Social Studies – Kindergarten Close this window
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The Chick and the Duckling

  • Are Chick and Duckling more similar or more different?
  • What is the best way that Duckling can help Chick to swim?

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Suggested Activities

This two-part challenge invites students to consider how two characters in a story are unique, and how the characters can help each other when they are in need. Introduce students to the story, The Chick and the Duckling, by Mirra Ginsburg. In this story, Chick mimics Duckling's actions until he nearly drowns when Duckling decides to swim. After an initial reading or telling of the story, invite students to role play the story as you reread or retell it. Ask students to consider the ways in which Chick and Duckling are the same (e.g., they hatch from an egg, are yellow, can walk) and ways they differ (e.g., Duckling can swim, has webbed feet). Record the similarities and differences on a chart. After completing the list, ask students whether Duckling and Chick are more alike or more different. Discuss how the differences make them unique individuals. Invite students to discuss the personal characteristics that individual students posses that make them unique.

In a subsequent lesson, ask students how Chick and Duckling might play together given each other's differences (e.g., only play on land, since Chick cannot swim). Discuss how Duckling could help Chick when they swim (e.g., Duckling could buy fins for Chick, they could decide not to swim). Invite students to role-play the story again using the solution that they think best helps Chick. This question can be used in subsequent discussions, using the format: "How could ______ be a good friend to _______?". See Learning to Be a Friend (Modelling the Tools) for detailed suggestions on how to teach and assess the tools for thoughtful consideration of this question.

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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