About Benchmarks 2.0


The Alberta K–12 English as an Additional Language Proficiency Benchmarks (Benchmarks 2.0) was developed on the strong foundation of Benchmarks 1.0. Benchmarks 2.0 is an assessment tool to support educators in identifying the language proficiency levels of students who meet the criteria for requiring English as an additional language (EAL) programming and instruction. 

Benchmarks 2.0 can be used in any subject area to

  • assess initial and ongoing language proficiency levels
  • inform language instruction and programming 
  • set appropriate language-learning goals 
  • determine language-learning supports and resources 
  • evaluate the effectiveness of instruction and programming 
  • monitor and report language proficiency and academic development 
  • communicate language proficiency levels to students and their parents/guardians

Benchmarks 2.0 reflects that

  • EAL learners require programming and language instruction to build English fluency for successful access to education in Alberta
  • subject areas are instructed in a language EAL learners are still developing fluency in (in English education)
  • teachers plan explicit language instruction to support EAL and content learning in subject areas
  • a student’s home language(s) and culture are valuable learning tools that help them develop English

Classroom teachers can use Benchmarks 2.0 to assess a student’s English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in any subject area while observing student interactions, meeting with students, and/or reviewing student work or test results. Assessments and assignments require adaptation for students at beginner levels and differentiation for students at intermediate and advanced levels.

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