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German Language & Culture (9-Year Program) Grade 4 - 12 (2007)

© Alberta Education, Canada 
 Table of Contents   Program of Studies
Rationale & Philosophy 
This program of studies is intended for students who begin their study of German language and culture in Grade 4. It constitutes an articulated, sequential German Language and Culture Nine-year (9Y) Program (Grade 4 to Grade 12).

Studying the German language opens the door to understanding and participating in an influential world culture with close relationships to both the English language and our contemporary way of life.

Communication with people living in much of northern and central Europe is possible for those who know the German language. German is spoken by approximately 120 million people worldwide; it is the official language of Austria and Germany, and it is one of several official languages in Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and Switzerland. In Belgium, Denmark and northern Italy, German is a language with special status.

German can also be an important key to communication in many parts of the world beyond the German-speaking nations. In eastern Europe, for example, the use of German as a major language of business has been increasing in recent years.

To learn German as another language is to embark on a profound experience of cross-cultural exploration. Contributions from German culture have shaped such areas as science, technology, music, philosophy, literature, religion and politics, to name but a few. Over the centuries, German has had significant impact far beyond the borders of nations where the language is spoken.

For those students who already have some knowledge of German, or a family connection to the culture, there is the opportunity to renew contact with their ancestral language and culture or to maintain and further develop their skills in a first language that is not the majority language in the community.

The value, for Canadian society as a whole, of learning German can be summarized as follows. Learning German leads to:

  • an increased awareness of, and sensitivity to, cultural and linguistic diversity
  • an enhanced role in the international community
  • improved potential in the Canadian and the global marketplace and workplace.

There are also many personal reasons for learning German. Students who have no previous knowledge of the language can look forward to:

  • more opportunity to communicate directly with German-speaking people and gain a deeper insight into their own culture and language
  • opportunities to connect to diverse media that provide insights into a variety of cultural and artistic expressions
  • a broader range of educational, career and leisure opportunities
  • the opportunity to meet the entrance requirements of many post-secondary institutions in Alberta and across Canada.

Students receive additional, indirect benefits from learning German as another language, including:

  • development of increased competence in their use of English or in other languages they may know
  • enhanced cognitive functioning, particularly an increased ability to conceptualize and to think abstractly; more cognitive flexibility; and greater divergent thinking, creativity and metalinguistic competence.

The following statements are assumptions that have guided the development process of this program of studies.

  • Language is communication.
  • Language expresses culture.
  • All students can be successful learners of language and culture, although they will learn in a variety of ways and acquire proficiency at varied rates.
  • All languages can be taught and learned.
  • Learning German as another language leads to enhanced learning in both the student’s primary language and in related areas of cognitive development and knowledge acquisition. This is true of students who come to the class with some background knowledge of German and further develop their skills in this language. It is also true for students who have no cultural or linguistic background in German and are studying German as a second language.
The Conceptual Model

The aim of this program of studies is the development of communicative competence in German.

Four Components

For the purposes of this program of studies, communicative competence is represented by four interrelated and interdependent components.

Applications deal with what the students will be able to do with the language, the functions they will be able to perform and the contexts in which they will be able to operate.

Language Competence addresses the students’ knowledge of the language and their ability to use that knowledge to interpret and produce meaningful texts appropriate to the situations in which they are used.

Global Citizenship aims to develop intercultural competence, with a particular focus on cultures associated with German.

Strategies help students learn and communicate more effectively and more efficiently.

Each of these components is described more fully at the beginning of the corresponding section of this program of studies.

Modes of Communication

Because of the focus on using language to communicate in specific contexts, with a particular purpose or task in mind, three modes of communication are used to organize some of the specific outcomes.

Interaction is most often direct, face-to-face oral communication, but it can take the form of written communication between individuals, using a medium such as e-mail where the exchange of information is fairly immediate. It is characterized principally by the opportunity to actively negotiate meaning; that is, helping others understand and working to understand others. Interactive communication generally requires more speed but less accuracy than the other two modes.

Interpretation is receptive communication of oral and written messages in contexts where the listener or reader is not in direct contact with the creator of the message. While there is no opportunity to ask for clarification, there is sometimes the possibility of rereading or listening again, consulting references, or making the meaning clearer in other ways. Reading and listening will sometimes involve viewing and interpreting visual elements, such as illustrations in books or moving images in television and film. Interpretation goes beyond a literal comprehension to include an understanding of some of the unspoken or unwritten meaning intended by the speaker or author.

Production is communication of oral and written messages in contexts where the audience is not in personal contact with the speaker or writer, or in situations of one-to-many communication; e.g., a lecture or a performance where there is no opportunity for the listener to interact with the speaker. Oral and written presentations will sometimes be enhanced by representing the meaning visually, using pictures, diagrams, models, drama techniques or other nonverbal forms of communication. Greater knowledge of the language and culture is required to ensure that communication is successful, since the participants cannot directly negotiate meaning.

A Spiral Progression

Language learning is integrative, not merely cumulative. Each new element that is added must be integrated into the whole of what has gone before. The model that best represents the students’ language learning progress is an expanding spiral. Their progression is not only vertical (e.g., increased proficiency) but also horizontal (e.g., broader range of applications and experience with more vocabulary, text forms, contexts and so on). The spiral also represents how language learning activities are best structured. Particular lexical fields, learning strategies or language functions, for example, are revisited at different points in the nine-year program (i.e., in different grades/courses), but from a different perspective, in broader contexts or at a slightly higher level of proficiency each time. Learning is reinforced, extended and broadened with each successive pass.

Organization of the Program of Studies
General Outcomes

General outcomes are broad statements identifying the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students are expected to achieve in the course of their language learning experience. The four general outcomes serve as the foundation for this program of studies and are based on the conceptual model outlined above.

Applications [A]

  • Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

Language Competence [LC]

  • Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

Global Citizenship [GC]

  • Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens through exploration of German-speaking cultures.

Strategies [S]

  • Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

The order in which the general outcomes are presented in the program of studies does not represent a sequential order, nor does it indicate the relative importance of each component. The general outcomes are to be implemented in an integrated manner.


Specific Outcomes

Each general outcome is further broken down into specific outcomes that students are to achieve by the end of each grade/course. The specific outcomes are interrelated and interdependent. In most classroom activities, a number of learning outcomes will be dealt with in an integrated manner.

The specific outcomes are categorized under cluster headings, which show the scope of each of the four general outcomes. These headings are shown in the Overview section above.

The specific outcomes within each cluster are further categorized by strands, which show the developmental flow of learning from the beginning to the end of the program. However, an outcome for a particular grade/course will not be dealt with only in that particular year of the program. The spiral progression that is part of the conceptual model means that activities in the years preceding will prepare the ground for acquisition and in the years following will broaden applications.

Applications Overview

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.
A-1 to receive and impart informationA-1.1 share factual information
A-2 to express emotions and personal perspectivesA-2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
A-2.2 share emotions, feelings
A-3 to get things doneA-3.1 guide actions of others
A-3.2 state personal actions
A-3.3 manage group actions
A-4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationshipsA-4.1 manage personal relationships
A-5 to extend their knowledge of the worldA-5.1 discover and explore
A-5.2 gather and organize information
A-5.3 explore opinions and values
A-5.4 solve problems
A-6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoymentA-6.1 humour/fun
A-6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
A-6.3 personal enjoyment

The specific outcomes under the heading Applications deal with what the students will be able to do with the German language; that is, the functions they will be able to perform and the contexts in which they will be able to operate.

The functions are grouped under six cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are one or more strands that show the developmental flow of learning from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a specific language function; e.g., share factual information. Students at any grade/course level will be able to share factual information. Beginning learners will do this in very simple ways. As students gain more knowledge and experience, they will broaden the range of subjects they can deal with, they will learn to share information in writing as well as orally, and they will be able to handle formal and informal situations.

Different models of communicative competence have organized language functions in a variety of ways. The organizational structure chosen here reflects the needs and interests of students in a classroom where activities are focused on meaning and are interactive. For example, the strand entitled “manage group actions” has been included to ensure that students acquire the language necessary to function independently in small groups, since this is an effective way of organizing second language classrooms. The strands under the cluster heading “to extend their knowledge of the world” will accommodate a content-based approach to language learning where students learn content from another subject area as they learn the German language.

The level of linguistic, sociolinguistic and discourse competence that students will exhibit when carrying out the functions is defined in the specific outcomes for Language Competence for each grade/course. To know how well students will be able to perform the specific function, the Applications outcomes must be read in conjunction with the Language Competence outcomes.

Applications—the situations and purposes for communication—drive this program, providing contexts for students’ language and cultural learning.

Language Competence Overview

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.
LC-1 interpret and produce oral textsLC-1.1 aural interpretation
LC-1.2 oral production
LC-1.3 interactive fluency
LC-2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal textsLC-2.1 interpretation of written texts
LC-2.2 written production
LC-2.3 viewing
LC-2.4 representing
LC-3 attend to formLC-3.1 phonology
LC-3.2 orthography
LC-3.3 lexicon
LC-3.4 grammatical elements
LC-4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural contextLC-4.1 register
LC-4.2 idiomatic expressions
LC-4.3 variations in language
LC-4.4 social conventions
LC-4.5 nonverbal communication
LC-5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequencedLC-5.1 cohesion/coherence
LC-5.2 text forms
LC-5.3 patterns of social interaction

Language competence is a broad term that includes linguistic or grammatical competence, discourse competence, sociolinguistic or sociocultural competence, and what might be called textual competence. The specific outcomes under Language Competence deal with knowledge of the German language and the ability to use that knowledge to interpret and produce meaningful texts appropriate to the situations in which they are used. Language competence is best developed in the context of activities or tasks where the language is used for real purposes; in other words, in practical applications.

The various components of language competence are grouped under five cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are several strands which show the developmental flow of learning from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a single aspect of language competence. For example, under the cluster heading “attend to form,” there are strands for phonology (pronunciation, stress, intonation), orthography (spelling, mechanical features), lexicon (vocabulary words and phrases) and grammatical elements (syntax and morphology).

Although the outcomes isolate these individual aspects, language competence should be developed through classroom activities that focus on meaningful uses of the language and on language in context. Tasks will be chosen based on the needs, interests and experiences of students. The vocabulary, grammar structures, text forms and social conventions necessary to carry out a task will be taught, practised and assessed as students are involved in various aspects of the task itself, not in isolation.

