Social Studies – Grade 10 Close this window
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Globalization and Young People

Assess the impact of various aspects of globalization on the well-being of children and youth.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 10-1

Specific Outcome 4.1 - Students will recognize and appreciate the impact of globalization on the quality of life of individuals and communities (GC, C, CC)
Specific Outcome 4.2 - Students will recognize and appreciate the importance of human rights in determining quality of life (GC, C)
Specific Outcome 4.5 - Students will analyze impacts of globalization on children and youth (awareness of global issues, employment issues, identity) (GC, C, PADM, ER, I)
Specific Outcome 4.8 - Students will analyze how globalization affects individuals and communities (migration, technology, agricultural issues, pandemics, resource issues, contemporary issues) (GC, LPP)
Specific Outcome S.2.7 - Students will develop a reasoned position that is informed by historical and contemporary evidence
Specific Outcome S.2.9 - Students will use current, reliable information sources from around the world
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will develop inquiry strategies to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will demonstrate leadership during discussions and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.5 - Students will respect the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will collaborate in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.6.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by engaging in actions that enhance personal and community well-being
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop, express and defend an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will reflect on changes of points of view or opinion based on information gathered and research conducted
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will draw pertinent conclusions based on evidence derived from research
Specific Outcome S.7.4 - Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of research tools and strategies to investigate issues
Specific Outcome S.7.8 - Students will select and analyze relevant information when conducting research
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.2 - Students will use skills of formal and informal discussion and/or debate to persuasively express informed viewpoints on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.3 - Students will ask respectful and relevant questions of others to clarify viewpoints
Specific Outcome S.8.4 - Students will listen respectfully to others
Specific Outcome S.9.5 - Students will demonstrate discriminatory selection of electronically accessed information that is relevant to a particular topic

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 10-2

Specific Outcome 4.1 - Students will recognize and appreciate the impact of globalization on the quality of life of individuals and communities (GC, C)
Specific Outcome 4.2 - Students will recognize and appreciate the importance of human rights in determining quality of life (GC, C)
Specific Outcome 4.5 - Students will examine impacts of globalization on children and youth (awareness of global issues, employment issues, identity) (GC, C, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 4.8 - Students will examine how globalization affects individuals and communities (migration, technology, agricultural issues, pandemics, resource issues, contemporary issues) (GC, LPP)
Specific Outcome S.2.7 - Students will develop reasoned arguments supported by historical and contemporary evidence
Specific Outcome S.2.9 - Students will use current, reliable information sources from around the world
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will use inquiry processes to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will consider the needs and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will demonstrate cooperativeness in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.6.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by engaging in actions that will enhance the well-being of self and others in the community
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop and express an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will develop conclusions based upon evidence gathered through research of a wide variety of sources
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will use research tools and methods to investigate issues
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will select relevant information when conducting research
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.2 - Students will engage in respectful discussion
Specific Outcome S.8.4 - Students will ask respectful and relevant questions of others to clarify viewpoints on an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.5 - Students will make respectful and reasoned comments on the topic of discussion
Specific Outcome S.9.5 - Students will demonstrate discriminatory selection of electronically accessed information
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: May 30, 2008 | (Revision History)
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