Social Studies – Grade 9 Close this window
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Government Intervention in the Economy: How Far Should It Go?

  • Determine the significant differences between political parties in Canada and the United States.
  • Design an effective advertisement for a political party that reflects its position on an environmental issue.

Suggested Activities Assessment Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Specific Outcome 9.2.1 - Students will appreciate the values underlying economic decision making in Canada and the United States (C, ER)
Specific Outcome 9.2.3 - Students will appreciate the impact of government decision making on quality of life (C, CC, PADM)
Specific Outcome - Why do governments intervene in a market economy? (ER, PADM)
Specific Outcome - What are some similarities and differences in the way governments in Canada and the United States intervene in the market economies? (ER, PADM, GC)
Specific Outcome - What societal values underlie social programs in Canada and the United States?(PADM, ER, GC, I)
Specific Outcome - How do the economic platforms of political parties differ from one another (i.e., Democrat versus Republican; Liberal versus Conservative)? (ER, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How is a political party's philosophy reflected in its platform (i.e., social programs, specific taxes, taxation model)? (ER, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How do government decisions on environmental issues impact quality of life
(i.e., preservation, exploitation and trade of natural resources)? (PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 9.S.1.2 - Students will evaluate, critically, ideas, information and positions from multiple perspectives
Specific Outcome 9.S.1.3 - Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze current affairs from multiple perspectives
Specific Outcome 9.S.1.5 - Students will generate creative ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
Specific Outcome 9.S.4.3 - Students will propose and apply strategies or options to solve problems and deal with issues
Specific Outcome 9.S.4.4 - Students will propose and apply new ideas and strategies, supported with facts and reasons, to contribute to problem solving and decision making
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.2 - Students will integrate and synthesize concepts to provide an informed point of view on a research question or an issue
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.3 - Students will develop a position supported by information gathered during research
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.4 - Students will draw conclusions based upon research and evidence
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.6 - Students will organize and synthesize researched information
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.8 - Students will practise responsible and ethical use of information and technology
Specific Outcome 9.S.8.1 - Students will communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner through speeches, multimedia presentations and written and oral reports, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
Specific Outcome 9.S.9.1 - Students will examine techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
Specific Outcome 9.S.9.2 - Students will examine the values, lifestyles and points of view represented in a media message
Specific Outcome 9.S.9.3 - Students will analyze the impact of television, Internet, radio and print media on a particular current affairs issue

Assessment of Specific Outcomes

This table identifies only learning outcomes that are assessed by using the summative student task. Other outcomes for this critical challenge are addressed through instruction.

Specific Outcome 9.2.1 - Students will appreciate the values underlying economic decision making in Canada and the United States (C, ER)
Specific Outcome 9.2.3 - Students will appreciate the impact of government decision making on quality of life (C, CC, PADM)
Specific Outcome - Why do governments intervene in a market economy? (ER, PADM)
Specific Outcome - What are some similarities and differences in the way governments in Canada and the United States intervene in the market economies? (ER, PADM, GC)
Specific Outcome - What societal values underlie social programs in Canada and the United States? (PADM, ER, GC, I)
Specific Outcome - How do the economic platforms of political parties differ from one another (i.e., Democrat versus Republican; Liberal versus Conservative)? (ER, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How is a political party's philosophy reflected in its platform (i.e., social programs, specific taxes, taxation model)? (ER, PADM)
Specific Outcome - How do government decisions on environmental issues impact quality of life
(i.e., preservation, exploitation and trade of natural resources)? (PADM, ER)
Specific Outcome 9.S.1.2 - Students will evaluate, critically, ideas, information and positions from multiple perspectives
Specific Outcome 9.S.1.3 - Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze current affairs from multiple perspectives
Specific Outcome 9.S.1.5 - Students will generate creative ideas and strategies in individual and group activities
Specific Outcome 9.S.4.3 - Students will propose and apply strategies or options to solve problems and deal with issues
Specific Outcome 9.S.4.4 - Students will propose and apply new ideas and strategies, supported with facts and reasons, to contribute to problem solving and decision making
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.2 - Students will integrate and synthesize concepts to provide an informed point of view on a research question or an issue
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.3 - Students will develop a position supported by information gathered during research
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.4 - Students will draw conclusions based upon research and evidence
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.6 - Students will organize and synthesize researched information
Specific Outcome 9.S.7.8 - Students will practise responsible and ethical use of information and technology
Specific Outcome 9.S.8.1 - Students will communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner through speeches, multimedia presentations and written and oral reports, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration
Specific Outcome 9.S.9.1 - Students will examine techniques used to enhance the authority and authenticity of media messages
Specific Outcome 9.S.9.2 - Students will examine the values, lifestyles and points of view represented in a media message
Specific Outcome 9.S.9.3 - Students will analyze the impact of television, Internet, radio and print media on a particular current affairs issue


C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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