Strategic competence is often closely associated with language competence, since students need to learn ways to compensate for low proficiency in the early stages of learning if they are to engage in authentic language use from the beginning. This component is included in the language use strategies in the Strategies section.

Global Citizenship Overview

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through exploration of German-speaking cultures.
GC-1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoplesGC-1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
GC-1.2 knowledge of German-speaking cultures
GC-1.3 applying cultural knowledge
GC-1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
GC-1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
GC-2 appreciating diversityGC-2.1 awareness of own language(s)
GC-2.2 general language knowledge
GC-2.3 awareness of own culture
GC-2.4 general cultural knowledge
GC-2.5 valuing diversity
GC-2.6 intercultural skills
GC-3 personal and career opportunitiesGC-3.1 German language and culture
GC-3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity

The learning outcomes for Global Citizenship deal with the development of intercultural competence, encompassing some of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students need in order to be effective global citizens. The concept of global citizenship encompasses citizenship at all levels, from the local school and community to Canada and the world.

The various components of global citizenship are grouped under three cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are several strands which show the developmental flow of learning from grade to grade or course to course. Each strand deals with a single aspect of intercultural competence. For example, under the cluster heading “historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples,” there are strands for accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge, knowledge of German-speaking cultures, applying cultural knowledge, diversity within German-speaking cultures and valuing German-speaking cultures.

Developing cultural knowledge and skills is a lifelong process. Knowledge of one’s own culture is acquired over a lifetime. Cultures change over time. Within any national group, there may be a dominant culture or cultures and a number of additional cultures. Rather than simply developing a bank of knowledge about the cultures of German-speaking peoples, it is more important that students develop skills in accessing and understanding information about culture and in applying that knowledge for the purposes of interaction and communication. Students will gain cultural knowledge in the process of developing these skills. In this way, if they encounter elements of the cultures they have not learned about in class, they will have the skills and abilities to deal with them effectively and appropriately.

The “appreciating diversity” heading covers knowledge, skills and attitudes that are developed as a result of bringing other languages and cultures into relationship with one’s own. There is a natural tendency when learning a new language and culture to compare it with what is familiar. Many students leave a second language learning experience with a heightened awareness and knowledge of their own language and culture. They will also be able to make some generalizations about languages and cultures based on their experiences and those of their classmates, who may have a variety of cultural backgrounds. This will provide students with an understanding of diversity within both a Canadian and a global context.

Strategies Overview

Grade 4-9

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.
S-1 language learningS-1.1 cognitive
S-1.2 metacognitive
S-1.3 social/affective
S-2 language useS-2.1 interactive
S-2.2 interpretive
S-2.3 productive
S-3 general learningS-3.1 cognitive
S-3.2 metacognitive
S-3.3 social/affective

Under the Strategies heading are specific outcomes that will help students learn and communicate more effectively. Strategic competence has long been recognized as an important component of communicative competence. The learning outcomes that follow deal not only with compensation and repair strategies, important in the early stages of language learning when proficiency is low, but with strategies for language learning, language use in a broader sense, as well as general learning strategies that help students acquire content. Although people may use strategies unconsciously, the learning outcomes deal only with the conscious use of strategies.

The strategies are grouped under three cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there are several strands that show the development of awareness and skill in using strategies from grade to grade. Each strand deals with a specific category of strategy. Language learning and general learning strategies are categorized as cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective. The language use strategies are organized by communicative mode: interactive, interpretive, productive.

The strategies that students choose depend on the task they are engaged in, as well as on other factors, such as their preferred learning style, personality, age, attitude and cultural background. Strategies that work well for one person may not be effective for another person, or may not be suitable in a different situation. For this reason, it is not particularly useful to say that students should be aware of, or able to use, a specific strategy at a particular grade/course level. Consequently, the specific outcomes describe the students’ knowledge of and ability to use general types of strategies. More specific strategies for each general category or type are included in the sample list of strategies below. The specific strategies provided in the sample list are not prescriptive but are provided as an illustration of how the general strategies in the specific outcomes might be developed.

Teachers need to know and be able to demonstrate a broad range of strategies from which students are then able to choose in order to communicate effectively. Strategies of all kinds are best taught in the context of learning activities where students can apply them immediately and then reflect on their use.

Language Learning Strategies (Gr. 4-9)


  • listen attentively
  • perform actions to match the words of a song, story or rhyme
  • learn short rhymes or songs, incorporating new vocabulary or sentence patterns
  • imitate sounds and intonation patterns
  • memorize new words by repeating them silently or aloud
  • seek the precise term to express meaning
  • repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • make personal dictionaries
  • experiment with various elements of German
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • group together sets of things—vocabulary, structures—with similar characteristics
  • identify similarities and differences between aspects of German and your own language
  • look for patterns and relationships
  • use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • associate new words or expressions with familiar ones, either in German or in your own language
  • find information, using reference materials such as dictionaries, textbooks and grammars
  • use available technological aids to support language learning; e.g., cassette recorders, computers
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • place new words or expressions in a context to make them easier to remember
  • use induction to generate rules governing language use
  • seek opportunities outside of class to practise and observe
  • perceive and note down unknown words and expressions, noting also their context and function


  • check copied writing for accuracy
  • make choices about how you learn
  • rehearse or role-play language
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • reflect on the listening, speaking, reading and writing process
  • decide in advance to attend to specific aspects of input
  • listen or read for key words
  • evaluate your performance or comprehension at the end of a task
  • keep a learning log
  • experience various methods of language acquisition, and identify one or more considered to be particularly useful personally
  • be aware of the potential of learning through direct exposure to the language
  • know how strategies may enable coping with texts containing unknown elements
  • identify factors that might hinder successful completion of a task, and seek solutions
  • monitor your speech and writing to check for persistent errors
  • be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, identify your needs and goals, and organize strategies and procedures accordingly


  • initiate or maintain interaction with others
  • participate in shared reading experiences
  • seek the assistance of a friend to interpret a text
  • reread familiar self-chosen texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • work cooperatively with peers in small groups
  • understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning
  • experiment with various forms of expression, and note their acceptance or nonacceptance by more experienced speakers
  • participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • repeat new words and expressions occurring in your conversations, and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate
  • reduce anxiety by using mental techniques such as positive self-talk or humour
  • work with others to solve problems and get feedback on tasks
  • provide personal motivation by arranging your own rewards when successful
Language Use Strategies (Gr. 4-9)


  • ask for clarification or repetition when you do not understand; e.g., Was meinst du damit? Kannst du das bitte wiederholen?
  • use words from your first language to get meaning across; e.g., use a literal translation of a phrase in the first language, use a first language word but pronounce it as in German
  • acknowledge being spoken to
  • interpret and use a variety of nonverbal cues to communicate; e.g., mime, pointing, gestures, pictures
  • indicate lack of understanding nonverbally or verbally; e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look, Wie bitte? Entschuldigung? Das habe ich nicht verstanden.
  • use other speakers’ words in subsequent conversations
  • assess feedback from a conversation partner to recognize when a message has not been understood; e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look
  • start again, using a different tactic, when communication breaks down; e.g., Was ich damit sagen will …
  • use a simple word similar to the concept to convey the concept, and invite correction; e.g., Fisch for Forelle
  • invite others into the discussion
  • ask for confirmation that a form used is correct; e.g., Kann man das sagen?
  • use a range of fillers, hesitation devices and gambits to sustain conversations; e.g., Also …, Was wollte ich sagen …
  • use circumlocution to compensate for lack of vocabulary; e.g., Das Ding, aus dem man trinkt. for Glas
  • repeat part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding; e.g., Was du also damit sagen willst, ist …, Du meinst also, dass …
  • summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk
  • ask follow-up questions to check for understanding; e.g., Verstehst du, was ich meine?
  • use suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion; e.g., Da wir gerade dabei sind …
  • self-correct if errors lead to misunderstandings; e.g., Was ich eigentlich damit sagen will …
  • express approval or positive feedback; e.g. Ich finde das gut.


  • use gestures, intonation and visual supports to aid comprehension
  • make connections between texts on the one hand and prior knowledge and personal experience on the other
  • use illustrations to aid reading comprehension
  • determine the purpose of listening
  • listen or look for key words
  • listen selectively based on purpose
  • make predictions about what you expect to hear or read based on prior knowledge and personal experience
  • use knowledge of the sound–symbol system to aid reading comprehension
  • infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • prepare questions or a guide to note information found in a text
  • use key content words or discourse markers to follow an extended text
  • reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • summarize information gathered
  • assess your information needs before listening, viewing or reading
  • use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts


  • mimic what the teacher says
  • use nonverbal means to communicate
  • copy what others say or write
  • use words that are visible in the immediate environment
  • use resources to increase vocabulary
  • use familiar repetitive patterns from stories, songs, rhymes or media
  • use illustrations to provide detail when producing your own texts
  • use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming or keeping a notebook or log of ideas
  • use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences
  • be aware of and use the steps of the writing process: prewriting (gathering ideas, planning the text, researching, organizing the text), writing, revision (rereading, moving pieces of text, rewriting pieces of text), correction (grammar, spelling, punctuation), publication (reprinting, adding illustrations, binding)
  • use a variety of resources to correct texts; e.g., personal and commercial dictionaries, checklists, grammars
  • take notes when reading or listening to assist in producing your own text
  • revise and correct final versions of texts
  • use circumlocution and definition to compensate for gaps in vocabulary
  • apply grammar rules to improve accuracy at the correction stage
  • compensate for avoiding difficult structures by rephrasing
General Learning Strategies (Gr. 4-9)


  • classify objects and ideas according to their attributes; e.g., red objects and blue objects, or animals that eat meat and animals that eat plants
  • use models
  • connect what is already known with what is being learned
  • experiment with, and concentrate on, one thing at a time
  • focus on and complete learning tasks
  • write down key words and concepts in understanding and enjoyment abbreviated form to assist with performance of a learning task
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • distinguish between fact and opinion when using a variety of sources of information
  • formulate key questions to guide research
  • make inferences, and identify and justify the evidence on which these inferences are based
  • use word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts or other graphic representations to make information easier to understand and remember
  • seek information through a network of sources, including libraries, the Internet, individuals and agencies
  • use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task


