Social Studies – Grade 2 Close this window
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Featuring Local Heroes

Prepare a television report consisting of a few sentences about an individual or group who has contributed to the community.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
This table identifies only learning outcomes that are assessed by using the summative student task. Other outcomes for this critical challenge are addressed through instruction. The full list of learning outcomes can be found in the Outcomes section of this critical challenge.

Criteria for Evaluation
Students provide evidence of their learning as they:

Related Learner Outcomes

  • access and retrieve information

Specific Outcome 2.S.7.4

  • Students will access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry

Specific Outcome 2.S.9.1

  • Students will identify key words from gathered information on a topic or issue
  • describe contribution


Specific Outcome

  • How have the people who live in the community contributed to change in the community?
  • explain effect of contribution


Specific Outcome 2.2.1

  • Students will appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present

Specific Outcome

  • How have the people who live in the community contributed to change in the community?
  • present orally


Specific Outcome 2.S.8.1

  • Students will prepare and present information in their own words, using respectful language

Assessment for Learning (Formative)

Formative assessment provides opportunities for students to receive feedback. Formative feedback is used solely to help students improve their performance.

Students can use the checklist in Peer Coaching Feedback: Communicating Effectively in an Oral Presentation (Assessment) to practise and improve their oral communication skills before presenting to the class. A video recording is an excellent way for students to self-reflect and set goals for improved performance.

Assessment of Learning (Summative)
Summative assessment takes place after instruction and after students have had a chance to practise and receive specific, descriptive feedback on their work. Summative assessment provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and can do.

Two summative evaluation tools have been provided. Teachers can select the tool that best suits their needs based on the amount of experience students have had with various tools.

The Rubric for Featuring Local Heroes (Assessment) can be used if students have had enough experience with the language of rubrics to understand the descriptions of the levels of quality.

Alternatively, the Rating Scale for Featuring Local Heroes (Assessment) can be used for students who are not yet ready to work with the language of the rubric. The rating scale provides a description of what is required for each criterion. The teacher comment section is where teachers provide specific and descriptive feedback that supports the rating they give the student.

If using the extension activity, student responses in Selecting the Most Important Change (Graphic Organizer) can also be evaluated on the criterion for explaining the effect of contribution.


Assessment support provided by the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC).

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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