Social Studies – Grade 7 Close this window
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Aboriginal Societies

What were the most significant differences and similarities in social and economic structures among selected Aboriginal societies prior to the 16th century?

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Books listed as references have not been reviewed or approved by Alberta Education.

Title: Canada Revisited
Description: Canada Revisited brings to life fascinating and vibrant history in a way that is both interesting and relevant for students.
Author/Editor: Clark, Penny and Roberta McKay
Published by: Edmonton, AB: Arnold Publishing Ltd., 1992


Title: Passageways: True Tales of Adventure for Young Explorers. First Nations and Inuit.
Host: Library and Archives Canada
Description: This website contains information about such topics as prehistory, pre-contact, exploration, fur trade and the role of First Nations and Inuit women
Navigation Tips: Click on the topics in the left-hand-side menu and on the highlighted words within the text to access information.


Title: New France, New Horizon. Exhibition
Host: Library and Archives Canada
Description: This website is an exhibition that describes the adventure of New France, from the first voyages of discovery to the end of the French Regime. It is comprised of 350 archival documents arranged under 12 themes.
Navigation Tips: Click on a topic to access information. Then, click on any subtopic to access images and additional text.
Note: Click on Full Screen or on Audio Clip (where available) under each image to enlarge it or to listen to related text.
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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