  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • choose from among learning options
  • discover how your efforts can affect learning
  • reflect upon your thinking processes and how you learn
  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • divide an overall learning task into a number of subtasks
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • identify your needs and interests
  • manage your physical working environment
  • keep a learning journal, such as a diary or a log
  • develop criteria for evaluating your work
  • discuss strategies with others to monitor your learning
  • take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating learning experiences


  • watch others’ actions and copy them
  • seek help from others
  • follow your natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn
  • participate in cooperative group learning tasks
  • choose learning activities that enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • be encouraged to try, even though mistakes might be made
  • take part in group decision-making processes
  • use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks; e.g., offer encouragement, praise, ideas
  • take part in group problem-solving processes
  • use self-talk to feel competent to do the task
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • monitor your level of anxiety about learning tasks, and take measures to lower it if necessary; e.g., deep breathing, laughter, listening to instrumental music
  • use social interaction skills to enhance group learning activities
10-9Y, 20-9Y, 30-9Y

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.
S-1 language learningS-1.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
S-2 language useS-2.1 interactive, interpretive, productive
S-3 general learningS-3.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective

Under the Strategies heading are specific outcomes that will help students learn and communicate more effectively. Strategic competence has long been recognized as an important component of communicative competence. In the early stages of language learning, when proficiency is low, learning outcomes deal with compensation and repair strategies. The learning outcomes that follow deal with language learning, language use and general learning strategies for young adult learners in later stages of language learning. Although people may use strategies unconsciously, the learning outcomes deal with the conscious use of strategies.

The strategies are grouped under three cluster headings—see the illustration above. Under each of these headings there is a single strand. Sets of examples that allow students to develop, choose and apply strategies from course to course are listed below. Each strand deals with three general categories of strategies. Language learning and general learning strategies are categorized as cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective. The language use strategies are categorized by communicative mode: interactive, interpretive, productive.

The strategies that students choose depend on the task they are engaged in as well as on other factors, such as their preferred learning style, personality, age, attitude and cultural background. Strategies that work well for one person may not be effective for another person, or may not be suitable in a different situation. For this reason it is not particularly useful to say that students should be aware of, or able to use, a specific strategy in a particular course. Consequently, the specific outcomes describe the students’ knowledge of, and ability to use, general types of strategies.

Specific strategies for each general category or type are included as examples. The examples provided are not prescriptive, nor are they exhaustive, but they are provided as an illustration of how the general strategies in the specific outcomes might be developed.

Strategies for senior high school students are focused, encouraging student participation and active learning. They are personal, meaningful and relevant for students. Students will:

  • learn a new strategy
  • practise it
  • identify those strategies they consider most useful
  • become independent users of strategies that prove successful.

The teacher’s role is to model, advocate, guide, support and celebrate success. Teachers need to know and be able to demonstrate a broad range of strategies from which students are able to choose in order to communicate effectively. Strategies of all kinds are best taught in the context of learning activities where students can apply them immediately and then reflect on their use.

Because senior high school students in the German Language and Culture Nine-year Program will have had experience with various strategies in previous years (grades 4–9), teachers will assist students in selecting strategies that are appropriate for their learning styles, skill levels and age.

By Grade 12, students will be able to use their preferred strategies appropriately and effectively to enhance their language learning, language use and general learning.

Language Learning Strategies (10-9Y, 20-9Y, 30-9Y)

Examples of cognitive language learning strategies:

  • listen attentively
  • incorporate new vocabulary or sentence patterns
  • commit to memory new words by repeating them silently or aloud
  • repeat words or phrases in the course of performing a language task
  • seek the precise term to express meaning
  • place new words or expressions in a context to make them easier to remember
  • associate new words or expressions with familiar ones
  • maintain a private language learning journal
  • perceive and note in a personal journal or dictionary any unknown words and expressions, noting also their context and function
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • look for patterns and relationships; e.g., structures, meaning
  • use graphic organizers to make information easier to understand and remember; e.g., word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts
  • group together sets of things—vocabulary, structures—that have similar characteristics
  • experiment with various elements of the language
  • identify similarities and differences between aspects of German and your own language(s)
  • use previously acquired knowledge to facilitate a learning task
  • find information by using reference materials such as dictionaries, textbooks, grammars and online resources or by seeking out German speakers (family members, friends, community members)
  • use available technological aids that support language learning
  • use induction to generate rules governing language use

Examples of metacognitive language learning strategies:

  • decide in advance to attend to the learning task
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a language learning task
  • set realistic, achievable and appropriate goals
  • listen or read for key words
  • decide in advance to attend to specific aspects of input
  • know how strategies may enable comprehension of texts containing unknown elements
  • rehearse or role-play language
  • recognize the potential of learning through direct exposure to the language
  • seek opportunities inside and outside of class to practise and observe
  • check copied writing for accuracy
  • monitor speech and writing to check for and correct persistent errors
  • reflect on learning tasks with the guidance of the teacher
  • reflect on the listening, speaking, reading and writing process
  • evaluate your performance or comprehension at the end of a task
  • accept suggestions for improvement
  • reflect on the task at hand, identify potential problems that may hinder successful completion of the task, and brainstorm/create a list of possible solutions to use before working on the task and at various stages during the task
  • experience various forms of language acquisition, and identify one or more you consider to be particularly useful personally
  • make choices about how you learn best
  • understand that language learning is a lifelong process

Examples of social/affective language learning strategies:

  • understand that making mistakes is a natural part of language learning
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • continue to explore ways to reduce anxiety and increase your level of comfort and self-confidence in using the language in a variety of situations
  • initiate or maintain interaction with others; e.g.,
    • – observe and imitate German speakers
    • – participate in shared reading experiences
    • – invite native speakers from the community to be guests in the class
    • – seek opportunities outside of class to interact with community members
    • – work cooperatively with peers in small groups
  • participate actively in brainstorming and conferencing as prewriting and postwriting exercises
  • work with others to solve problems and get feedback on tasks
  • experiment with various forms of expression, and note their acceptance or nonacceptance by more experienced speakers
  • repeat new words and expressions occurring in your conversations, and make use of these new words and expressions as soon as appropriate
  • reread familiar self-chosen texts to enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • provide personal motivation by arranging your own rewards when successful
  • learn from/with peers
Language Use Strategies (10-9Y, 20-9Y, 30-9Y)

Examples of interactive language use strategies:

  • interpret and use a variety of nonverbal cues to communicate; e.g., mime, pointing, gestures, pictures
  • ask for clarification or repetition when you do not understand; e.g., Was meinst du damit? Kannst du das bitte wiederholen?
  • ask follow-up questions to check for understanding; e.g., Verstehst du, was ich meine?
  • indicate lack of understanding of German text/expressions nonverbally or verbally; e.g., raised eyebrows, blank look, Wie bitte? Entschuldigung? Das habe ich nicht verstanden.
  • use a simple word similar to the concept to convey, and invite correction; e.g., Fisch for Forelle
  • ask for confirmation that a form used is correct; e.g., Kann man das sagen?
  • use circumlocution to compensate for lack of vocabulary; e.g., “das Ding, aus dem man trinkt” for “Glas”
  • repeat part of what someone has said to confirm mutual understanding; e.g., Was du also damit sagen willst, ist …? Du meinst also, dass …?
  • use other speakers’ words in subsequent interactions
  • assess feedback from a conversation partner to recognize when a message has not been understood
  • self-correct if errors lead to misunderstandings
  • invite others into the discussion
  • summarize the point reached in a discussion to help focus the talk
  • use suitable phrases to intervene in a discussion; e.g., Da wir gerade dabei sind, ….
  • start again, using a different tactic, when communication breaks down; e.g., Was ich damit sagen will, ….

Examples of interpretive language use strategies:

  • note gestures, intonation and visual supports that aid comprehension
  • make connections between texts on the one hand and prior knowledge and personal experience on the other
  • use illustrations and prediction strategies to aid reading comprehension
  • determine the purpose of listening, viewing or reading
  • listen or look for key words
  • listen selectively or read selectively based on purpose
  • use knowledge of the sound–symbol system to aid reading comprehension
  • use key content words or discourse markers to follow an extended text
  • infer probable meanings of unknown words or expressions from contextual clues
  • reread several times to understand complex ideas
  • use skimming and scanning to locate key information in texts
  • summarize information gathered
  • assess your information needs before listening, viewing or reading
  • make predictions about what you expect to hear or read based on prior knowledge and personal experience
  • prepare questions or a guide to note information found in a text

Examples of productive language use strategies:

  • use nonverbal means to communicate
  • use songs, rhyming schemes, word games, tongue twisters, acronyms and poetry in fun ways
  • use familiar repetitive patterns from stories, songs or media
  • incorporate newly modelled words/expressions
  • use learned lexical items (words and expressions) and structures (grammatical elements and syntax) to create and give effective presentations
  • use knowledge of sentence patterns to form new sentences
  • use illustrations to provide detail when producing your own texts
  • take notes in German when reading or listening to assist in producing your own text
  • paraphrase and summarize texts
  • use a variety of resources to correct texts
  • use resources such as an English–German dictionary or a German dictionary to increase vocabulary
  • edit and proofread the final version of a text
  • use various techniques to explore ideas at the planning stage, such as brainstorming, word webs, flowcharts, or keeping a notebook or log of ideas
  • use the steps of the writing process: prewriting (gathering ideas, planning the text, researching, organizing the text), writing, revision (rereading, moving pieces of text, rewriting pieces of text), correction (grammar, spelling, punctuation), publication (reprinting, adding illustrations, binding)
General Learning Strategies (10-9Y, 20-9Y, 30-9Y)

Examples of cognitive general learning strategies:

  • classify objects and ideas according to their attributes; e.g., sports played/watched, indoor/outdoor activities, types of summer jobs
  • connect what you already know to what is being learned
  • write down key words and concepts in abbreviated form
  • use previously acquired knowledge or skills to assist with a new learning task
  • identify patterns, e.g., grammar, sentence patterns, to create your own text (oral, written)
  • use graphic organizers to make information easier to understand and remember; e.g., word maps, mind maps, diagrams, charts
  • use mental images to remember new information
  • experiment with, and concentrate on, one thing at a time
  • formulate key questions to guide research
  • distinguish between fact and opinion when using a variety of sources of information
  • make inferences, and identify and justify the evidence on which these inferences are based
  • seek information through a network of sources, including libraries, online resources, individuals and agencies

