Research identifies ten key elements of support for students with behaviour disabilities. These elements are interrelated and may have differing degrees of importance, depending on the needs, strengths and priorities for a particular student.

1 Positive relationships between teachers and students, individual students and their peers, and teachers and parents
2 Modification of the classroom environment that ensures that the physical environment and routines support positive behaviour and reduce opportunities for problem behaviour
3 Differentiated instruction that looks for ways to restructure learning tasks and activities, considers the timing of activities and teaches strategies for academic success
4 Understanding individual student behaviour, including the goals or functions of behaviour, and the escalation cycle
5 Social skills instruction that provides structured and intensive interventions to help students learn new behaviours that replace problem behaviours
6 Positive reinforcement that motivates students to use new social skills and demonstrate positive behaviour consistently and independently
7 Fair and predictable consequences for behaviour that adversely affects the student, other students and/or the school community
8 Collaborative teamwork and a wraparound process that support the individual student, the classroom teacher, other school staff and the student’s family
9 Data-driven decision making that clearly identifies and describes behaviours that need improvement and measures progress over time
10 Individual behaviour support plans that describe the specific steps the learning team will take to change problem behaviour and maintain safety in the classroom