Social Studies – Grade 12 Close this window
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Report for Duty or Resist?

Establish and apply guidelines for evaluating individual or collective civic action during times of conflict.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 30-1

Specific Outcome 4.1 - Students will appreciate the relationship between citizenship and leadership (C, I)
Specific Outcome 4.3 - Students will accept responsibilities associated with individual and collective citizenship (C, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.5 - Students will explore how ideologies shape individual and collective citizenship (C, PADM, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.6 - Students will analyze perspectives on the rights, roles and responsibilities of the individual in a democratic society (respect for law and order, dissent, civility, political participation, citizen advocacy) (C, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 4.7 - Students will analyze perspectives on the rights, roles and responsibilities of the individual during times of conflict (humanitarian crises, civil rights movements, antiwar movements, McCarthyism, pro-democracy movements, contemporary examples) (C, PADM, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.8 - Students will evaluate the extent to which ideology should shape responses to contemporary issues (I, C, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.10 - Students will explore opportunities to demonstrate active and responsible citizenship through individual and collective action (C, GC)
Specific Outcome S.1.1 - Students will evaluate ideas and information from multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.1.2 - Students will determine relationships among multiple and varied sources of information
Specific Outcome S.1.3 - Students will assess the validity of information based on context, bias, sources, objectivity, evidence or reliability
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions to develop an expanded appreciation of a topic or an issue
Specific Outcome S.1.6 - Students will synthesize information from contemporary and historical issues to develop an informed position
Specific Outcome S.1.7 - Students will evaluate the logic of assumptions underlying a position
Specific Outcome S.1.8 - Students will assemble seemingly unrelated information to support an idea or to explain an event
Specific Outcome S.1.9 - Students will analyze current affairs from a variety of perspectives
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will analyze multiple historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.2 - Students will analyze connections among patterns of historical change by identifying cause and effect relationships
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will compare similarities and differences among historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.2.7 - Students will develop a reasoned position that is informed by historical and contemporary evidence
Specific Outcome S.4.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership in groups to achieve consensus, solve problems, formulate positions and take action, if appropriate, on important issues
Specific Outcome S.5.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by initiating and employing various strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully and equitably
Specific Outcome S.5.2 - Students will participate in persuading, compromising and negotiating to resolve conflicts and differences
Specific Outcome S.5.5 - Students will respect the needs and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will collaborate in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.6.2 - Students will acknowledge the importance of multiple perspectives in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop, express and defend an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will reflect on changes of perspective or opinion based on information gathered and research conducted
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will draw pertinent conclusions based on evidence derived from research
Specific Outcome S.7.5 - Students will consult a wide variety of sources, including oral histories, that reflect varied viewpoints on particular issues
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will integrate and synthesize argumentation and evidence to provide an informed opinion on a research question or an issue of inquiry
Specific Outcome S.7.7 - Students will develop, refine and apply questions to address an issue
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively to express a point of view in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.5 - Students will use a variety of oral, visual and print sources to present informed positions on issues
Specific Outcome S.9.1 - Students will assess the authority, reliability and validity of electronically accessed information
Specific Outcome S.9.2 - Students will evaluate the validity of various points of view presented in the media
Specific Outcome S.9.3 - Students will appraise information from multiple sources, evaluating each source in terms of the author's perspective or bias and use of evidence
Specific Outcome S.9.4 - Students will analyze the impact of various forms of media, identifying complexities and discrepancies in the information and making distinctions between sound generalizations and misleading oversimplification
Specific Outcome S.9.5 - Students will demonstrate discriminatory selection of electronically accessed information that is relevant to a particular topic

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 30-2

Specific Outcome 4.1 - Students will appreciate the relationship between citizenship and leadership (C, I)
Specific Outcome 4.3 - Students will accept responsibilities associated with individual and collective citizenship (C, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.4 - Students will explore how ideologies shape individual and collective citizenship (C, PADM, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.5 - Students will examine perspectives on the rights, roles and responsibilities of the individual in a democratic society (respect for law and order, protest, civil disobedience, political participation) (C, PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 4.6 - Students will examine perspectives on the rights, roles and responsibilities of the individual during times of conflict (humanitarian crises, antiwar movements, pro-democracy movements, contemporary examples) (C, PADM, GC)
Specific Outcome 4.9 - Students will explore opportunities to demonstrate active and responsible citizenship through individual and collective action (C, GC)
Specific Outcome S.1.1 - Students will analyze ideas and information from multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.1.2 - Students will determine relationships among multiple sources of information
Specific Outcome S.1.3 - Students will determine the validity of information based on context, bias, sources, objectivity, evidence or reliability
Specific Outcome S.1.5 - Students will evaluate personal assumptions and opinions
Specific Outcome S.1.6 - Students will determine the strengths and weaknesses of arguments
Specific Outcome S.1.7 - Students will identify seemingly unrelated ideas to explain a concept or event
Specific Outcome S.1.8 - Students will analyze current affairs from a variety of perspectives
Specific Outcome S.2.1 - Students will understand diverse historical and contemporary perspectives within and across cultures
Specific Outcome S.2.3 - Students will compare and contrast historical narratives
Specific Outcome S.4.1 - Students will demonstrate skills needed to reach consensus, solve problems and formulate positions
Specific Outcome S.4.2 - Students will use inquiry processes to make decisions and solve problems
Specific Outcome S.5.1 - Students will demonstrate leadership by persuading, compromising and negotiating to resolve conflicts and differences
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will consider the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.5.5 - Students will identify and use a variety of strategies to resolve conflicts peacefully and equitably
Specific Outcome S.5.6 - Students will demonstrate cooperativeness in groups to solve problems
Specific Outcome S.6.2 - Students will promote and respect the contributions of team members when working as a team
Specific Outcome S.6.3 - Students will cooperate with others for the well-being of the community
Specific Outcome S.7.1 - Students will develop and express an informed position on an issue
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will develop conclusions based on evidence gathered through research of a wide variety of sources
Specific Outcome S.7.4 - Students will consult a wide variety of sources, including oral histories, that reflect varied viewpoints on particular issues
Specific Outcome S.7.5 - Students will revise questions on an issue as new information becomes available
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will select relevant information when conducting research
Specific Outcome S.8.1 - Students will communicate effectively in a variety of situations
Specific Outcome S.8.3 - Students will use a variety of oral, visual and print sources to present informed positions on issues
Specific Outcome S.8.5 - Students will make respectful and reasoned comments on the topic of discussion
Specific Outcome S.9.1 - Students will assess the authority, reliability and validity of electronically accessed information
Specific Outcome S.9.2 - Students will analyze the validity of various points of view in media messages
Specific Outcome S.9.3 - Students will analyze information from multiple sources, evaluating each source in terms of the author's perspective or bias and use of evidence
Specific Outcome S.9.4 - Students will analyze the impact of various forms of media
Specific Outcome S.9.5 - Students will demonstrate discriminatory selection of electronically accessed information
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: January 30, 2009 | (Revision History)
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