Examples of metacognitive general learning strategies:

  • identify your needs and interests
  • take responsibility for planning, monitoring and evaluating your learning experiences
  • make a plan in advance about how to approach a task
  • divide an overall learning task into a number of subtasks
  • work with others to monitor your learning
  • develop criteria for evaluating your work
  • choose from among learning options
  • discover how your efforts can affect learning
  • reflect on learning tasks
  • reflect upon your thinking processes and how you learn
  • reflect on time management for effective learning
  • manage your physical working environment

Examples of social/affective general learning strategies:

  • follow your natural curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn
  • choose learning activities that enhance understanding and enjoyment
  • be willing to take risks and to try unfamiliar tasks and approaches
  • be encouraged to try, even though you might make mistakes
  • monitor your level of anxiety about learning tasks, and take measures to lower it if necessary; e.g., positive self-talk or seeking advice/encouragement
  • use positive thinking and/or self-talk as a way to persevere on a difficult task
  • participate in cooperative group learning tasks
  • use social interaction skills to enhance group learning activities
  • seek help from others
  • take part in group decision-making processes
  • participate in and/or initiate group problem-solving processes
  • observe and imitate the successful learning strategies of others
  • use support strategies to help peers persevere at learning tasks
Grade 4
Applications (Gr. 4)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. share basic information
  • b. identify familiar people, places and things
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. express simple preferences
  • b. express a personal response
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. respond to and express basic emotions and feelings
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. ask for permission and make a variety of simple requests
  • b. give and respond to simple oral instructions or commands
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. respond to offers, invitations and instructions
  • b. ask or offer to do something
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. express turn taking
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. exchange greetings and farewells
  • b. address a new acquaintance and introduce themselves
  • c. exchange some basic personal information
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. investigate the immediate environment
  • b. ask simple questions
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. gather simple information from a variety of sources
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. listen attentively to the opinions expressed
  • b. respond sensitively to the ideas and products of others
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. experience problem-solving situations in the classroom
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment
Language Competence (Gr. 4)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand simple spoken sentences in guided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce simple words, phrases and sentences, orally, in guided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. interact, using a combination of words and phrases, in guided situations:
LC–2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal texts
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand simple written sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce simple written words and phrases in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. derive meaning from visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. use visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication to express meaning in guided situations
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. relate all letters to the sounds they represent, including ä, ö, ü, ß
  • b. pronounce learned words and phrases intelligibly
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. recognize some elements of the writing system; e.g., capitals
  • b. spell learned words correctly
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. use a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • self
    • school
    • family
    • clothing
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • gender of familiar nouns
    • plural of familiar nouns
    • definite and indefinite articles of familiar nouns in nominative and accusative
    • personal pronouns (singular) in nominative
    • possessive adjectives (mein/dein/sein/ihr)
    • verbs (infinitive, first person singular and plural, present tense)
    • selected modal verbs in present tense (e.g., kann, darf) and placement of infinitive (e.g., Ich möchte Wasser trinken.)
    • imperative mood (singular)
    • yes/no questions (e.g., Hast du eine Katze?)
    • position of adverbs of preference (e.g., gern)

1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. speak at a volume appropriate to specific classroom situations
  • b. respond to tone of voice
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. imitate age-appropriate idiomatic expressions
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. experience a variety of voices
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. imitate simple, routine social interactions
  • b. use basic social expressions appropriate to the classroom
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. understand the meaning of, and imitate, some common nonverbal behaviours used in the cultures of the German-speaking world
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. imitate speech that uses simple link words
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. experience a variety of oral text forms
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. respond using very simple social interaction patterns
Global Citizenship (Gr. 4)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the German-speaking world.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. ask questions, using their first language, about elements of the culture experienced in class
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of the culture
  • a. participate in activities and experiences that reflect elements of the culture
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize elements of the culture in the classroom
  • GC–1.4 diversity within the culture
  • a. experience diverse elements of the culture
  • GC–1.5 valuing the culture
  • a. participate in cultural activities and experiences
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. distinguish between their first language and German
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. explore the variety of languages spoken by those around them
  • b. identify similarities among words from different languages within their personal experience
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. explore similarities between their own culture and other cultures
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. participate in activities and experiences that reflect elements of different cultures
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. work and play cooperatively with others who are different
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. adapt to new situations
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. identify reasons for learning German
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. suggest some reasons for participating in activities and experiences that reflect elements of different cultures
Strategies (Gr. 4) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language learning strategies.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. use simple interactive strategies, with guidance
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. use simple interpretive strategies, with guidance
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. use simple productive strategies, with guidance

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language use strategies.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. use simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. use simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. use simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of general learning strategies.

Grade 5
Applications (Gr. 5)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. ask for and provide familiar information
  • b. respond to simple, predictable questions
  • c. describe people, places and things
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. identify favourite people, places, things or activities
  • b. express a personal response to a variety of situations
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. identify emotions and feelings
  • b. express and respond to a variety of emotions and feelings
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. suggest a simple course of action, and respond to a suggestion
  • b. make and respond to a variety of simple requests
  • c. seek, grant and withhold permission
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. indicate choice from among several options
  • b. express a wish or a desire to do something
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. manage turn taking
  • b. ask for help
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. initiate relationships; e.g., invite others to play
  • b. apologize and refuse politely
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. investigate the immediate environment
  • b. make and talk about personal observations
  • c. ask questions
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. organize items in different ways
  • b. record and share personal knowledge of a topic
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. make connections between behaviour and values
  • b. recognize differences of opinion
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. define a problem and search for solutions
  • b. choose between alternative solutions
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment
Language Competence (Gr. 5)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short, simple oral texts in guided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce simple words, phrases and sentences, orally, in guided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. interact, using a combination of phrases and simple sentences, in guided situations
LC–2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal texts
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand short, simple written texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce simple written sentences in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. derive meaning from a variety of visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. use a variety of visuals and other forms of nonverbal communication to express meaning in guided situations
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. distinguish particular sounds of German represented by letters such as j, s, v, w, z, ie and ei
  • b. use intelligible pronunciation, stress and intonation when producing simple, familiar words or phrases
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. recognize and use some elements of the writing system
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. use a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • home
    • weather
    • food
    • friends
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns (plural) in nominative
    • possessive adjectives (mein/dein/sein/ihr)
    • verbs (present tense)
    • selected reflexive verbs (first person singular) (e.g., sich erinnern, sich interessieren, sich freuen)
    • simple past of sein and haben (first person singular) (ich war, ich hatte)
    • asking questions using interrogatives (e.g., Wer...? Wie...?)
    • sentence structure: inversion following expressions of time or place (e.g., Heute gehe ich …)
    • compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions (e.g., und)
    • negation (nicht/kein)
    • selected accusative prepositions (durch, für, ohne, gegen, um)

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • gender of familiar nouns
    • plural of familiar nouns
    • definite and indefinite articles of familiar nouns in nominative and accusative
    • personal pronouns (singular) in nominative
    • verbs (infinitive, first person singular and plural, present tense)
    • selected modal verbs in present tense (e.g., kann, darf) and placement of infinitive (e.g., Ich möchte Wasser trinken.)
    • imperative mood (singular)
    • yes/no questions (e.g., Hast du eine Katze?)
    • position of adverbs of preference (e.g., gern)

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. distinguish between formal and informal situations
  • b. recognize that some topics, words or intonations are inappropriate in certain contexts
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. understand and use a variety of simple idiomatic expressions as set phrases
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. acknowledge and accept individual differences in speech
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. use basic politeness conventions
  • b. use appropriate oral forms of address for people frequently encountered
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. experiment with using some simple nonverbal means of communication
  • b. recognize that some nonverbal behaviours may be inappropriate in certain contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. sequence elements of a simple story, process or series of events; e.g., zuerst, danach, zuletzt
  • b. link words or groups of words in simple ways; e.g., using words like und, dann
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. recognize some simple oral and written text forms; e.g., lists, letters, stories, songs
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. initiate interactions and respond using simple social interaction patterns; e.g., request–acceptance/ nonacceptance
Global Citizenship (Gr. 5)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the German-speaking world.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. make observations of the culture; e.g., as it is portrayed in texts and in the community
  • b. seek out information about the culture from authentic sources; e.g., people
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of the culture
  • a. participate in activities and experiences that reflect elements of the culture
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. identify elements of the culture in the school and community
  • GC–1.4 diversity within the culture
  • a. identify some elements that reflect diversity within the culture
  • GC–1.5 valuing the culture
  • a. participate in cultural activities and experiences
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. identify similarities between their first language and German
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. identify differences and similarities among writing systems from different languages within their personal experience
  • b. describe ways that languages can be taught and learned
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. recognize similarities between their own culture and other cultures
  • b. make connections between individuals or situations in texts and their own personal experiences
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that a variety of cultural practices are followed by their schoolmates and by different groups in their community
  • b. recognize that culture is expressed through a variety of forms
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. engage in activities that reflect different ways of doing things or other perspectives
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. listen with attention to the opinions of others
  • b. initiate and maintain new relationships; e.g., make a new classmate feel welcome
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. identify some personal uses they have made of their knowledge of the German language and culture
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. identify some personal uses they have made of their knowledge of different languages and cultures
Strategies (Gr. 5) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. use a variety of simple cognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. use a variety of simple metacognitive strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. use a variety of simple social and affective strategies, with guidance, to enhance language learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language learning strategies.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. use a variety of simple interactive strategies, with guidance
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. use a variety of simple interpretive strategies, with guidance
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. use a variety of simple productive strategies, with guidance

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language use strategies.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. use simple cognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. use simple metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. use simple social and affective strategies to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of general learning strategies.

