Social Studies – Grade 1 Close this window
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Interviewing Family Members

Interview an adult family member with three powerful questions about how changes over time have affected your family.

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Books listed as references have not been reviewed or approved by Alberta Education.

Title: My Kokum Called Today
Description: When a young Cree girl living in the city gets a phone call from her grandmother inviting her and her mother to visit the reserve for the weekend, she knows she's in for a treat. On previous visits, she has found and learned about the healing aspects of plants, as well as enjoyed the traditional intergenerational activity of baking—in this case, home-made bannock topped with wild-berry jam. This time, the special event is a round dance. The story gives the reader information about life among Aboriginal peoples, especially those living on a reserve.
Author/Editor: Leowen, Iris
Published by: Winnipeg, MB: Pemmican Publications, 1993


Title: Firedancers
Description: A young Ojibwa girl and her grandmother have taken the motorboat to Smooth Rock Island many times before, but never at night. Filled with a strange feeling and sensing the presence of others although she sees no one else, the young girl listens as noko, her grandmother, tells of coming to the island for ceremonial dances. Listening for the sound of moccasins and trying to be brave, the granddaughter finally sees ancestors dancing in the fire's smoke, and she joins her grandmother as a Firedancer.
Author/Editor: Waboose, Jan Bourdeau
Published by: Toronto, ON: Stoddart Kids, 1999


Title: Morning on the Lake
Description: An Ojibwa boy and his grandfather spend a full day in the wilderness. From a morning encounter with a family of loons on the lake, to an evening face-off with some wolves, the boy is reassured by his grandfather's presence and wisdom. Quiet in tone, the contemplative first-person narrative brings the Ojibway view of the world into focus.
Author/Editor: Waboose, Jan Bourdeau
Published by: Toronto, ON: Kids Can Press, 1997


Title: Where Did You Get Your Moccasins?
Description: A young boy explains to his friends at school that his kokum, or grandmother, made his new beaded moccasins from the skin of a deer that his father had hunted for her.
Author/Editor: Wheeler, Bernelda
Published by: Winnipeg, MB: Pemmican Publications, 1986
Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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