Social Studies – Grade 1 Close this window
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Finding Francophones in Alberta

Select the most interesting information found on Websites, in pamphlets or brochures pertaining to Francophones in Alberta, past and present.

Outcomes References Related Resources

Suggested Activities

In this critical challenge, students examine Websites, posters, books or brochures about Francophones in Alberta, past and present, and create a poster informing audiences of the presence and contributions of Francophones in Alberta. Prepare for the activities by gathering a selection of resources (see References or background Information section of this page). To introduce the activities, display the reference materials and ask students to work with a partner or in small groups to list features and interesting information found in the resources and what makes some more interesting than others. Invite them to contribute to a class list of things they learned about the presence and contributions of Francophones in the province. Explain that their task is to work individually or with a partner to select the most interesting information and then create a poster pertaining to the presence and contributions of Francophones in the province. As a class, develop a list of criteria for an interesting poster; e.g., interesting pictures, not too many words, clearly promotes the important idea.

Invite students to display their completed posters, explaining why they chose the particular message about Francophones in Alberta and why others might be interested in learning more about it.

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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