Social Studies – Grade 3 Close this window
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Changing Lives

Based on information provided to the class by a class member or guest speaker who has immigrated to Canada, which of the changes experienced since coming to Canada has most affected this person's quality of life?

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Specific Outcome - What determines quality of life?
Specific Outcome - Students will demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs, traditions and customs of groups and communities other than their own
Specific Outcome - What are the traditions, celebrations, stories and practices in the communities that connect the people to the past and to each other (e.g., language spoken, traditions, customs)?
Specific Outcome - How are the rights, responsibilities and roles of citizens in communities around the world the same or different than those of Canadian citizens?
Specific Outcome 3.S.2.1 - Students will correctly apply terms related to time including past, present, and future
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.1 - Students will make connections between cause-and-effect relationships from information gathered from varied sources
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.2 - Students will evaluate whether information supports an issue or a research question
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.3 - Students will develop questions that reflect a personal information need
Specific Outcome 3.S.7.9 - Students will draw conclusions from organized information
Specific Outcome 3.S.8.2 - Students will listen to others in order to understand their points of view
Specific Outcome 3.S.8.3 - Students will interact with others in a socially appropriate manner
Specific Outcome 3.S.9.2 - Students will identify key words from information gathered from a variety of media on a topic or issue
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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