Grade 6
Applications (Gr. 6)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. describe people, places, things and series or sequences of events or actions
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. inquire about and express likes and dislikes
  • b. record and share thoughts and ideas with others; e.g., keep a journal of ideas, favourite words and phrases
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. inquire about, record and share personal experiences involving an emotion or a feeling
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. encourage or discourage others from a course of action
  • b. give and follow a simple sequence of instructions
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. make an offer and an invitation, and respond to offers and invitations made by others
  • b. inquire about and express ability and inability to do something
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. encourage other group members to act appropriately; e.g., work quietly
  • b. assume a variety of roles and responsibilities as group members
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. talk about themselves, and respond to the talk of others by showing attention and interest
  • b. make and break social engagements
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. ask questions to gain knowledge and clarify understanding
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. compose questions to guide simple research
  • b. identify sources of information
  • c. record observations
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. express their views on a variety of topics within their direct experience
  • b. gather opinions on a topic within their direct experience
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. understand and use problem-solving processes
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun and to interpret simple humour
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment
Language Competence (Gr. 6)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short, simple oral texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce short, simple oral texts in guided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. interact, using a combination of phrases and simple sentences, in guided and unguided situations
LC–2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal texts
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand short, simple written texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce short, simple written texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. derive meaning from visual and nonverbal elements of a variety of media in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. express meaning through the use of visual and nonverbal elements in a variety of media in guided situations
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. recognize some of the effects that intonation and stress have in different situations
  • b. use intelligible pronunciation, stress and intonation when producing familiar words or phrases
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. recognize and use some elements of the writing system; e.g., capitalization
  • b. apply common spelling rules to write familiar words
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. use a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:se a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • holidays
    • hobbies
    • community
    • pets/animals
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • compound nouns
    • possessive pronouns (plural) (unser, euer, ihr)
    • imperative mood (plural)
    • perfect tense (limited selection of verbs)
    • selected dative prepositions (aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu)
    • comparison of adjectives (comparative form only)
    • simple past of sein and haben (third person singular) (er war, er hatte)

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns (plural) in nominative
    • possessive adjectives (mein/dein/sein/ihr)
    • verbs (present tense) regular
    • selected reflexive verbs (first person singular) (e.g., sich erinnern, sich interessieren, sich freuen)
    • simple past of sein and haben (first person singular) (ich war, ich hatte)
    • asking questions using interrogatives (e.g., Wer...? Wie...?)
    • sentence structure: inversion following expressions of time or place (e.g., Heute gehe ich …)
    • compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions (e.g., und)
    • negation (nicht/kein)
    • selected accusative prepositions (durch, für, ohne, gegen, um)

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently3, the following grammatical elements:
    • gender of familiar nouns
    • plural of familiar nouns
    • definite and indefinite articles of familiar nouns in nominative and accusative
    • personal pronouns (singular) in nominative
    • verbs (infinitive, first person singular and plural, present tense)
    • selected modal verbs in present tense (e.g., kann, darf) and placement of infinitive (e.g., Ich möchte Wasser trinken.)
    • imperative mood (singular)
    • yes/no questions (e.g., Hast du eine Katze?)
    • position of adverbs of preference (e.g., gern)
    • 3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. experiment with and use informal language in familiar contexts
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. use learned idiomatic expressions to enhance communication
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. experience a variety of accents, variations in speech and regional variations in language
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. recognize verbal behaviours that are considered impolite
  • b. recognize simple social conventions in informal conversation; e.g., turn taking
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • identify and use appropriate nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. link simple sentences coherently; e.g., on a single theme
  • b. use common conventions to structure texts; e.g., titles, captions
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. use some simple text forms in their own oral and written productions; e.g., graphs, questionnaires
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. use simple conventions to open and close conversations and to manage turn taking
Global Citizenship (Gr. 6)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the German-speaking world.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. compare some elements of the culture with their own culture; e.g., geography and climate
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of the culture
  • a. explore some elements of the culture
  • b. identify some things they have in common with people their own age who live in the culture
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. identify commonalities and differences between the culture and their own culture
  • GC–1.4 diversity within the culture
  • a. identify commonalities and differences among diverse groups within the culture
  • GC–1.5 valuing the culture
  • a. identify similarities between themselves and people of the culture
  • b. express an interest in finding out about people their own age who speak German
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. identify similarities and differences between their first language and German; e.g., different social conventions
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. identify differences and similarities among phonology systems from different languages within their personal experience
  • b. recognize that in any language there are different words for the same thing
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. recognize and identify similarities and differences between their own culture and other cultures; e.g., occupations, seasonal activities
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that speakers of the same language may come from different cultural backgrounds
  • b. recognize some of the factors that affect the culture of a particular region; e.g., geography, climate
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. identify the limitations of adopting a single perspective
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. reflect on their actions and the consequences of their actions for others
  • b. explore how their perspective is shaped by a variety of factors
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. identify some careers for which knowledge of German is useful
  • b. identify some places that they could visit where German is spoken
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. identify some countries where there is significant linguistic and cultural diversity
Strategies (Gr. 6) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language learning strategies.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. identify and use a variety of productive strategies

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language use strategies.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of general learning strategies.

Grade 7
Applications (Gr. 7)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. provide information on several aspects of a topic; e.g., give a simple report
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. inquire about and express agreement and disagreement, and approval and disapproval
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. inquire about and express emotions and feelings in a variety of familiar contexts
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. make and respond to suggestions in a variety of situations
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. state personal actions in the past, present and future
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. check for agreement and understanding
  • b. express disagreement in an appropriate way
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. initiate and participate in casual exchanges with classmates
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore classification systems and criteria for categories
  • b. discuss relationships and patterns
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. gather information from a variety of resources; e.g., print, human, multimedia
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. distinguish fact from opinion
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. describe and analyze a problem, then propose solutions
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun and to interpret humour
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., experiment with the sounds and rhythms of the language
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment; e.g., learn a craft or a dance
Language Competence (Gr. 7)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand a variety of short, simple oral texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce a variety of short, simple oral texts in guided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. engage in short, routine exchanges, with pauses for planning and repair
LC–2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal texts
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand a variety of short, simple written texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce a variety of short, simple written texts in guided situations
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. derive meaning from visual elements of a variety of media in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. express meaning through the use of visual elements in a variety of media in guided situations
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. use intelligible pronunciation, stress and intonation when producing simple unfamiliar words or phrases
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. recognize some elements of the writing system
  • b. apply common spelling rules to write unfamiliar words
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. recognize that one word may have multiple meanings, depending on the context
  • b. use a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • shopping
    • traditions
    • sports
    • pets/animals
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • plural of nouns
    • personal pronouns accusative (singular); e.g., mich, dich, sie, ihn, es
    • modal verbs in present tense
    • separable verbs
    • selected reflexive verbs (singular)
    • formal address
    • subordinate clauses beginning with weil
    • position of adverbs of frequency; e.g., manchmal, oft
    • possessive pronouns (plural) unser/euer/ihr
    • present perfect regular verbs (common)

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • compound nouns
    • possessive pronouns (plural) unser/euer/ihr
    • imperative mood (plural)
    • selected dative prepositions aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
    • comparison of adjectives (comparative form only)
    • simple past (third person singular); e.g., er war/er hatte
    • negation (nicht/kein)
    • selected accusative prepositions
    • possessive adjective (mein/dein/sein/ihr)
    • perfect tense (limited selection of verbs)
    • possessive pronouns nominative (third person singular) sein/ihr

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently3, the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns nominative (plural)
    • regular verbs (present tense)
    • selected reflexive verbs (first person singular)
    • simple past of sein and haben (first person singular) ich war, ich hatte
    • asking questions, using interrogatives; e.g., Wer...? Wie...?
    • sentence structure: inversion following expressions of time or place; e.g., Heute gehe ich …
    • compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions; e.g., und
    • negation (nicht/kein)
    • selected accusative prepositions
    • regular verbs (present tense)

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. identify socially appropriate language in specific situations; e.g., Sie/du, age-appropriate colloquialisms
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. use learned idiomatic expressions correctly
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. recognize some common regional variations in language
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. examine important social conventions in everyday interactions; e.g., shaking hands
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • identify nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. organize texts, using common patterns; e.g., cause and effect, sequencing
  • b. interpret simple references within texts; e.g., pronouns
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. recognize a variety of text forms delivered through a variety of media
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. initiate interactions and respond, using a variety of social interaction patterns; e.g., casual conversation with classmates
Global Citizenship (Gr. 7)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the German-speaking world.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. formulate questions and use basic research skills to gather and analyze information about German-speaking communities
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of the cultures of the German-speaking world
  • a. explore some elements of the cultures; e.g., everyday ways of life of people their own age
  • b. identify similarities and differences between themselves and German-speaking people their own age
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. apply knowledge of elements of the cultures to interpret cultural behaviour that is different from their own
  • GC–1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
  • a. apply knowledge of diverse elements of the cultures in interactions with people and in interpreting texts
  • GC–1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
  • a. recognize cultural behaviour that is different from their own
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. identify some words in their first language that have been borrowed from German or from other languages
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. identify how and why languages borrow from one another
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. identify shared references and the different connotations attached to them in the German-speaking cultures and their own culture
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that within any culture there are important differences in the way people speak and behave
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. demonstrate curiosity about other languages and cultures
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. explore representations of their own culture created by members of another culture
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. identify aspects of the history, literature, arts and crafts of the German cultures that are of personal interest
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. identify aspects of the history, literature, arts and crafts of different cultures that are of personal interest
Strategies (Gr. 7) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language learning strategies.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interactive strategies
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. identify and use a variety of interpretive strategies
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. identify and use a variety of productive strategies

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language use strategies.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. identify and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. identify and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of general learning strategies.

