Social Studies – Grade 2 Close this window
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Recreating a Traditional Celebration

Plan a class celebration that reflects your understanding of the customs of one of the communities.

Outcomes References Related Resources

Suggested Activities

In this challenge, students explore the traditions of one or more of the communities (Inuit, Acadian and prairie) as they plan a class celebration. Announce to the class that a particular event will be celebrated (e.g., saying good-bye to a student or staff member, celebrating a school or community anniversary, honoring a special achievement) and that students are invited to draw upon the traditions of one or more of the communities they have been studying to plan this celebration. Review what students have learned thus far about these cultures and provide students with library books and websites to learn more about these traditions. Allow time for students to gather information and discuss their findings. Explain that the information is to be used to design a class celebration based on these traditions. Encourage students to be authentic in recreating these practices (use traditional cooking methods and materials, eating methods and traditional utensils). Invite students to work in small groups to plan various aspects of the program for the celebration. Explain that the celebration should contain events and food and that the significance and the story behind each aspect should be explained.

Assemble the list of proposed events and invite students to prepare a printed program for the celebration. This can be done manually or electronically (using software such as Microsoft Publisher). In creating their program, encourage students to select a design, colours and symbols that reflect the traditions that have inspired their celebration. Arrange for students to carry out the celebration they have planned.

Last updated: July 1, 2014 | (Revision History)
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