Social Studies – Grade 9 Close this window
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Legal Roles and Responsibilities

Design an information pamphlet to identify the five most important legal roles and responsibilities of Canadian citizens.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources



Study Guide – Discover Canada
The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship


Citizenship and Immigration Canada


This website contains the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens.

Navigation Tips:

Scroll down to read about the rights and responsibilities



Title: Educational Resources
Host: John Humphrey Centre

This website contains links to resources related to human rights, including the Youth Guide to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, ATA's Advocacy: A Practical Guide and teaching resources available from the John Humphrey Centre.

Navigation Tips: Click on the links to access the resources.


Title: Responsible Citizenship and Canada’s Tax System
Host: Canada Revenue Agency
Description: This website contains a learning unit to help students understand where their tax dollars go, how the tax system works and how they can legally influence government decisions. Student activities provided include visuals, a glossary, simulations, blackline masters, an appendix and assessment and evaluation materials.
Navigation Tips: Scroll down to view activities and click on a link to access them. Click on Downloads to access a list of blackline masters and handouts.
Last updated: October 23, 2017 | (Revision History)
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