Grade 8
Applications (Gr. 8)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. understand, share and use simple definitions, comparisons and examples
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. inquire about and express interest or lack of interest, and satisfaction and dissatisfaction
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. express emotions and feelings in a variety of informal situations
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. give and respond to advice and warnings
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. express an intention or make a promise in a variety of situations
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. express appreciation, enthusiasm, support and respect for contributions of others
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. use routine means of interpersonal communication; e.g., telephone calls, personal notes, e-mail messages
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore and express meaning in a variety of ways; e.g., by drawing a diagram, making a model, rephrasing
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. organize and manipulate information; e.g., transform information from texts into other forms, such as tables, diagrams, story maps, flowcharts
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. provide reasons for their position on an issue
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. generate and compare alternative solutions to problems
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun and to interpret and express humour
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., retell a familiar story
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment; e.g., find a pen pal and exchange letters
Language Competence (Gr. 8)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short oral texts on unfamiliar topics in guided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce short oral texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. manage short interactions, with pauses for planning and repair
LC–2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal texts
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand short written texts on unfamiliar topics in guided situations
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce short, simple written texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. derive meaning from a number of visual elements in a variety of media in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. express meaning through a number of visual elements in a variety of media in guided situations
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. use intelligible pronunciation, stress and intonation when producing unfamiliar words or phrases
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. recognize and use some elements of the writing system; e.g., capitalization and punctuation
  • b. apply common spelling rules consistently
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. recognize that various words and expressions may convey the same idea
  • b. use a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • fashion
    • transportation
    • leisure/entertainment
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns dative (singular)
    • personal pronouns accusative (plural)
    • simple past (selected verbs, recognize only)
    • infinitive clauses; e.g., Ich habe keine Lust die Hausaufgaben zu machen.
    • selected subordinate clauses

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • plural of nouns
    • compound nouns
    • personal pronouns accusative (singular); e.g., mich, dich, sie, ihn, es
    • modal verbs in present tense
    • separable verbs
    • selected reflexive verbs (singular)
    • formal address
    • subordinate clauses beginning with weil
    • position of adverbs of frequency; e.g., manchmal, oft
    • selected dative prepositions aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
    • possessive pronouns nominative and accusative (third person singular) sein/ihr
    • possessive pronouns (plural) unser/euer/ihr
    • perfect tense (limited selection of verbs)

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently3, the following grammatical elements:
    • selected dative prepositions
    • comparison of adjectives (comparative form only)
    • simple past (third person singular) sein/haben
    • negation (nicht/kein)
    • selected accusative prepositions

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. explore formal and informal uses of language in a variety of contexts
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. use learned idiomatic expressions in a variety of contexts
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. recognize other influences resulting in variations in language
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. examine the use of social conventions encountered in texts
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. identify nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. organize texts to indicate steps in a procedure or directions to follow
  • b. recognize that pronouns and demonstratives provide cohesion within texts
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. analyze and identify the organizational structure of a variety of text forms; e.g., folk tales, newspaper articles, instructions for a game
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. initiate interactions and respond, using a variety of social interaction patterns; e.g., routine telephone calls
Global Citizenship (Gr. 8)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the German-speaking world.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. formulate questions and use basic research skills to gather and analyze information about cultures of the German-speaking world
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of the cultures of the German-speaking world
  • a. explore and identify some elements of the cultures of the German-speaking world
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. apply knowledge of elements of the cultures in interactions with people and in interpreting texts
  • GC–1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
  • a. apply knowledge of diverse elements of the cultures in interactions with people and in interpreting texts
  • GC–1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
  • a. choose to participate in, and contribute to, activities and experiences that reflect cultures
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. compare oral and written aspects of their first language and German; e.g., grammar structures
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize that languages can be grouped into families based on common origins
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. identify some influences on the development of their personal identity; e.g., cultural conditioning
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that various factors affect the culture of a particular region; e.g., historical events, significant individuals
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. recognize and acknowledge different perspectives
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. identify and make use of public and private institutions that facilitate contact with other countries and cultures
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. identify some careers that use knowledge of German
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. identify some careers that use knowledge of international languages and cultures, and intercultural skills
Strategies (Gr. 8) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language learning strategies.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. select and use a variety of interactive strategies
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. select and use a variety of interpretive strategies
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. select and use a variety of productive strategies

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language use strategies.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of general learning strategies.

Grade 9
Applications (Gr. 9)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. share information about events that took place in the past or that may take place in the future
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. inquire about and express probability and certainty
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. express emotions and feelings in formal situations; e.g., lodge a complaint in a store or a restaurant
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. make and respond to suggestions or requests in formal situations; e.g., shopping, travelling
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. accept or decline an offer or invitation, with explanations
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. elaborate on and clarify another member’s contribution
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. give and respond to compliments
  • b. explain actions
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore and express the meaning of what they are doing; e.g., what they will learn from a particular activity
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. gather information, using a prepared format; e.g., interview people, using prepared questions
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. explore how values influence behaviour; e.g., describe characters and their motivations in a story
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. use information collected from various sources to solve problems
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun and to interpret and express humour
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., write new words to a known melody
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment; e.g., use the Internet to explore the cultures of the German-speaking world
Language Competence (Gr. 9)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand short oral texts on unfamiliar topics in guided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce a variety of short oral texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. manage simple, spontaneous interactions, asking for repetition or clarification when necessary
LC–2 interpret and produce written and nonverbal texts
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand short written texts on unfamiliar topics in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce a variety of short, simple written texts in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. derive meaning from a number of visual elements in a variety of media in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. express meaning through a number of visual elements in a variety of media in guided and unguided situations
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. produce the essential sounds, rhythm, stress and intonation patterns of German where rehearsal is possible
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. apply spelling rules consistently
  • b. use basic mechanical conventions; e.g., common uses of punctuation
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. recognize and use words and expressions that convey shades of meaning
  • b. use a repertoire of words and phrases in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • occupations
    • travel
    • health and safety
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns dative (plural)
    • reflexive verbs (all forms)
    • simple past (selected verbs, recognize only)
    • selected subordinate clauses
    • two-way prepositions
    • comparison of adjectives (all forms)
    • nominative/dative/accusative cases (the concept)

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns dative (singular)
    • personal pronouns accusative (plural)
    • infinitive clauses; e.g., Ich habe keine Lust die Hausaufgaben zu machen.
    • subordinate clauses beginning with weil
    • selected dative prepositions aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
    • possessive pronouns (plural) unser/euer/ihr
    • plural of nouns
    • separable verbs

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently3, the following grammatical elements:
    • plural of nouns
    • compound nouns
    • personal pronouns accusative (singular) in familiar situations; i.e., mich, dich, sie, ihn, es
    • modal verbs in present tense
    • formal address
    • position of adverbs of frequency; e.g., oft, manchmal
    • imperative mood (plural)
    • perfect tense (limited selection of verbs)

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. use suitable, simple formal language in a variety of contexts
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. explore idiomatic expressions in popular, contemporary cultures
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. recognize other influences resulting in variations in language; e.g., level of education
  • b. identify regional variations in language
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. examine and use important social conventions in interactions; e.g., formal address
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. identify nonverbal behaviours in a variety of familiar contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use a variety of conventions to structure texts; e.g., titles, paragraphs, forms of correspondence
  • b. use pronouns and demonstratives to provide cohesion within texts
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. use a variety of familiar text forms and media in their own productions; e.g., recipes, comic strips, letters, radio or television reports, articles
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. combine simple social interaction patterns to perform transactions and interactions; e.g., invitation– acceptance/refusal with explanation
Global Citizenship (Gr. 9)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through the exploration of the cultures of the German-speaking world.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. make and test hypotheses about cultures of the German-speaking world
  • b. identify and use a variety of sources of information to find out about cultures of the German-speaking world
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of the cultures of the German-speaking world
  • a. explore and identify some elements of the cultures of German-speaking people; e.g., cultural values, attitudes and interests of people their own age in the culture
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. identify different perspectives on the cultures and speculate on their origins; e.g., German cultural stereotypes present in their own community
  • GC–1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
  • a. identify different perspectives on diverse elements of the cultures and speculate on their origins; e.g., German cultural stereotypes
  • GC–1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
  • a. examine their own perception of the German language and culture, including an examination of stereotypes
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of first language
  • a. identify some regional variations in their first language
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize that languages may have regional differences in pronunciation, vocabulary or structure
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. identify some of the past and present relationships between the German-speaking cultures and their own culture
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. recognize that different cultures may have different interpretations of texts, cultural practices or products
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. recognize the value of different perspectives
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. recognize stereotypical thinking
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. explore personal reasons for learning German
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. explore personal reasons for learning additional languages and experiencing other cultures
Strategies (Gr. 9) 
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.2 metacognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance language learning
  • S–1.3 social/affective
  • a. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance language learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language learning strategies.

S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive
  • a. select and use a variety of interactive strategies
  • S–2.2 interpretive
  • a. select and use a variety of interpretive strategies
  • S–2.3 productive
  • a. select and use a variety of productive strategies

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of language use strategies.

S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of cognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.2 metacognitive
  • a. select and use a variety of metacognitive strategies to enhance general learning
  • S–3.3 social/affective
  • a. select and use a variety of social and affective strategies to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for a sample list of general learning strategies.

Applications (10-9Y)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. ask and answer questions about texts
  • b. share detailed information on a specific topic; e.g., a report or biography
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. express opinions and offer perspectives on a variety of topics
  • b. support their own opinions
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. compare the expression of emotions and feelings in a variety of situations
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. protest a course of action and request recourse; e.g., lodge a complaint
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. express possible actions or contingencies
  • b. outline a complex series of intended actions
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. take on a leadership role in small-group projects
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. express and respond to congratulations
  • b. express sympathy and regret
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore connections among, and gain new insights into, familiar topics; e.g., using analogy, brainstorming
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. identify key ideas in oral and written texts
  • b. summarize and paraphrase gathered information from oral and written texts
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. understand the concept of stereotype and recognize stereotyping in a variety of situations
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. identify and explore a specific element of a problem and develop a solution
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun; e.g., listen to songs, read stories and poems
  • b. use German to interpret and express humour; e.g., interpret humorous cartoons, present a short, humorous skit
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., create a multimedia production on a familiar topic
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment; e.g., write a blog
Language Competence (10-9Y)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand the main points and some supporting details of longer oral texts on familiar topics
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce short oral texts on a variety of topics
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. initiate and maintain conversations on familiar topics
  • b. manage classroom interactions
LC–2 interpret and produce written texts and visual representations
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand the main points and some supporting details of longer written texts
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce longer written texts
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. propose several interpretations of the visual elements of a variety of media in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. express meaning, using visual elements through a variety of media
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. produce the essential sounds, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns of German without rehearsal
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. apply spelling rules and mechanical conventions consistently
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. use a repertoire of words, phrases and expressions in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • pop culture
    • media and communication
    • current events
    • the environment
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • nominative/accusative/dative case as a concept
    • personal pronouns (plural dative)
    • adjectival endings (nominative/accusative/dative)
    • future tense
    • simple past (selected verbs)
    • adverbs and adverbial phrases
    • da- and wo- compounds
    • prepositional phrases in dative, beginning with aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu


