Social Studies – Grade 11 Close this window
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A Charter of National Duties

Create a charter of a nation's rights and duties that lays out obligations and limits of a nation's pursuit of its interests.

Suggested Activities Outcomes References Related Resources

Specific Outcomes

This critical challenge may address these outcomes:

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 20-1

Specific Outcome 2.1 - Students will appreciate that nations and states pursue national interest (TCC, GC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 2.3 - Students will appreciate multiple perspectives related to the pursuit of national interest (TCC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 2.4 - Students will explore the relationship between nationalism and the pursuit of national interest (PADM, I, LPP)
Specific Outcome 2.6 - Students will analyze the relationship between nationalism and ultranationalism (PADM, I)
Specific Outcome 2.7 - Students will analyze nationalism and ultranationalism during times of conflict (causes of the First and Second World Wars, examples of nationalism and ultranationalism from the First and Second World Wars, ultranationalism in Japan, internments in Canada, conscription crises) (PADM, TCC, GC, LPP)
Specific Outcome S.1.1 - Students will evaluate ideas and information from multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.1.2 - Students will determine relationships among multiple and varied sources of information
Specific Outcome S.2.7 - Students will develop a reasoned position that is informed by historical and contemporary evidence
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will demonstrate leadership during discussions and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.5 - Students will respect the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will draw pertinent conclusions based on evidence derived from research
Specific Outcome S.7.4 - Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of research tools and strategies to investigate issues
Specific Outcome S.7.5 - Students will consult a wide variety of sources, including oral histories, that reflect varied perspectives on particular issues
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will integrate and synthesize argumentation and evidence to provide an informed opinion on a research question or an issue of inquiry
Specific Outcome S.7.8 - Students will select and analyze relevant information when conducting research
Specific Outcome S.8.5 - Students will use a variety of oral, visual and print sources to present informed positions on issues
Specific Outcome S.8.8 - Students will compose, revise and edit text

Curriculum Outcomes Addressed: 20-2

Specific Outcome 2.1 - Students will appreciate that nations and states pursue national interest (TCC, GC, PADM)
Specific Outcome 2.3 - Students will appreciate multiple perspectives related to the pursuit of national interest (TCC)
Specific Outcome 2.4 - Students will explore the concept of national interest (PADM, I, LPP)
Specific Outcome 2.5 - Students will explore the relationship between nationalism and the pursuit of national interest (PADM, I)
Specific Outcome 2.7 - Students will examine similarities and differences between nationalism and ultranationalism (PADM, I)
Specific Outcome S.1.1 - Students will analyze ideas and information from multiple sources
Specific Outcome S.1.2 - Students will determine relationships among multiple sources of information
Specific Outcome S.2.7 - Students will develop reasoned arguments supported by historical and contemporary evidence
Specific Outcome S.5.2 - Students will make meaningful contributions to discussion and group work
Specific Outcome S.5.4 - Students will consider the points of view and perspectives of others
Specific Outcome S.7.2 - Students will develop conclusions based on evidence gathered through research of a wide variety of sources
Specific Outcome S.7.3 - Students will use research tools and methods to investigate issues
Specific Outcome S.7.4 - Students will consult a wide variety of sources, including oral histories, that reflect varied perspectives on particular issues
Specific Outcome S.7.5 - Students will revise questions on an issue as new information becomes available
Specific Outcome S.7.6 - Students will select relevant information when conducting research
Specific Outcome S.8.3 - Students will use a variety of oral, visual and print sources to present informed positions on issues
Specific Outcome S.8.6 - Students will use technology to compose, revise and edit text
C Citizenship
ER Economics and Resources
CC Culture and Community
I Identity
LPP The Land: Places and People
GC Global Connections
TCC Time, Continuity and Change
PADM Power, Authority, and Decision Making
Last updated: May 30, 2008 | (Revision History)
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