Social Studies – Grade 7 Close this window
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Notable Contributions

Prepare a multi-pronged advertising campaign that celebrates the most notable contributions of Canada's founding nations and selected immigrant groups to the development of western Canada.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Specific Outcome 7.2.1 - Students will recognize the positive and negative aspects of immigration and migration (GC, LPP, C, I)
Specific Outcome 7.2.2 - Students will recognize the positive and negative consequences of political decisions (PADM)
Specific Outcome 7.2.3 - Students will appreciate the challenges that individuals and communities face when confronted with rapid change (I, CC, LPP)
Specific Outcome - How did Asian immigrants contribute to the development of Canada (i.e., Chinese railway workers)? (TCC, CC, LPP)
Specific Outcome - How did communities, services and businesses established by Francophones contribute to the overall development of western Canada (i.e., health, education, churches, commerce, politics, journalism, agriculture)? (ER, TC, CC, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How did immigrants from eastern Europe contribute to the development of western Canada (i.e., health, education, churches, commerce, politics, journalism, agriculture)? (CC, ER, TCC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 7.S.1.2 - Students will evaluate, critically, ideas, information and positions from multiple perspectives
Specific Outcome 7.S.1.5 - Students will generate creative ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
Specific Outcome 7.S.2.4 - Students will distinguish cause, effect, sequence and correlation in historical events, including the long- and short-term causal relations of events
Specific Outcome 7.S.7.2 - Students will draw conclusions based upon research and evidence
Specific Outcome 7.S.7.9 - Students will plan and conduct a search, using a wide variety of electronic sources
Specific Outcome 7.S.7.10 - Students will demonstrate the advanced search skills necessary to limit the number of hits desired for online and offline databases; for example, the use of "and" or "or" between search topics and the choice of appropriate search engines for the topic
Specific Outcome 7.S.7.12 - Students will evaluate the relevance of electronically accessed information to a particular topic
Specific Outcome 7.S.7.13 - Students will make connections among related, organized data and assemble various pieces into a unified message
Specific Outcome 7.S.7.15 - Students will analyze and synthesize information to produce an original work
Specific Outcome 7.S.8.2 - Students will use skills of informal debate to persuasively express differing viewpoints regarding an issue
Specific Outcome 7.S.8.3 - Students will elicit, clarify and respond appropriately to questions, ideas and multiple points of view in discussions
Specific Outcome 7.S.8.4 - Students will listen to others in order to understand their perspectives
Specific Outcome 7.S.9.3 - Students will examine techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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