    • sequencing; e.g., zuerst, dann, danach, schließlich
    • causality (denn, weil)
    • indicative sentences with:
      • − inversion for emphasis; e.g., Den Kuchen mag ich sehr.
      • − double infinitives; e.g., Sie haben die Hausaufgaben nicht machen wollen.
      • − infinitive clauses; e.g., Ich habe keine Lust die Hausaufgaben zu machen.
    • sentences with selected subordinate clauses:
      • − subordinate clauses introduced with conjunctions wenn, wann, als, ob, obwohl
      • − relative clauses (nominative)

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • plural of nouns
    • personal pronouns (plural accusative/dative)
    • possessive pronouns (nominative/accusative)
    • pronouns derived from articles
    • definite and indefinite articles (nominative/accusative/dative)
    • comparison of adjectives (all forms)
    • separable reflexive verbs (all forms)
    • future tense
    • present perfect (Perfekt) of commonly used verbs
    • adverbial form of adjectives
    • prepositional phrases:
      • − dative: aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu
      • − two-way prepositions


    • word order in sentences with subordinate clauses:
      • − beginning with dass, weil
      • − relative clauses (nominative)

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns (singular dative)
    • personal pronouns (plural accusative)
    • present tense of familiar verbs


    • position of adverbs
    • indicative mood—simple sentence structure:
      • − word order (verb second: time/manner/place)
      • − using inversion; e.g., Heute gehe ich …
      • − negation (nicht/kein)
      • − interrogatives (yes/no questions, using question words; e.g., Wer? Wie?)
    • compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. identify differences in register between spoken and written texts
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. identify factors that influence the use of idiomatic expressions; e.g., region, age
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. explore and compare some regional variations in language
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. interpret and use appropriate oral and written forms of address with a variety of audiences
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. recognize a variety of nonverbal communication techniques in a variety of contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. interpret texts that use patterns involving time or chronological sequencing and causality
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. use a variety of familiar text forms and media in their own productions; e.g., brochures, advertisements, reports, poetry, stories
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. combine simple social interaction patterns to perform more complex transactions and interactions; e.g., request goods/services
Global Citizenship (10-9Y)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through exploration of German-speaking cultures.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. access and select sources of information about the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of German-speaking cultures
  • a. explore and identify some elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples; e.g., key historical events and their influence on contemporary ways of life and cultural values
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. apply knowledge of elements of the cultures, derived from a variety of sources, to interpret behaviours and texts
  • GC–1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
  • a. recognize how diverse elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples influence cultural change
  • GC–1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
  • a. seek out and use opportunities to enter into contact with members of German-speaking cultures
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of own language(s)
  • a. analyze oral and written aspects of their own language(s) and German; e.g., grammar structures
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. describe ways languages evolve over time and provide reasons for this evolution
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. analyze ways in which their own culture and other cultures are similar and different
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. identify some of the ways that cultures evolve over time
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. seek out opportunities to enter into contact with people from various cultures
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. identify and use a variety of strategies for enhancing interactions with people from a different culture
  • b. explore a situation from more than one perspective
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. explore opportunities for further education in German
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. explore increased opportunities for further education made possible because of their knowledge of languages and cultures
Strategies (10-9Y)
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
  • a. identify and use cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations
S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive, interpretive, productive
  • a. identify and use interactive, interpretive and productive strategies to enhance language use in a variety of situations
S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
  • a. identify and use cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations

See the Strategies Overview Section for examples of strategies.

Applications (20-9Y)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. understand factual information presented in authentic texts
  • b. share detailed information through a variety of text forms
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. express, explain and support their own opinions, perspectives and preferences in a variety of ways
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. explore ways to express strong emotions and feelings; e.g., using role-play
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. give and follow a complex sequence of instructions
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. express personal expectations, hopes, plans, goals and aspirations
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. contribute to the assessment of group activities by providing constructive feedback to group members
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. make suggestions or clarify misunderstandings to handle conflict situations
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. explore ideas presented in a variety of ways; e.g., informal discussions or personal writing
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. synthesize information from several sources
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. understand the concept of perspective and examine differing perspectives on an issue
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. apply problem-solving skills acquired in one situation to other situations
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun; e.g., create a video or podcast
  • b. use German to interpret and express humour for a specific audience; e.g., cartoons, jokes
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., create and perform a skit
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment; e.g., listen to music, read books and magazines
Language Competence (20-9Y)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand the main points and some supporting details of longer oral texts on a variety of topics
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce longer oral texts, providing some details to support the main points
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. manage longer interactions, with pauses for planning and repair
LC–2 interpret and produce written texts and visual representations
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand the main points and supporting details of longer written texts on a variety of topics
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce longer written texts on a variety of topics
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. identify the purposes, intended audiences, messages and points of view in a variety of visual media, in guided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings for specific purposes and audiences, using a variety of visual media
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. produce the sounds, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns of German
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. spell familiar lexical items accurately
  • b. apply mechanical conventions consistently
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. use a repertoire of words, phrases and expressions in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • science and technology
    • personal relationships
    • responsible citizenship
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • genitive case as a concept
    • demonstrative pronouns
    • adjective inflection
    • present tense of irregular (strong/ablaut) verbs
    • separable/inseparable prefix verbs
    • past perfect of commonly used verbs
    • identification and use of particles aber, auch, denn, mal, schon


    • position of wohl:
      • − for emphasis; e.g., Es stimmt wohl.
      • − likelihood; e.g., Er kommt wohl mit.
    • sentences with modal particles; e.g., doch, mal, eben, nun, schon, ja
    • passive voice (present)
    • present subjunctive mood for indirect speech
    • sentences using parenthetical structure

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • nominative/accusative/dative case as a concept
    • plural of nouns
    • possessive pronouns (dative)
    • demonstrative pronouns
    • definite and indefinite articles (nominative/accusative/dative)
    • present perfect of verbs (Perfekt)
    • simple past (selected verbs)
    • selected common modal verbs in simple past tense; e.g., können, sollen, wollen
    • present subjunctive of sein, haben
    • adverbs and adverbial phrases
    • da- and wo- compounds
    • two-way prepositions in prepositional phrases


    • imperative mood (plural)
    • subordinate clauses:
      • − introduced with conjunctions wenn, wann, als, ob, obwohl
      • − beginning with dass, weil
    • relative clauses (nominative)
    • sequencing; e.g., zuerst, dann, danach, schließlich
    • causality (denn, weil)
    • indicative sentences with:
      • − inversion for emphasis; e.g., Den Kuchen mag ich sehr.
      • − double infinitives; e.g., Sie haben die Hausaufgaben nicht machen wollen.
      • − infinitive clauses; e.g., Ich habe keine Lust die Hausaufgaben zu machen.

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements:
    • personal pronouns (plural accusative/dative)
    • possessive pronouns (nominative/accusative)
    • possessive adjectives (singular nominative/accusative)
    • comparison of adjectives (all forms)
    • reflexive verbs
    • future tense
    • adverbial form of adjectives
    • prepositional phrases (dative) beginning with aus, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu


    • formal address
    • negation (nicht/kein)
    • position of adverbs:
      • − of preference; e.g., gern
      • − of frequency; e.g., oft, manchmal
    • selected subordinate clauses beginning with dass, weil

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. explore and compare differences in register between spoken and written texts
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. examine the role of idiomatic expressions in culture
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. examine common language variations across multiple demographics
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. use social conventions in a variety of contexts; e.g., personal versus formal letters, text messages/e-mails versus letters
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. interpret and appropriately use nonverbal communication techniques in a variety of contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use a variety of references within texts; e.g., relative pronouns, da- and wo compounds
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. explore a variety of extended text forms in a variety of media; e.g., short stories, films, plays, magazine articles
  • b. explain the organization and structure of extended text forms
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. combine simple social interaction patterns to perform more complex transactions and interactions; e.g., suggestion–accept/decline–persuade/negotiate
Global Citizenship (20-9Y)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through exploration of German-speaking cultures.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. evaluate sources of information about the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of German-speaking cultures
  • a. explore and identify elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples; e.g., emblems and markers of national identity and their influence on contemporary ways of life and cultural values
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. apply knowledge of elements of the cultures to interpret texts
  • b. apply knowledge of diverse elements of the cultures to enhance interpersonal relations in familiar contexts
  • GC–1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
  • a. explain their understanding of how diverse cultural elements affect interpersonal relations
  • GC–1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
  • a. seek out and use opportunities to interact with members of the German-speaking community
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of own language(s)
  • a. analyze ways in which their own language(s) and German are similar and different; e.g., social conventions, text forms
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. describe factors that influence the status of languages; e.g., trade and commerce, history and colonization, technology
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. analyze ways in which their own culture and other cultures are similar and different
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. describe some causes of breakdown in communication and of misunderstanding when communicating with people from an unfamiliar culture
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. recognize contributions to human understanding and well-being made by people from a variety of cultures
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. use a variety of strategies for dealing with breakdowns in communication and with misunderstandings that occur when encountering an unfamiliar culture
  • b. appreciate diverse perspectives
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. explore careers in which knowledge of German can be applied
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. explore careers in which knowledge of additional languages and intercultural skills can be applied
Strategies (20-9Y)
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
  • a. select and use appropriate cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies to enhance language learning in a variety of situations
S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive, interpretive, productive
  • a. select and use appropriate interactive, interpretive and productive strategies to enhance language use in a variety of situations
S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
  • a. select and use appropriate cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies to enhance general learning in a variety of situations

See the Strategies Overview Section for examples of strategies.

Applications (30-9Y)
General Outcome for Applications

Students will use German in a variety of situations and for a variety of purposes.

