Social Studies – Grade 1 Close this window
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Using Our Senses

Create a collage that shows sights and sounds of Francophone presence in Alberta communities.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Title: French Songs. Music for Teaching the French Language
Host: Songs for Teaching. Using Music to Promote Learning
Description: This website contains French-language songs—many with lyrics, sound clips and teaching suggestions—from a wide variety of popular artists.
Navigation Tips: Click on a subject category in the left-hand-side menu or scroll down and click on a song title to access the song.



L’ACFA, the francophone community representative


L’Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta


This website contains a bilingual  historical map entitled, “Jamais je ne l’oublierai:The Francophone historical contribution to development of the Province of Alberta.”

Navigation Tips:

Scroll down and click on the map to view it in larger format or to print it.




Title: Alberta Online Encyclopedia: Alberta’s Francophone Heritage
Host: Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)
Description: This website contains stories of individuals and communities from the era of the fur trade to contemporary times. It provides information about significant contributions of Francophone communities to the settlement of the West and the founding of Alberta.
Navigation Tips: Click on the topics in the left-hand-side menu or within the text to access information.


Title: Alberta’s Francophone Heritage Edukit
Host: Heritage Community Foundation (Now archived by the University of Alberta)
Description: This website contains interactive and educational features, such as a crossword puzzle, quiz, word search, descriptive texts and glossary, designed to help students learn more about Francophone communities across Alberta.
Navigation Tips: Click on Elementary in the left-hand-side menu to access the Elementary Student Zone then click on highlighted words within the text to access additional information.
Note: Click on Elementary, then on Infomania, then on Student Text Resources and then on French Place Names in Alberta for lists of some terms and place names that show the presence of French language in our province.



Francophone Community Profile of Alberta


L’ACFA, L’Association de tous Les Francophones de l”Alberta


This website contains information about the French presence in Alberta, including such topics as a community profiles, history, demographics and geography.

Navigation Tips:

Scroll through the document to access information..


Last updated: October 9, 2015 | (Revision History)
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