obstacles to cross-cultural understanding
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will demonstrate leadership during discussions and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.5 - Students will respect the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will collaborate in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.6.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by engaging in actions that enhance personal and community well-being
Specific Outcome S.6.2 - Students will acknowledge the importance of multiple perspectives in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop, express and defend an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will reflect on changes of points of view or opinion based on information gathered and research conducted
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.2 - Students will use skills of formal and informal discussion and/or debate to persuasively express informed viewpoints on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.3 - Students will ask respectful and relevant questions of others to clarify viewpoints
Specific Outcome S.8.4 - Students will listen respectfully to others

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 20-2

Specific Outcome 3.3 - Students will demonstrate a global consciousness with respect to the human condition and global affairs (C, GC)
Specific Outcome 3.5 - Students will explore understandings of internationalism (GC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 3.6 - Students will examine how internationalism can be promoted by foreign policy (multilateralism, supranationalism, peacekeeping, foreign aid, international law and agreements) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 3.8 - Students will examine impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in addressing contemporary global issues (conflict, poverty, debt, disease, environment, human rights) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions
Specific Outcome S.1.6 - Students will determine the strengths and weaknesses of arguments
Specific Outcome S.1.8 - Students will analyze current affairs from a variety of perspectives
Specific Outcome S.1.9 - Students will identify main ideas underlying a position or issue
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will understand diverse historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.2 - Students will analyze connections among patterns of historical change by identifying cause and effect  relationships
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will compare and contrast historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.6 - Students will compare alternative historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.4.1 - Students will demonstrate skills needed to reach consensus, solve problems and formulate positions
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will use inquiry processes to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.4.3 -  Students will apply ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
Specific Outcome S.4.4 - Students will describe a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem
Specific Outcome S.4.5 - Students will use appropriate tools and materials to accomplish a plan of action
Specific Outcome S.5.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by persuading, compromising and negotiating to resolve conflicts and differences
Specific Outcome S.5.2 - Students will make meaningful contributions to discussion and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.3 - Students will identify behaviours and attitudes that contribute or pose obstacles to cross-cultural understanding
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will consider the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will demonstrate cooperativeness in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop and express an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.2 - Students will engage in respectful discussion
Specific Outcome S.8.4 - Students will ask respectful and relevant questions of others to clarify viewpoints on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.5 - Students will make respectful and reasoned comments on the topic of discussion

Assessment of Specific Outcomes

This table identifies only learning outcomes that are assessed by using the summative student task. Other outcomes for this critical challenge are addressed through instruction.

Assessed Curriculum Outcomes: 20-1

Specific Outcome 3.3 - Students will demonstrate a global consciousness with respect to the human condition and global affairs (C, GC)
Specific Outcome 3.5 - Students will explore understandings of internationalism (GC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 3.6 - Students will analyze how internationalism can be promoted through foreign policy (multilateralism, supranationalism, peacekeeping, foreign aid, international law and agreements) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 3.8 - Students will analyze impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in addressing contemporary global issues (conflict, poverty, debt, disease, environment, human rights) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions to develop an expanded appreciation of a topic or an issue
Specific Outcome S.1.9 - Students will analyze current affairs from a variety of perspectives
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will analyze multiple historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.2 - Students will analyze connections among patterns of historical change by identifying cause and effect relationships
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will analyze similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.6 - Students will identify reasons underlying similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.4.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership in groups to achieve consensus, solve problems, formulate positions and take action, if appropriate, on important issues
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will develop inquiry strategies to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.4.3 - Students will generate and apply new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
Specific Outcome S.4.4 - Students will describe a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem
Specific Outcome S.4.5 - Students will use appropriate tools and materials to accomplish a plan of action
Specific Outcome S.5.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by initiating and employing various strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully and equitably
Specific Outcome S.5.2 - Students will participate in persuading, compromising and negotiating to resolve conflicts and differences
Specific Outcome S.5.3 - Students will interpret patterns of behaviour and attitudes that contribute or pose obstacles to cross-cultural understanding
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will demonstrate leadership during discussions and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.5 - Students will respect the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will collaborate in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.6.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by engaging in actions that enhance personal and community well-being
Specific Outcome S.6.2 - Students will acknowledge the importance of multiple perspectives in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop, express and defend an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will reflect on changes of points of view or opinion based on information gathered and research conducted
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.2 - Students will use skills of formal and informal discussion and/or debate to persuasively express informed viewpoints on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.3 - Students will ask respectful and relevant questions of others to clarify viewpoints
Specific Outcome S.8.4 - Students will listen respectfully to others

Assessed Curriculum Outcomes: 20-2

Specific Outcome 3.3 - Students will demonstrate a global consciousness with respect to the human condition and global affairs (C, GC)
Specific Outcome 3.5 - Students will explore understandings of internationalism (GC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 3.6 - Students will examine how internationalism can be promoted by foreign policy (multilateralism, supranationalism, peacekeeping, foreign aid, international law and agreements) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 3.8 - Students will examine impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in addressing contemporary global issues (conflict, poverty, debt, disease, environment, human rights) (GC, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions
Specific Outcome S.1.6 - Students will determine the strengths and weaknesses of arguments
Specific Outcome S.1.8 - Students will analyze current affairs from a variety of perspectives
Specific Outcome S.1.9 - Students will identify main ideas underlying a position or issue
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will understand diverse historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.2 - Students will analyze connections among patterns of historical change by identifying cause and effect relationships
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will compare and contrast historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.6 - Students will compare alternative historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.4.1 - Students will demonstrate skills needed to reach consensus, solve problems and formulate positions
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will use inquiry processes to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.4.3 -  Students will apply ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
Specific Outcome S.4.4 - Students will describe a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem
Specific Outcome S.4.5 - Students will use appropriate tools and materials to accomplish a plan of action
Specific Outcome S.5.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by persuading, compromising and negotiating to resolve conflicts and differences
Specific Outcome S.5.2 - Students will make meaningful contributions to discussion and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.3 - Students will identify behaviours and attitudes that contribute or pose obstacles to cross-cultural understanding
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will consider the needs and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will demonstrate cooperativeness in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop and express an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.2 - Students will engage in respectful discussion
Specific Outcome S.8.4 - Students will ask respectful and relevant questions of others to clarify viewpoints on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.5 - Students will make respectful and reasoned comments on the topic of discussion


C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: February 28, 2011 | (Revision History)
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