A–1 to receive and impart information
  • A–1.1 share factual information
  • a. provide and explain information for a variety of audiences
A–2 to express emotions and personal perspectives
  • A–2.1 share ideas, thoughts, opinions, preferences
  • a. exchange and compare opinions in a variety of situations
  • A–2.2 share emotions, feelings
  • a. analyze and discuss the expression of emotions and feelings in a variety of media
A–3 to get things done
  • A–3.1 guide actions of others
  • a. make arguments to persuade others
  • A–3.2 state personal actions
  • a. speculate on and predict their own future actions
  • A–3.3 manage group actions
  • a. contribute to group activities by clarifying task goals, negotiating roles and suggesting procedures
A–4 to form, maintain and change interpersonal relationships
  • A–4.1 manage personal relationships
  • a. initiate and participate in social exchanges in formal situations; e.g., interviews, meeting the family of a significant other
A–5 to extend their knowledge of the world
  • A–5.1 discover and explore
  • a. compare their own insights and understandings with those of their classmates
  • A–5.2 gather and organize information
  • a. synthesize and evaluate information from several sources
  • A–5.3 explore opinions and values
  • a. explore underlying values in a variety of mass media; e.g., advertisements, political cartoons
  • A–5.4 solve problems
  • a. apply problem-solving skills to the resolution of real-life problems
A–6 for imaginative purposes and personal enjoyment
  • A–6.1 humour/fun
  • a. use German for fun; e.g., plan and carry out a project, present a play, plan and present a comedy night
  • b. use German to create and apply humour; e.g., adding humorous elements to a speech
  • A–6.2 creative/aesthetic purposes
  • a. use German creatively and for aesthetic purposes; e.g., write a short poem/lyrics, speak or write from the viewpoint of a designated character in a story
  • A–6.3 personal enjoyment
  • a. use German for personal enjoyment; e.g., watch films or television programs
Language Competence (30-9Y)
General Outcome for Language Competence

Students will understand and produce German effectively and competently.

LC–1 interpret and produce oral texts
  • LC–1.1 aural interpretation
  • a. understand a variety of longer oral texts, in unguided situations
  • LC–1.2 oral production
  • a. produce longer, coherent oral texts on a variety of topics, in unguided situations
  • LC–1.3 interactive fluency
  • a. engage in conversations in formal situations
  • b. participate in discussions on familiar topics
LC–2 interpret and produce written texts and visual representations
  • LC–2.1 interpretation of written texts
  • a. understand a variety of longer, more complex written texts on a range of topics
  • LC–2.2 written production
  • a. produce a variety of longer, more complex written texts on a range of topics
  • LC–2.3 viewing
  • a. identify some of the techniques and conventions used in a variety of visual media, in guided and unguided situations
  • LC–2.4 representing
  • a. communicate thoughts, ideas and feelings through visual media, using observed techniques and conventions
LC–3 attend to form
  • LC–3.1 phonology
  • a. produce the sounds, stress, rhythm and intonation patterns of German with ease
  • LC–3.2 orthography
  • a. spell familiar lexical items accurately
  • b. apply common mechanical conventions consistently and accurately
  • LC–3.3 lexicon
  • a. use a repertoire of words, phrases and expressions in familiar contexts, within a variety of lexical fields, including:
    • career and education options
    • life plans
    • personal identity
    • arts/literature
    • any other lexical fields that meet their needs and interests
  • LC–3.4 grammatical elements
  • a. use, in modelled situations,1 the following grammatical elements:
    • declension to distinguish gender, number, case (role/function)
    • possessive pronouns (genitive)
    • kennen/wissen/können distinction
    • dative verbs
    • past perfect
    • present participles used as adjectives/adverbs; e.g., Da ist ein schlafendes Kind.
      Er kam pfeifend ins Zimmer


    • passive voice (past)
    • relative clauses (all cases)
    • past subjunctive mood:
      • − formation (haben, sein, modal verbs); e.g., Er sagte, er sei krank. Er sagte, er wäre krank.
      • − to express wishes, doubt, uncertainty, polite request, obligation, conditional; e.g., Könntest du mir dein Buch borgen? Hätten Sie mich nur angerufen!
        Wenn ich Zeit hätte, würde ich ihn besuchen.

    1Modelled Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a model of specific linguistic elements is consistently provided and immediately available. Students in such situations will have an emerging awareness of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in very limited situations. Limited fluency and confidence characterize student language.

  • b. use, in structured situations,2 the following grammatical elements:
    • genitive case as a concept
    • demonstrative pronouns
    • adjective inflection
    • separable/inseparable prefix verbs
    • past tense of verbs
    • formation of present subjunctive for common verbs; e.g., …er käme, sie hoffe
    • two-way prepositions in prepositional phrases
    • identification and use of particles aber, auch, denn, mal, schon


    • position of wohl:
      • − for emphasis; e.g., Es stimmt wohl.
      • − likelihood; e.g., Er kommt wohl mit.
    • sentences with:
      • − modal particles; e.g., doch, mal, eben, nun, schon, ja
      • − inversion for emphasis; e.g., Den Kuchen mag ich sehr.
      • − double infinitives; e.g., Sie haben die Hausaufgaben nicht machen wollen.
      • − subordinate clauses beginning with während
      • − relative clauses (common); e.g., Das ist das Auto, das mir gefällt.
    • sentences using:
      • − parenthetical structure
      • − passive voice (present)
      • − present subjunctive mood for indirect speech

    2Structured Situations: This term is used to describe learning situations where a familiar context for the use of specific linguistic elements is provided and students are guided in the use of these linguistic elements. Students in such situations will have increased awareness and emerging control of the linguistic elements and will be able to apply them in familiar contexts with teacher guidance. Student language is characterized by increasing fluency and confidence.

  • c. use, independently and consistently,3 the following grammatical elements:
    • nominative/accusative/dative case as a concept
    • plural of familiar nouns
    • possessive pronouns (dative)
    • possessive adjectives (singular dative)
    • definite and indefinite articles (nominative/accusative/dative)
    • present perfect tense (familiar regular, common irregular verbs)
    • common separable prefix verbs
    • simple past tense (Imperfekt) of common selected verbs and modal verbs (können, sollen, wollen)
    • adverbs and adverbial phrases
    • da- and wo- compounds


    • imperative mood (plural)
    • sequencing; e.g., zuerst, dann, danach, schließlich
    • causality (denn, weil)
    • selected subordinate clauses:
      • − introduced with conjunctions wenn, wann, als, ob, obwohl
      • − relative (common); e.g., Das ist das Auto, das mir gefällt.
      • − infinitive; e.g., Ich habe keine Lust die Hausaufgaben zu machen.

    3Independently and Consistently: This term is used to describe learning situations where students use specific linguistic elements consistently in a variety of contexts with limited or no teacher guidance. Fluency and confidence characterize student language.

LC–4 apply knowledge of the sociocultural context
  • LC–4.1 register
  • a. adjust language to suit audience and purpose
  • LC–4.2 idiomatic expressions
  • a. interpret unfamiliar idiomatic expressions in a variety of contexts
  • b. use idiomatic expressions appropriately in familiar lexical fields
  • LC–4.3 variations in language
  • a. demonstrate respect for regional and other variations in language
  • b. recognize other influences resulting in variations in language; e.g., education, occupation
  • LC–4.4 social conventions
  • a. use social conventions in a variety of contexts; e.g., workplace etiquette, telephone manners, public speaking
  • LC–4.5 nonverbal communication
  • a. apply nonverbal communication techniques appropriately in a variety of contexts
LC–5 apply knowledge of how discourse is organized, structured and sequenced
  • LC–5.1 cohesion/coherence
  • a. use appropriate words and phrases to show a variety of relationships within texts; e.g., jedoch, obwohl, einerseits … andererseits
  • LC–5.2 text forms
  • a. analyze the way various media and purposes lead to differences in the way texts are organized and presented
  • LC–5.3 patterns of social interaction
  • a. use a wide range of simple social interaction patterns flexibly to deal with transactions and interactions
Global Citizenship (30-9Y)
General Outcome for Global Citizenship

Students will acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes to be effective global citizens, through exploration of German-speaking cultures.

GC–1 historical and contemporary elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.1 accessing/analyzing cultural knowledge
  • a. represent researched and substantiated information from a variety of sources about elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples
  • GC–1.2 knowledge of German-speaking cultures
  • a. identify and analyze some elements of the cultures of German-speaking peoples; e.g., social and political institutions and their influence on contemporary ways of life and cultural values
  • GC–1.3 applying cultural knowledge
  • a. apply knowledge of elements of the cultures to interpret texts
  • b. apply knowledge of diverse elements of the cultures to enhance interpersonal relations in a variety of contexts
  • GC–1.4 diversity within German-speaking cultures
  • a. evaluate how diverse cultural elements of German-speaking peoples, as represented in texts and in a variety of contexts, influence interpersonal relations
  • GC–1.5 valuing German-speaking cultures
  • a. seek out and use opportunities to interact with individuals from German-speaking cultures
GC–2 appreciating diversity
  • GC–2.1 awareness of own language(s)
  • a. identify and examine aspects of their personal style in both speech and writing
  • b. analyze how learning German affects their personal communication style
  • GC–2.2 general language knowledge
  • a. recognize the systematic nature of language
  • GC–2.3 awareness of own culture
  • a. identify ethnocentric attitudes within their own culture
  • GC–2.4 general cultural knowledge
  • a. identify some of the ways that individuals acquire their cultural identity/identities and participate in their society
  • GC–2.5 valuing diversity
  • a. recognize the intrinsic value of cultural and linguistic diversity for themselves and for the global society
  • GC–2.6 intercultural skills
  • a. identify ethnocentric perspectives in a document or an event and explain their origins
GC–3 personal and career opportunities
  • GC–3.1 German language and culture
  • a. explore applications of German language and culture in the global workplace
  • GC–3.2 cultural and linguistic diversity
  • a. explore applications of language and culture learning in the global community
Strategies (30-9Y)
General Outcome for Strategies

Students will know and use strategies to maximize the effectiveness of learning and communication.

S–1 language learning
  • S–1.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
  • a. use cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies appropriately and effectively to enhance language learning
S–2 language use
  • S–2.1 interactive, interpretive, productive
  • a. use interactive, interpretive and productive strategies appropriately and effectively in a variety of situations to enhance language use
S–3 general learning
  • S–3.1 cognitive, metacognitive, social/affective
  • a. use cognitive, metacognitive and social/affective strategies appropriately and effectively to enhance general learning

See the Strategies Overview Section for examples of strategies.

Resources to support: