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Take Pictures Anywhere

Virtual Visit allows you to take pictures anywhere in the building.

  • By clicking on the camera icon in the upper left part of the tour window, a camera is activated and replaces your avatar.
  • You can then pan in any direction, zoom in or out, and snap a picture.
  • The picture is saved to your computer's clipboard and each picture taken replaces the previous one.
  • To preserve a picture, paste it into a different application before taking another.

Useful Tip
It is possible to snap up to 24 images in a row and have them all saved for later use.

  • Before launching Virtual Visit, start Microsoft Word (version 2003 or later) and hold down the Ctrl key while tapping the C key twice.
  • On a Mac, open the Tools menu and choose Scrapbook. This will activate the Office Clipboard.
  • Leave Microsoft Word or Scrapbook open, switch applications to your web browser and launch Virtual Visit.
  • You can now take up to 24 pictures and they will all be recorded into the Office Clipboard in Microsoft Word.

The ability to take pictures anywhere during your Virtual Visit is an excellent tool when creating a report or presentation on the Alberta Legislature. You can also take a picture of yourself or your entire class on the steps of the Grand Staircase. The camera behaves a little differently here in that the picture is always taken from the same perspective: looking up the staircase. You can stand on the stairs (turn and face the camera by looking toward the fountain) and activate the camera. Gather all your classmates’ avatars on the Grand Staircase to get a class picture in the virtual Legislature!

Note: The camera is only available in the Discover the Legislature Building on Your Own mode.