Social Studies – Grade 8 Close this window
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Great City-states of the Renaissance

Rank selected Italian city-states in order of their influence in shaping a Renaissance worldview.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources


Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning
This table identifies only learning outcomes that are assessed by using the summative student task. Other outcomes for this critical challenge are addressed through instruction. The full list of learning outcomes can be found in the Outcomes section of this critical challenge.

Criteria for Evaluation
Students provide evidence of their learning as they:
Related Learner Outcomes
  • access and retrieve information
Specific Outcome
  • How did increased trade lead to the emergence of powerful city-states (i.e., Florence, Venice, Genoa)? (TCC, CC, ER)
Specific Outcome 8.S.7.16
  • Students will access and retrieve information through the electronic network
  • draw conclusions
Specific Outcome 8.S.7.3
  • Students will draw conclusions based upon research and evidence
  • support conclusions
Specific Outcome 8.S.7.2
  • Students will develop a position that is supported by information gathered through research
  • communicate information
Specific Outcome 8.S.8.1
  • Students will communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner through speeches, multimedia presentations and written and oral reports, taking particular audiences and purposes into consideration

Assessment for Learning (Formative)
Formative assessment provides opportunities for students to receive feedback. Formative feedback is used solely to help students improve their performance.

Three formative tools are provided to help students with this task.

Student Self-reflection: Providing Evidence (Assessment) provides a structure to help students reflect on the quality of the evidence they are including in their graphic organizer.

Peer Coaching Feedback: Communicating Effectively in an Oral Presentation (Assessment) and Peer Coaching Feedback: Communicating Effectively in a Written Presentation (Assessment) can help students improve the quality of their communication.

Assessment of Learning (Summative)
Summative assessment takes place after instruction and after students have had a chance to practice and receive feedback on their work. Summative assessment provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate what they know and can do.

The Rubric for Great City-states of the Renaissance (Assessment) can be used to evaluate student performance on the culminating summative task.


Assessment support provided by the Alberta Assessment Consortium (AAC).

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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