Social Studies – Grade 3 Close this window
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Imagine If...

If you and your family were to move to one of the four selected communities, what would be the greatest positive difference in your lives?

Outcomes References Related Resources

Suggested Activities

In this challenge, which might serve as a culminating activity to the inquiry, students consider the positive differences in their lives if they moved to one of the four profiled communities in India, Tunisia, Peru or Ukraine. Model this activity with a location that would likely be familiar to students (e.g., Vancouver, rural Alberta if students live in a big city, or Edmonton if students are from rural Alberta). Ask students to identify five positive differences between living in this location and their own home community (e.g., climate, vegetation, activities at school). One by one, discuss the implications of each difference on a variety of fronts: personal development and learning, health, lifestyle, opportunities and adventures. Ask students to consider which difference would have had the biggest positive impact on their lives in light of two criteria:

  • the change should be frequent
  • and make a significant positive difference in their lives.

Ask students to provide reasons for their conclusion.

Once students understand the format, assign them in groups to apply this procedure to the differences in their lives if they and their family were to move to one of the four communities. Ask each group to review what they have learned about life in their profiled community and ask them to make a list of positive features before students individually select the greatest positive difference for themselves. You may want to adapt the strategies and charts for Selecting the Best Thing (Support Material) to structure and assess this activity. Arrange for students to share their conclusions with the rest of the class and discuss why students might choose different features (e.g., because of personal interests, value priorities, individual circumstances).

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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